[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - News_20040712_1

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 7月 12日 (月) 21:55:36 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?News_20040712_1
  = News (2004-07-12)
  == 3 new samples are now available!
  ((*Posted by Masao on 2004-07-12 (Mon) 12:51:07*))
  3 new samples are now available.
  All of them are so cool/useful. Enjoy!
- === ((<Gnome Canvas Clock>)) by Geoff Youngs
+ === ((<Analog Clock|Gnome Canvas Clock>)) by Geoff Youngs
  Simple, but beautiful clock. For Ruby/GnomeCanvas2, Ruby/GNOME2.
- === ((<Gnome Canvas Credits>)) by Geoff Youngs
+ === ((<Scrolling Credits display|Gnome Canvas Credits>)) by Geoff Youngs
  Vertical scrolling text display with fading at the edges. For Ruby/GnomeCanvas2, Ruby/GNOME2
  === ((<Tabbed Notebook MDI|MDI>)) by Sam Stephenson
  An MDI widget that uses tabs to represent documents. This is a real widget written with Ruby/GTK2. You can use it as a library from your own application, and you can also study how to make a real widget with Ruby. For Ruby/GLib, Ruby/GTK2

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