[Sie-announce] SIEコード [1133] 0. 46統合

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2009年 5月 5日 (火) 22:26:07 JST

Revision: 1133
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2009-05-05 22:26:07 +0900 (Tue, 05 May 2009)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: trunk/sie.js
--- trunk/sie.js	2009-05-03 13:13:20 UTC (rev 1132)
+++ trunk/sie.js	2009-05-05 13:26:07 UTC (rev 1133)
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@
   NAIBU.STObject = new Objectembeds();
   if (isMSIE) {
+    var oba = document.createElement("div");
+    oba.setAttribute("id","_NAIBU_outline");
+    document.body.appendChild(oba);
     success = true;
   } else if (/a/[-1] === 'a'){ //Firefoxだったらtrueを返す
@@ -94,14 +97,20 @@
 function setVMLNameSpace() {
-  document.namespaces.add("v","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
-  document.namespaces.add("o","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
-  var st = document.createStyleSheet();
-  st.addRule("v\\:*","behavior: url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;");//inline-blockはIEのバグ対策
-  st.addRule("o\\:*","behavior: url(#default#VML);display:inline-block");
-  st.addRule("dn\\:*","display:none");
-  st.addRule("v\\:group", "position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;");
-  st.addRule("v\\:shape", "width:100%;height:100%;");
+  if (!document.namespaces["v"]) {
+    document.namespaces.add("v","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
+    document.namespaces.add("o","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
+    var st = document.createStyleSheet();
+    var vmlUrl = "behavior: url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;"; //inline-blockはIEのバグ対策
+    st.addRule("v\\:rect",vmlUrl);
+    st.addRule("v\\:image",vmlUrl);
+    st.addRule("v\\:fill",vmlUrl);
+    st.addRule("v\\:stroke",vmlUrl);
+    st.addRule("o\\:opacity2",vmlUrl);
+    st.addRule("dn\\:defs","display:none");
+    st.addRule("v\\:group", vmlUrl+ "position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;");
+    st.addRule("v\\:shape", vmlUrl+ "width:100%;height:100%;");
+  }
@@ -139,14 +148,14 @@
   this.rootElement = obc; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.swi = swi; this.shi = shi;
   return this;
-SVGtoVML.prototype.read = function stvread() {
+SVGtoVML.prototype.read = function stvread(/*element*/ ob) {
   this.rootElement.style.visibility = "hidden";
   this.vi = new STViewSpec(this.rootElement);
   this.children = []; //子要素
   var sw = this.swi.value,  sh = this.shi.value;
   this.getObject("USE", STUseElement, "use", sw, sh); //use要素を先に処理
-  var mat = this.vi.set(sw, sh); //返り値はMatrix型
+  var mat = this.vi.set(sw, sh, ob); //返り値はMatrix型
   this.chset(this.rootElement, mat, sw, sh);
   } catch(n) {stlog.add(n,109);}
@@ -161,57 +170,57 @@
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,129);
-SVGtoVML.prototype.set = function stvset() {
+SVGtoVML.prototype.set = function stvset(ob) {
   var w = this.w, h = this.h, c = this.children;
-  var sw = this.swi.value,  sh = this.shi.value;
-  try {
+  var sw = this.swi.value, sh = this.shi.value;
+  try {
   var backr = document.createElement("v:rect"); //背景の作成
   backr.style.position = "absolute";
-  backr.style.width = w;
-  backr.style.height = h;
+  backr.style.width = w+ "px";
+  backr.style.height = h+ "px";
   backr.style.zIndex = -1;
-  backr.setAttribute("stroked", "false");
-  backr.setAttribute("filled", "false");
+  backr.stroked = "false";
+  backr.filled = "false";
   var trstyle = this.rootElement.style;
-  var tpstyle = this.rootElement.parentNode.style;
+  var tpstyle = ob.style;
   trstyle.visibility = "visible";
   trstyle.overflow = "hidden";
   var backrs = backr.currentStyle;
-  var viewWidth = w > sw ? sw : w;
-  var viewHeight = h > sh ? sh : h;
+  var viewWidth = w > sw ? sw : w, viewHeight = h > sh ? sh : h;
