[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Gtk::TreeModelSort

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2014年 6月 16日 (月) 18:48:06 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3ATreeModelSort
@@ -1,31 +1,38 @@
-= class Gtk::TreeModelSort
+= Gtk::TreeModelSort クラス
-== Object Hierarchy
+== オブジェクト階層
 * Object
   * GLib::Instantiatable
     * GLib::Object
       * Gtk::TreeModelSort
-== Included Modules
+== インクルードされているモジュール
+* Gtk::TreeDragSource
 * Gtk::TreeSortable
 * Gtk::TreeModel
+* GLib::Interface
-== Class Methods
+== クラスメソッド
 --- Gtk::TreeModelSort.new(child_model)
     Creates a new Gtk::TreeModel, with child_model as the child_model.
     * child_model: A Gtk::TreeModel 
     * Returns: A new Gtk::TreeModel. 
-== Instance Methods
+== インスタンスメソッド
 --- model
     Returns the model the Gtk::TreeModelSort is sorting.
     * Returns: the "child model" being sorted 
 --- model=(child_model)
+    ((*存在しない?*))
     Sets the model of the Gtk::TreeModelSort to be child_model.  If child_model is nil, then the old model is unset.  The sort method is unset as a result of this call. This method is for construct time only.
     The model will be in an unsorted state until a sort method is set.
     * child_model: A Gtk::TreeModel, or nil.
     * Returns: model
 --- set_model(child_model)
+    ((*存在しない?*))
     Same as Gtk::TreeModelSort#model=.
     * child_model: A Gtk::TreeModel, or nil.
     * Returns: self
@@ -58,13 +65,23 @@
     This method should almost never be called. It clears the Gtk::TreeModelSort of any cached iterators that haven't been reffed by GTK+. This might be useful if the child model being sorted is static (and doesn't change often) and there has been a lot of unreffed access to nodes. As a side effect of this method, all unreffed iters will be invalid.
     * Returns: self
-== Properties
+--- iter_is_valid?()
+    ((*要編集*))
+== プロパティ
 --- model: Gtk::TreeModel (Read/Write)
     The model for the TreeModelSort to sort
-== See Also
+== 関連ページ
-- ((<Masao>))
+== 更新履歴
+* 2014-06-16 クラスのメンバ項目の存在チェック("存在しない?"とマーク)。リストから漏れているものを追加。 - ((<きたがわ>))
+* - ((<Masao>))

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