Project Description

A centralized repository for OpenVMS based Open Source ports and Freeware. Intended to provide a focus for Open Source development on and porting to OpenVMS as well as a mechanism to prevent orphaned software in this environment.

Any and all OpenVMS based Open Source and Freeware can be hosted here.

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2015-02-10 04:57
Review by o.g.

(0 of 1 people found this review helpful)
zlib PCSI is corrupt. It cannot be installed. %PCSI-E-READERR, error reading $1$DKC1:[SOFTWARE]VMSPORTS-I64VMS-ZLIB-V0102-8-1. PCSI;1 -DDIS-E-PHYENDINP, physical end of input before end of encoding %PCSI-E-OPFAILED, operation failed
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