   var bfl = parseFloat(backrs.left), bft = parseFloat(backrs.top);
-  var bl = -this.vi._tx
-  var bt = -this.vi._ty;
-  if (bfl !== 0) { //内部の図形にずれが生じたとき
+  var bl = -this.vi._tx, bt = -this.vi._ty;
+  if (bfl !== 0 && !isNaN(bfl)) { //内部の図形にずれが生じたとき(isNaNはIE8でautoがデフォルト値のため)
     bl = bfl;
-    tpstyle.left = -bl;
+    tpstyle.left = -bl+ "px";
-  if (bft !== 0) {
+  if (bft !== 0 && !isNaN(bfl)) {
     bt = bft;
-    tpstyle.top = -bt;
+    tpstyle.top = -bt+ "px";
   var backright = bl + viewWidth + 1;
   var backdown = bt + viewHeight + 1;
-  trstyle.clip = "rect(" +bt+ " " +backright+ "px " +backdown+ "px " +bl+ ")";
+  trstyle.clip = "rect(" +bt+ "px " +backright+ "px " +backdown+ "px " +bl+ "px)";
   var text = this.rootElement.getElementsByTagName("div");
   for (var i=0,textli=text.length;i<textli;++i) {
     var texti = text[i];
-    var tis = texti.style;
-    tis.left = parseFloat(tis.left) + bl;
-    tis.top = parseFloat(tis.top) + bt;
-    var tp = texti.parentNode;
-    while (tp.nodeName === "group") { //group要素である限り、さかのぼる
-      tp = tp.parentNode;
+    if (texti.firstChild.nodeName !== "shape") { //radialGradient用のdiv要素でないならば
+      var tis = texti.style;
+      tis.left = parseFloat(tis.left) + bl + "px";
+      tis.top = parseFloat(tis.top) + bt + "px";
+      var tp = texti.parentNode;
+      while (tp.nodeName === "group") { //group要素である限り、さかのぼる
+        tp = tp.parentNode;
+      }
+      if (tp.nodeName === "A") { //先祖要素がa要素ならば
+        tis.marginLeft = -parseFloat(tis.fontSize)+ "px";
+        tis.cursor = "hand";
+      }
-    if (tp.nodeName === "A") { //先祖要素がa要素ならば
-      tis.marginLeft = -parseFloat(tis.fontSize);
-      tis.cursor = "hand";
-    }
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,138);}
@@ -343,7 +352,7 @@
 STGroupElement.prototype.set = function (sw,sh) {
-  this.children = null;
+  delete (this.children);
   } catch(e){stlog.addd(e,3145)}
 STGroupElement.prototype.chset = SVGtoVML.prototype.chset;
@@ -366,8 +375,8 @@
     var txts = this.xlink.tar.style;
     txts.cursor = "hand";
-    txts.left = 0;
-    txts.top = 0;
+    txts.left = "0px";
+    txts.top = "0px";
     txts.textDecoration = "none";
   }  catch(e) {stlog.add(e,204);}
@@ -402,42 +411,42 @@
   if (ttp.lastChild.nodeName !== "rect") {
     var backr = document.createElement("v:rect");
     var backrs = backr.style; //ずれを修正するためのもの
-    backrs.width = 1;
-    backrs.height = 1;
-    backrs.left = 0;
-    backrs.top = 0;
-    backr.setAttribute("stroked", "false");
-    backr.setAttribute("filled", "false");
+    backrs.width = "1px";
+    backrs.height = "1px";
+    backrs.left = "0px";
+    backrs.top = "0px";
+    backr.stroked = "false";
+    backr.filled = "false";
-  tts.width = 0;
-  tts.height = 0;
+  tts.width = "0px";
+  tts.height = "0px";
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,236);}
   try {
     var arr = this.tspan, textLength = 0, fontSize = this.paint.fontSize, atfontSize = 0, fij = /[fijlt.,:;]/g; //fontSizeは親要素の文字サイズ。atfontSizeは各span要素のサイズ。
-    for (var i=0,arri=arr.length;i<arri;++i) {
+    for (var i=0,s={dx:0,dy:0},arri=arr.length;i<arri;++i) {
       var ari = arr[i];
       var atps = ari.tar.previousSibling;
       if (atps && atps !== void 0) {
         if (atps.nodeType === 3) { //tspan要素の前がText Nodeならば
           var ad = atps.data;
-          var alm = ad.match(fij) ? ad.match(fij).length : 0; //iなどはカーニング調整をする
+          var alm = fij.test(ad) ? ad.match(fij).length : 0; //iなどはカーニング調整をする
           textLength += (2 * ad.length - alm) * fontSize / 2;
         } else {
           var ai = atps.innerText;
-          var alm = ai.match(fij) ? ai.match(fij).length : 0;
+          var alm = fij.test(ad) ? ai.match(fij).length : 0;
           textLength += (2 * ai.length - alm) * atfontSize / 2;
       atfontSize = ari.paint.fontSize;
-      ari.set(w,h,textLength);
