[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gtk::RcStyle

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 3月 29日 (火) 16:09:46 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/hiki/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3ARcStyle
TITLE       = Gtk::RcStyle
KEYWORD     = 
= class Gtk::RcStyle
Gtk::RcStyle is used to represent a set of information about the appearance of a widget. This can later be composited together with other Gtk::RcStyle to form a Gtk::Style. 

== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::RcStyle

== Class Methods
--- Gtk::RcStyle.new
    Creates a new Gtk::RcStyle with no fields set. 
    * Returns: the newly-created Gtk::RcStyle  

== Instance Methods
--- name
    Gets the name.
    * Returns: name
--- name=(name)
    Sets the name.
    * name: the name
    * Returns: name
--- set_name(name)
    Same as name=.
    * name: the name
    * Returns: self

--- bg_pixmap_name(state)
    Gets the background pixmap name on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * Returns: self
--- set_bg_pixmap_name(state, name)
    Sets the background pixmap name on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * name: a pixmap-name.
    * Returns: name

--- font_desc
    Gets the font description.
    * Returns: the Pango::FontDescription or nil
--- font_desc=(font_desc)
    Sets the font description
    * font_desc: a Pango::FontDescription
    * Returns: font_desc
--- set_font_desc(font_desc)
    Same as font_desc=.
    * font_desc: a Pango::FontDescription
    * Returns: self

--- color_flags(state)
    Gets the color flags on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * Returns: the color flags(((<GtkRcFlags|Gtk::RC#GtkRcFlags>)))
--- set_color_flags(state, flags)
    Sets the color flags on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * flags: the color flags(((<GtkRcFlags|Gtk::RC#GtkRcFlags>)))
    * Returns: self

--- fg(state)
    Gets the foreground color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * Returns: the Gdk::Color
--- set_fg(state, fg)
    Sets the foreground color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * fg: a new Gdk::Color
    * Returns: self

--- bg(state)
    Gets the background color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * Returns: the Gdk::Color
--- set_bg(state, bg)
    Sets the background color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * bg: a new Gdk::Color
    * Returns: self

--- text(state)
    Gets the background color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * Returns: the Gdk::Color
--- set_text(state, text)
    Sets the background color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * text: a new Gdk::Color
    * Returns: self

--- base(state)
    Gets the background color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * Returns: the Gdk::Color
--- set_base(state, base)
    Sets the background color on the state.
    * state: ((<GtkStateType|Gtk#GtkStateType>))
    * base: a new Gdk::Color
    * Returns: self

--- xthickness
    Gets the xthickness which is used for various padding values in GTK, such as the space taken up by frames.
    * Returns: xthickness(Integer)
--- xthickness=(xthickness)
    Sets the xthickness which is used for various padding values in GTK, such as the space taken up by frames.
    * xthickness: xthickness(Integer)
    * Returns: xthickness
--- set_xthickness(xthickness)
    Same as xthickness=.
    * xthickness: xthickness(Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- ythickness
    Gets the ythickness which is used for various padding values in GTK, such as the space taken up by frames.
    * Returns: ythickness(Integer)
--- ythickness=(ythickness)
    Sets the ythickness which is used for various padding values in GTK, such as the space taken up by frames.
    * ythickness: ythickness(Integer)
    * Returns: ythickness
--- set_ythickness(ythickness)
    Same as ythickness=.
    * ythickness: ythickness(Integer)
    * Returns: self

== See Also
((<Gtk::RC>)), Gtk::Style

== ChangeLog
* 2005-03-29: Added. - ((<Masao>))

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