Radio-Activo is a software for radio stations programming (music scheduling). It will have automatic and manual programming generation. The general songs catalog can be imported from ogg and mp3 files. It will let you manage multiple radio-stations
Latest 5 files |
Name | Size | Date | Download count |
ui_select_estacion.h | 5.1 KB | 2009-11-18 05:56 | 6 |
ui_radioactivo.h | 10.6 KB | 2009-11-18 05:55 | 5 |
ui_pideclaveestacion.h | 4.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:55 | 2 |
ui_man_genero.h | 12.0 KB | 2009-11-18 05:54 | 2 |
ui_man_estacion.h | 23.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:54 | 3 |
All Files |
radioactivo | |||
pre-alpha_0002 | |||
ui_select_estacion.h | 5.1 KB | 2009-11-18 05:56 | 6 |
ui_radioactivo.h | 10.6 KB | 2009-11-18 05:55 | 5 |
ui_pideclaveestacion.h | 4.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:55 | 2 |
ui_man_genero.h | 12.0 KB | 2009-11-18 05:54 | 2 |
ui_man_estacion.h | 23.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:54 | 3 |
ui_man_categoria.h | 12.2 KB | 2009-11-18 05:54 | 1 |
ui_inventario_canciones.h | 11.5 KB | 2009-11-18 05:53 | 1 |
ui_inventario_anuncios.h | 11.7 KB | 2009-11-18 05:53 | 3 |
ui_gen_progmanual.h | 44.1 KB | 2009-11-18 05:52 | 1 |
ui_gen_proglibre.h | 37.6 KB | 2009-11-18 05:52 | 1 |
ui_gen_progauto.h | 33.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:51 | 1 |
ui_formula_general.h | 12.1 KB | 2009-11-18 05:51 | 1 |
ui_ct_programa.h | 31.9 KB | 2009-11-18 05:50 | 1 |
ui_ct_identificacion.h | 13.2 KB | 2009-11-18 05:50 | 3 |
ui_ct_genero.h | 8.4 KB | 2009-11-18 05:49 | 1 |
ui_ct_estacion.h | 23.2 KB | 2009-11-18 05:49 | 1 |
ui_ct_clasificaanuncio.h | 7.4 KB | 2009-11-18 05:48 | 1 |
ui_ct_categoria.h | 8.5 KB | 2009-11-18 05:48 | 1 |
ui_ct_cancion.h | 25.7 KB | 2009-11-18 05:47 | 1 |
ui_ct_anuncio.h | 14.0 KB | 2009-11-18 05:47 | 3 |
ui_ct_anunciante.h | 9.3 KB | 2009-11-18 05:47 | 3 |
select_estacion.ui | 2.6 KB | 2009-11-18 05:46 | 1 |
select_estacion.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-11-18 05:46 | 1 |
select_estacion.cpp | 3.4 KB | 2009-11-18 05:37 | 1 |
radioactivo.ui | 4.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:31 | 1 | | 10.6 KB | 2009-11-18 05:31 | 3 | | 1.8 KB | 2009-11-18 05:29 | 1 |
radioactivo.h | 3.3 KB | 2009-11-18 05:29 | 1 |
radioactivo.cpp | 38.0 KB | 2009-11-18 05:28 | 4 |
radioactivo | 6.1 MB | 2009-11-18 05:27 | 1 |
pideclaveestacion.ui | 2.5 KB | 2009-11-18 05:18 | 2 |
pideclaveestacion.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-11-18 05:18 | 1 |
pideclaveestacion.cpp | 2.3 KB | 2009-11-18 05:18 | 2 |
man_genero.ui | 7.9 KB | 2009-11-18 05:17 | 1 |
man_genero.h | 1.1 KB | 2009-11-18 05:16 | 1 |
man_genero.cpp | 11.9 KB | 2009-11-18 05:16 | 1 |