+      s = ari.set(w,h,s);
     if (arr.length === 0) {  //tspan要素がなければ
       var tti = this.tar.innerText;
-      var alm = tti.match(fij) ? tti.match(fij).length : 0;
+      var alm = fij.test(tti) ? tti.match(fij).length : 0;
       textLength = (2 * tti.length - alm) * fontSize / 2;
@@ -454,8 +463,8 @@
     tts.left = ptm.x - tancx;
     tts.top = ptm.y - tancy;
-  p = ptm = tancx = tancy = null;
-  this.textLength = textLength;
+    p = ptm = tancx = tancy = null;
+    this.textLength = textLength;
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,2831);}
   p = ptm = tancx = tancy = null;
   this.textLength = textLength;
@@ -482,21 +491,24 @@
   this.transformable = NAIBU.transformToCTM(ele, matrix);
   return this;
-STTSpanElement.prototype.set = function(w, h, textLength) {
+STTSpanElement.prototype.set = function(w, h, dd) {
   try {
   var tts = this.tar.style;
   tts.position = "relative";
-  tts.left = this.dx ? this.dx.value : 0;
-  tts.top = this.dy ? this.dy.value : 0;
+  tts.left = (this.dx ? this.dx.value : 0) + dd.dx+ "px";
+  tts.top = (this.dy ? this.dy.value : 0) + dd.dy+ "px";
   var p, ptm;
   if (this.x && this.y) { //x属性とy属性が指定されていたならば(注:仕様と相違がある可能性?)。
     p = new Point(this.x.value, this.y.value);
     ptm = p.matrixTransform(this.transformable);
     tts.position = "absolute";
-    tts.left = ptm.x;
-    tts.top = ptm.y;
+    tts.left = ptm.x+ "px";
+    tts.top = ptm.y+ "px";
   p = ptm = null;
+  //ずれの値を返す
+  return {dx : parseFloat(tts.left), dy : parseFloat(tts.top)}
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,304);}
@@ -519,8 +531,8 @@
     var plm = pl.matrixTransform(ttm);
     var dat = plm.list.join(" ");
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat);
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
     list = pl = plm = dat = null;
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,257);}
@@ -608,7 +620,7 @@
         var Fli = F.length;
         x = F[Fli-2];
         y = F[Fli-1];
-        var _x, _y;
+        var _x, _y; //この変数は初期化されないために必要
         for (var j = 1; j < Fli; j += 2) { //CTMで座標変換
           _x = parseInt(tma * F[j] + tmc * F[j+1] + tme, 10);
           _y = parseInt(tmb * F[j] + tmd * F[j+1] + tmf, 10);
@@ -626,8 +638,8 @@
   } catch(e) {if(this.d == ""){/*d属性が空*/}else{stlog.add(e,355);}}
   try {
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat + " e");
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat + " e";
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
     dat = this.paint = this.d = preCom = x = y = x0 = y0 = dx = dy = tma = tmb = tmc = tmd = tme = tmf = null; //解放
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,372);}
@@ -692,8 +704,8 @@
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,395);}
   try {
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat);
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,406);}
@@ -718,8 +730,8 @@
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,429);}
   try {
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat);
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,440);}
@@ -750,8 +762,8 @@
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,468);}
   try {
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat);
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,479);}
@@ -782,8 +794,8 @@
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,508);}
   try {
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat);
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,519);}
@@ -832,8 +844,8 @@
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,564);}
   try {
     var ele = this.tar;
-    ele.setAttribute("path", dat);
-    ele.setAttribute("coordsize", w + " " + h);
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
     this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
   } catch(ee) {stlog.add(ee,576);}
@@ -858,10 +870,10 @@
