[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gtk::SourceView

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 5月 16日 (日) 01:30:07 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gtk%3A%3ASourceView
= class Gtk::SourceView
A view on a source.

== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::Object
        * Gtk::Widget
          * Gtk::Container
            * Gtk::TextView
              * Gtk::SourceView

== Class Methods
--- Gtk::SourceView.new(buffer=nil)
    Creates a new Gtk::SourceView.  If buffer is not provided or nil, an empty
    buffer will be created for you.  Note that one buffer can be shared among
    many widgets.
    * buffer: a Gtk::SourceBuffer object.  
    * Returns: a newly created Gtk::SourceView object.

== Instance Methods
--- get_marker_type(marker_type)
    Gets the pixbuf which is associated with the given marker_type.
    * marker_type: a marker type (as a string).  
    * Returns: a Gdk::Pixbuf object if found, or nil if not found.

--- set_marker_pixbuf(marker_type, pixbuf)
    Associates a given pixbuf with a given marker_type.
    * pixbuf: a Gdk::Pixbuf object.  
    * marker_type: a marker type (as a string). 
    * Returns: self.

== Properties
--- auto-indent: true or false (Read/Write)
    Whether to enable auto indentation.

--- insert-spaces-instead-of-tabs: true or false (Read/Write)
    Whether to insert spaces instead of tabs.

--- margin: Integer (Read/Write)
    Position of the right margin.

--- show-line-markers: true or false (Read/Write)
    Whether to display line marker pixbufs.

--- show-line-numbers: true or false (Read/Write)
    Whether to display line numbers.

--- show-margin: true or false (Read/Write)
    Whether to display the right margin.

--- smart-home-end: true or false (Read/Write)
    HOME and END keys move to first/last characters on line first before going to the start/end of the line.

--- tabs-width: Integer (Read/Write)
    Tabs Width.

== Signals
--- redo

--- undo

== See Also

- ((<lrz>))

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