[Rubycocoa-devel 1025] Re: NSApp.sendAction_to_from leads crash

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Naoki Hiroshima n+rub****@h7a*****
Tue Jun 26 06:32:32 JST 2007


On 6/25/07, Laurent Sansonetti <lsans****@apple*****> wrote:
> I see that you are using Thread. Currently it's not possible to use
> Ruby threads mixed with ObjC code because of their implementation (not
> native but using setjmp/longjmp) that doesn't behave well with the
> NSThread contextual data. This sometimes results in the error you get.

Ok, that makes perfect sense.

> But Jonathan Paisley made patches to work around this issue, and I
> will integrate them for 1.0. I still didn't integrate them because of
> lack of time. I don't have them handy but If you need them you can
> search the mail archives (you should hit some results). The patches
> modify both RubyCocoa and Ruby.

Thanks a lot.  I found the post at:

I don't know why google didn't give me the post last night :-/

So, I wonder if the ruby part of the patch is known to be going to be
applied.  The Jonathan's nice patch may prevent the crash which is
great but won't solve the real issue of Thread unless ruby is fixed,

-- Hiroshima

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