man_estacion.ui | 16.6 KB | 2009-11-18 05:16 | 1 |
man_estacion.h | 1.2 KB | 2009-11-18 05:15 | 3 |
man_estacion.cpp | 23.7 KB | 2009-11-18 05:13 | 2 |
man_categoria.ui | 8.0 KB | 2009-11-18 05:13 | 3 |
man_categoria.h | 1.1 KB | 2009-11-18 05:12 | 1 |
man_categoria.cpp | 12.2 KB | 2009-11-18 05:11 | 1 |
Makefile.Release | 25.5 KB | 2009-11-18 05:11 | 2 |
Makefile.Debug | 24.9 KB | 2009-11-18 05:10 | 2 |
Makefile | 5.9 KB | 2009-11-18 05:10 | 0 |
main.cpp | 1.0 KB | 2009-11-18 04:22 | 2 |
inventario_canciones.ui | 6.0 KB | 2009-11-18 04:21 | 2 |
inventario_canciones.h | 1.4 KB | 2009-11-18 04:21 | 4 |
inventario_canciones.cpp | 26.3 KB | 2009-11-18 04:20 | 1 |
inventario_anuncios.ui | 6.6 KB | 2009-11-18 04:20 | 2 |
inventario_anuncios.h | 1.2 KB | 2009-11-18 04:20 | 2 |
inventario_anuncios.cpp | 15.9 KB | 2009-11-18 04:19 | 2 |
gen_progmanual.ui | 26.3 KB | 2009-11-18 04:19 | 1 |
gen_progmanual.h | 2.5 KB | 2009-11-18 04:19 | 2 |
gen_progmanual.cpp | 78.2 KB | 2009-11-18 04:18 | 1 |
gen_proglibre.ui | 22.8 KB | 2009-11-18 04:18 | 1 |
gen_proglibre.h | 2.3 KB | 2009-11-18 04:18 | 1 |
gen_proglibre.cpp | 63.4 KB | 2009-11-18 04:17 | 1 |
gen_progauto.ui | 19.6 KB | 2009-11-18 04:17 | 1 |
gen_progauto.h | 1.7 KB | 2009-11-18 04:17 | 1 |
gen_progauto.cpp | 70.1 KB | 2009-11-18 04:16 | 1 |
formula_general.ui | 6.8 KB | 2009-11-18 04:16 | 1 |
formula_general.h | 1.1 KB | 2009-11-18 04:16 | 1 |
formula_general.cpp | 12.7 KB | 2009-11-18 04:15 | 1 |
FilaFormula.h | 0.6 KB | 2009-11-18 04:15 | 1 |
ct_programa.ui | 18.5 KB | 2009-11-18 04:15 | 3 |
ct_programa.h | 1.4 KB | 2009-11-18 04:14 | 2 |
ct_programa.cpp | 37.9 KB | 2009-11-18 04:14 | 1 |
ct_identificacion.ui | 7.8 KB | 2009-11-18 04:14 | 1 |
ct_identificacion.h | 0.8 KB | 2009-11-18 04:10 | 2 |
ct_identificacion.cpp | 8.7 KB | 2009-11-18 04:09 | 2 |
ct_genero.ui | 5.1 KB | 2009-11-18 04:09 | 2 |
ct_genero.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-11-18 04:09 | 2 |
ct_genero.cpp | 6.5 KB | 2009-11-18 04:07 | 2 |
ct_estacion.ui | 13.4 KB | 2009-11-18 04:06 | 1 |
ct_estacion.h | 0.9 KB | 2009-11-18 04:05 | 1 |
ct_estacion.cpp | 15.6 KB | 2009-11-18 04:05 | 1 |
ct_clasificaanuncio.ui | 4.3 KB | 2009-11-18 04:05 | 1 |
ct_clasificaanuncio.h | 0.6 KB | 2009-11-18 04:04 | 2 |
ct_clasificaanuncio.cpp | 5.8 KB | 2009-11-18 04:04 | 1 |
ct_categoria.ui | 5.1 KB | 2009-11-18 04:04 | 2 |
ct_categoria.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-11-18 04:03 | 2 |
ct_categoria.cpp | 6.7 KB | 2009-11-18 04:03 | 2 |
ct_cancion.ui | 15.6 KB | 2009-11-18 04:00 | 1 |
ct_cancion.h | 1.4 KB | 2009-11-18 03:58 | 1 |
ct_cancion.cpp | 31.0 KB | 2009-11-18 03:58 | 2 |
ct_anuncio.ui | 8.5 KB | 2009-11-18 03:58 | 1 |