     ts.position = "absolute";
     var pt = new Point(this.x.value, this.y.value);
     var ptt = pt.matrixTransform(ttm);
-    ts.left = ptt.x;
-    ts.top =  ptt.y;
-    ts.width = this.width.value * ttm.a;
-    ts.height = this.height.value * ttm.d;
+    ts.left = ptt.x+ "px";
+    ts.top =  ptt.y+ "px";
+    ts.width = this.width.value * ttm.a+ "px";
+    ts.height = this.height.value * ttm.d+ "px";
     if (ttm.b !== 0 || ttm.c !== 0 || this.paint.fillopacity != 1) {//フィルター プロパティを使うと、PNGの透過性がなくなるので注意
       ts.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha";
       var ttfi = this.tar.filters.item('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix');
@@ -892,7 +904,7 @@
   tns.setAttribute("transform", ts+ " translate(" +this.x.value+ "," +this.y.value+ ")");
-  tns.setAttribute("coordorgin","0  0");
+  tns.coordorgin = "0  0";
   this.paint = new NAIBU.PaintColor(this.xlink.resource);
   this.paint.tar = tns;
   return this;
@@ -900,6 +912,7 @@
 STUseElement.prototype.set = function(){
   try {
+    this.paint = this.xlink = null;
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,85436);}
@@ -993,14 +1006,14 @@
 NAIBU.PaintColor.prototype.set = function pcset(/*float*/ w, /*float*/ h, /*Matrix*/ matrix) {
   var el = this.tar;
   if (this.fill === "none") {
-    el.setAttribute("filled", "false");
+    el.filled = "false";
   } else {
     var fillElement = document.createElement("v:fill");
     var isRadial = false;
     try {
     if (this._urlreg.test(this.fill)) { //fill属性の値がurl(#id)ならば、idを設定したグラデーション関連要素を呼び出す
       this.w = w; this.h = h; //radialGradientで必要
-      isRadial = this.gradient(fillElement, RegExp.$1, el.getAttribute("path"), el.currentStyle.width, el.currentStyle.height);
+      isRadial = this.gradient(fillElement, RegExp.$1, matrix);
     } else {
       fillElement.setAttribute("color", this.color(this.fill));
       var fillOpacity = this.fillopacity * this.opacity; //opacityを掛け合わせる
@@ -1008,15 +1021,15 @@
         fillElement.setAttribute("opacity", fillOpacity);
-    } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,682); fillElement.setAttribute("on", "true");
-    fillElement.setAttribute("color", "black");}
+    } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,682); fillElement.on = "true";
+    fillElement.color = "black";}
     if (!isRadial) {
     isRadial = fillOpacity = null;
   if (this.stroke === "none") {
-    el.setAttribute("stroked", "false");
+    el.stroked = "false";
   } else {
     var strokeElement = document.createElement("v:stroke");
     try {
@@ -1056,7 +1069,7 @@
       strokeElement.setAttribute("dashstyle", this.strokedasharray);
-    } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,720); strokeElement.setAttribute("on", "false");}
+    } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,720); strokeElement.on =  "false";}
     sw = tsd = null;
@@ -1211,7 +1224,7 @@
   return color;
-NAIBU.PaintColor.prototype.gradient = function pcgradient( /*element*/ ele, /*string*/ id, /*string*/ data) {
+NAIBU.PaintColor.prototype.gradient = function pcgradient( /*element*/ ele, /*string*/ id, /*Matrix*/ matrix) {
   var grad = document.getElementById(id);
   if (grad) {
   var grad2 = grad;
@@ -1221,7 +1234,7 @@
   var stops = grad2.getElementsByTagName("stop");
   if (!stops) {
-    return;
+    return false;
   var length = stops.length;
   var color = [], colors = [], opacity = [];
@@ -1259,44 +1272,57 @@
     ele.setAttribute("type", "gradientTitle");
     ele.setAttribute("focus", "100%");
     ele.setAttribute("focusposition", "0.5 0.5");
+    if (this.tar.getAttribute("tag") === "rect") {
     var cx = parseFloat((grad.getAttribute("cx") || "0.5").replace(/%/, ""));
     var cy = parseFloat((grad.getAttribute("cy") || "0.5").replace(/%/, ""));
     var r = rx = ry = parseFloat((grad.getAttribute("r") || "0.5").replace(/%/, ""));
