[Rubycocoa-devel 562] rubycocoa 0.9 questions and confusions

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jeanp****@gmail***** jeanp****@gmail*****
Fri Jan 5 08:13:32 JST 2007

hi hi -

continuing on from my earlier investigations posted to the rubycocoa-talk
list, i installed rubycocoa 0.9 from source and gave it a whirl. i've run
into a few oddities that i thought i'd ask about.

[1] for some reason, i can't seem to compile objC code into a bundle and
require it in ruby *unless* i name the bundle client.bundle. i have attached
a little sample project, if you run rake it'll build 'client.bundle' from
the provided source and if you run helper.rb it'll just print out a quick
debug line after requiring the built bundle. strangely enough, if i name the
bundle something other than 'client.bundle' and require it in helper.rb, it
gives me a load error on the require:

    LoadError: Failed to lookup Init function ./schoolkid.bundle

exactly the same code, just using a different bundle name...

[2] is rubycocoa doing some sort of memory management on allocated objC
objects? i thought with 0.5 that if i allocated and initialized an objC
derived object that i'd also need to release it, but with 0.9, doing so
causes a segfault.

  kid = OSX::SchoolKid.alloc.init

[BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i686-darwin8.8.1]

when running rubycocoa from irb and alloc/init'ing objects then releasing
them, i get a bus error:
[BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i686-darwin8.8.1]

zsh: abort      irb

[3] should i be able to override objC methods in ruby? if i have some objC
  @interface SchoolKid : NSObject {
  - (NSString *)saySomething;

  @implementation SchoolKid
  - (NSString *)saySomething {
      return @"sorry, I am quiet";

and try to reopen the class in ruby to override a method, nothing happens:
  class OSX::SchoolKid
    def saySomething
      puts "hi"

but i can subclass and override:
  class OtherKid < OSX::SchoolKid
    def saySomething
      puts "halllo"

ns_overrides seems to have disappeared, is there a proper way to do this?
(i'm trying to mock objC objects in ruby).

[4] is OSX.ns_import no longer required?

thats all for now =)
thanks for any help that can be provided!
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#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface SchoolKid : NSObject {

- (NSString *)saySomething;

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