ct_anuncio.h | 0.8 KB | 2009-11-18 03:57 | 1 |
ct_anuncio.cpp | 10.3 KB | 2009-11-18 03:57 | 1 |
ct_anunciante.ui | 5.6 KB | 2009-11-18 03:57 | 2 |
ct_anunciante.h | 0.6 KB | 2009-11-18 03:57 | 1 |
ct_anunciante.cpp | 6.4 KB | 2009-11-18 03:56 | 2 |
configuracion.h | 0.6 KB | 2009-11-18 03:56 | 2 |
ComboEnGrid.h | 0.6 KB | 2009-11-18 03:56 | 1 |
pre-alpha_0001 | |||
inventario_canciones.cpp | 2.3 KB | 2009-06-03 10:39 | 3 |
inventario_canciones.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-06-03 10:37 | 1 |
radioactivo.cpp | 14.8 KB | 2009-06-03 09:48 | 1 |
radioactivo.h | 1.6 KB | 2009-06-03 09:45 | 1 |
Makefile | 5.7 KB | 2009-06-03 09:37 | 5 |
Makefile.Release | 12.8 KB | 2009-06-03 09:37 | 3 |
ui_inventario_canciones.h | 11.4 KB | 2009-06-03 09:37 | 1 |
ui_radioactivo.h | 5.7 KB | 2009-06-03 09:37 | 1 |
Makefile.Debug | 12.5 KB | 2009-06-03 09:37 | 3 |
radioactivo.ui | 2.5 KB | 2009-06-03 09:37 | 2 |
inventario_canciones.ui | 5.9 KB | 2009-06-03 09:28 | 1 | | 0.9 KB | 2009-06-03 07:15 | 1 |
radio-activo.architect | 93.7 KB | 2009-06-03 05:10 | 2 |
formula_general.cpp | 12.4 KB | 2009-06-03 04:33 | 1 |
ui_formula_general.h | 11.9 KB | 2009-06-03 04:23 | 1 |
formula_general.ui | 6.5 KB | 2009-06-03 04:23 | 2 | | 11.0 KB | 2009-06-03 03:26 | 2 |
man_estacion.cpp | 23.7 KB | 2009-06-03 02:31 | 2 |
man_estacion.h | 1.2 KB | 2009-06-03 02:22 | 1 |
select_estacion.cpp | 3.4 KB | 2009-06-03 01:51 | 1 |
formula_general.h | 1.1 KB | 2009-06-02 02:17 | 2 |
ui_ct_cancion.h | 25.6 KB | 2009-05-28 11:14 | 1 |
ui_ct_estacion.h | 23.2 KB | 2009-05-28 11:14 | 1 |
ui_man_estacion.h | 23.8 KB | 2009-05-28 11:14 | 1 |
ct_cancion.ui | 15.2 KB | 2009-05-28 10:16 | 6 |
man_estacion.ui | 16.6 KB | 2009-05-28 09:39 | 2 |
ct_estacion.ui | 13.4 KB | 2009-05-28 09:36 | 2 |
pideclaveestacion.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-05-28 08:04 | 2 |
select_estacion.h | 0.7 KB | 2009-05-28 08:00 | 2 |
pideclaveestacion.cpp | 2.3 KB | 2009-05-28 07:57 | 3 |
ui_pideclaveestacion.h | 4.8 KB | 2009-05-28 04:51 | 2 |
pideclaveestacion.ui | 2.5 KB | 2009-05-28 04:50 | 4 |
ui_select_estacion.h | 5.0 KB | 2009-05-28 04:09 | 1 |
select_estacion.ui | 2.5 KB | 2009-05-28 04:09 | 2 |
configuracion.h | 0.6 KB | 2009-05-28 03:22 | 1 |
main.cpp | 1.0 KB | 2009-05-27 11:31 | 2 |
ct_estacion.cpp | 15.6 KB | 2009-05-27 01:52 | 1 |
ct_cancion.cpp | 30.4 KB | 2009-05-27 01:51 | 1 |
ct_cancion.h | 1.4 KB | 2009-05-27 01:46 | 1 |
ct_estacion.h | 0.9 KB | 2009-05-08 08:56 | 1 |
moc_ct_cancion.cpp | 4.2 KB | 2009-05-02 14:28 | 4 |
radioactivo.o | 14.0 KB | 2009-05-02 14:25 | 2 |
moc_radioactivo.cpp | 3.2 KB | 2009-05-02 12:42 | 1 |
moc_man_estacion.cpp | 3.8 KB | 2009-05-02 06:18 | 3 |
moc_ct_estacion.cpp | 3.2 KB | 2009-05-02 06:18 | 1 |