Laurent Sansonetti
Wed Dec 13 22:07:31 JST 2006
More stuff! - I changed again the metadata format to fix important issues but also to be able to override the return and/or arguments values of methods to a certain type. - Now the bridge support files will always be generated if the generator is younger than them (so that Hisa-san's problem won't appear again). - I added a new sample code, sample/RubyCGPDFViewer, which is a Ruby port of /Developer/Examples/Quartz/PDF/CGPDFViewer. This is a pure CoreGraphics PDF viewer. The previous sample code RubyPDFKitViewer is based on PDFKit. RubyCGPDFViewer is cool because it has a drawing method in pure Ruby that calls CoreGraphics! Please try it if you can :) Laurent