[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-mnstbs-statb

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 10月 26日 (金) 22:46:56 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-mnstbs-statb
@@ -55,24 +55,11 @@
 There is a slight problem with Ruby implementation, however. Look at the two pictures. One at the top on the right hand side shows us what we get when we run the current C GTK+, the bottom one here on the left is the Ruby version. You can see that the Ruby version does not handle multiple signals on a menu item correctly, namely the ((*enter_notify_event*)) seems to have disturbed the ((*'activate'*)) event, which in Ruby version misses the highlight on the item over which the mouse cursor hovers.
  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  require 'gtk2'
- def statusbar_hint(menui, event, statusbar, hints)
-   cntxt_id = statusbar.get_context_id("StatBarHints")
-   if event.event_type == Gdk::Event::ENTER_NOTIFY
-     statusbar.push(cntxt_id, hints[menui.name])
-   else
-     statusbar.pop(cntxt_id)
-   end
-   return  # Mandatory, if used together with another signal handler that
-           # needs to update screen activity, like browsing menu choices! 
- end
  # Create the poup menu with three items and a separator.
  # Then, attach it to the progress bar and show it to the
  # user.
@@ -90,12 +77,2 @@
              "fill"  => "Set the progress bar to 100%.",
              "clear" => "Clear the progress bar to 0%."
+   pulse.signal_connect('activate') { pulse_activated(sbar, progb) }
+   fill.signal_connect('activate')  { fill_activated(sbar, progb) }
+   clear.signal_connect('activate') { clear_activated(sbar, progb) }
    pulse.signal_connect('enter_notify_event') { |w, e| statusbar_hint(w, e, sbar, smsgs) }
    fill.signal_connect('enter_notify_event')  { |w, e| statusbar_hint(w, e, sbar, smsgs) }
    clear.signal_connect('enter_notify_event') { |w, e| statusbar_hint(w, e, sbar, smsgs) }
@@ -104,36 +94,49 @@
    fill.signal_connect('leave_notify_event')  { |w, e| statusbar_hint(w, e, sbar, smsgs) }
    clear.signal_connect('leave_notify_event') { |w, e| statusbar_hint(w, e, sbar, smsgs) }
-   pulse.signal_connect('activate') { |w| pulse_activated(w, progb) }
-   fill.signal_connect('activate')  { |w| fill_activated(w, progb) }
-   clear.signal_connect('activate') { |w| clear_activated(w, progb) }
+ # Show in status bar what this menu item will do. 
+ def statusbar_hint(menui, event, sbar, hints)
+   cntxt_id = sbar.get_context_id("StatBarHints")
+   if event.event_type == Gdk::Event::ENTER_NOTIFY
+     sbar.push(cntxt_id, hints[menui.name])
+   else
+     sbar.pop(cntxt_id)
+   end
+   return  # Mandatory, if used together with another signal handler that
+           # needs to update screen activity, like browsing menu choices! 
+ end
- def pulse_activated(menuitem, progbar)
-   puts "pulse_activated"
+ # Update curently selected state in progres bar 
+ def pulse_activated(sbar, progbar)
+   return if progbar.text == "Pulse!"
    progbar.text = "Pulse!"
+   cntxt_id = sbar.get_context_id("CurrentStatus")
+   sbar.pop(cntxt_id)
+   sbar.push(cntxt_id, "Pulsating")
- def fill_activated(menuitem, progbar)
-   puts "fill_activated"
+ # Update curently selected state in progres bar 
+ def fill_activated(sbar, progbar)
+   return if progbar.text == "One Hundred Percent"
    progbar.fraction = 1.0
    progbar.text = "One Hundred Percent"
+   cntxt_id = sbar.get_context_id("CurrentStatus")
+   sbar.pop(cntxt_id)
+   sbar.push(cntxt_id, "Set to filled")
- def clear_activated(menuitem, progbar)
-   puts "clear_activated"
+ # Update curently selected state in progres bar 
+ def clear_activated(sbar, progbar)
+   return if progbar.text == "Reset to Zero"
    progbar.fraction = 0.0
    progbar.text = "Reset to Zero"
+   cntxt_id = sbar.get_context_id("CurrentStatus")
+   sbar.pop(cntxt_id)
+   sbar.push(cntxt_id, "Cleared (ready to pulsate)")
- window = Gtk::Window.new("Ruby: Status Bar Hints")
+ window = Gtk::Window.new("Status Bar Hints & State")
  window.resizable = true
  window.border_width = 10
  window.signal_connect('destroy') { Gtk.main_quit }
- window.set_size_request(250, -1)
+ window.set_size_request(275, -1)
  # Create all of the necessary widgets and initialize the popup menu.
  menu = Gtk::Menu.new
@@ -165,7 +178,19 @@

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