     var el = this.w, et = this.h, er = 0, eb = 0;
+    var data = this.tar.getAttribute("path")+"";
     var units = grad.getAttribute("gradientUnits");
     if (!units || units === "objectBoundingBox") {
       //%の場合は小数点に変換(10% -> 0.1)
       cx = cx > 1 ? cx/100 : cx; cy = cy > 1 ? cy/100 : cy; r = r > 1 ? r/100 : r;
-      var degis = (this.tar.getAttribute("path")+"").match(/[0-9\-]+/g);
+      var degis = data.match(/[0-9\-]+/g);
       for (var i=0,degisli=degis.length;i<degisli;i+=2) {
         var nx = parseInt(degis[i]), ny = parseInt(degis[i+1]);
         el = el > nx ? nx : el;
         et = et > ny ? ny : et;
         er = er > nx ? er : nx;
-        eb = eb > ny ? eb : ny;
+        eb = eb > ny ? eb : ny; nx = ny = null;
       degis = null;
       cx = cx*(er - el) + el; cy = cy*(eb - et) + et; rx = r*(er - el); ry = r*(eb - et);
+    var gt = grad.getAttribute("gradientTransform");
+    if (gt) {
+      grad.setAttribute("transform",gt);
+      matrix = NAIBU.transformToCTM(grad, matrix);
+    }
     el = cx - rx; et = cy - ry; er = cx + rx; eb = cy + ry;
+    var rrx = rx * 0.55228, rry = ry * 0.55228;
+    var list = ["m", cx,et, "c", cx-rrx,et, el,cy-rry, el,cy, el,cy+rry, cx-rrx,eb, cx,eb, cx+rrx,eb, er,cy+rry, er,cy, er,cy-rry, cx+rrx,et, cx,et, "x e"];
+    var pl = new PList(list);
+    var plm = pl.matrixTransform(matrix);
+    var ellipse = plm.list.join(" ");
     var outline = document.getElementById("_NAIBU_outline");
     var background = document.createElement("div");
     background.style.position = "absolute";
-    background.style.textAlign = "left"; background.style.top = 0; background.style.left = 0; background.style.width = this.w; background.style.height = this.h;
+    background.style.textAlign = "left"; background.style.top = "0px"; background.style.left = "0px"; background.style.width = this.w+ "px"; background.style.height = this.h+ "px";
     background.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Compositor";
     background.filters.item('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Compositor').Function = 23;
-    var er2 = er - el / 2;
-    var ellipse = "ar " +el+ "," +et+ "," +er+ "," +eb+ " " +er2+ ",0 " +er2+ ",0 e";
     var circle = '<v:shape style="position:relative; antialias:false; top:0px; left:0px;" coordsize="' +this.w+ ' ' +this.h+ '" path="' +ellipse+ '" stroked="f">' +ele.outerHTML+ '</v:shape>';
-    background.innerHTML = '<v:shape style="position:relative; top:0px; left:0px;" coordsize="' +this.w+ ' ' +this.h+ '" path="' +data+ '" stroked="f" fillcolor="' +color[color.length-1]+ '" />';
+    background.innerHTML = '<v:shape style="position:relative; top:0px; left:0px;" coordsize="' +this.w+ ' ' +this.h+ '" path="' +data+ '" stroked="f" fillcolor="' +color[color.length-1]+ '" ></v:shape>';
     background.innerHTML = circle;
     this.tar.parentNode.insertBefore(background, this.tar);
-    this.tar.setAttribute("filled", "false");
-    ellipse = circle = null;
+    this.tar.filled = "false";
+    ellipse = circle = data = list = pl = plm = gt = cx = cy = r = null;
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
     return true;
     } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,1175);}
@@ -1365,10 +1391,11 @@
   var tts = this.tar.style;
   tts.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
   tts.color = this.fill === "none" ? "transparent"  :  this.fill;
-  this.fontSize = tts.fontSize = fontset(this["font-size"],w,h,matrix);
+  this.fontSize = fontset(this["font-size"],w,h,matrix);
+  tts.fontSize = this.fontSize+ "px";
   if (this.cursor !== "default") {tts.cursor = this.cursor;}
   this.writingMode = tts.writingMode;
-  tts.marginTop = (this.writingMode === "tb-rl") ? 0 : -parseFloat(tts.fontSize);
+  tts.marginTop = (this.writingMode === "tb-rl") ? "0px" : -parseFloat(tts.fontSize)+ "px";
  } catch(e){stlog.add(e,1185);}
@@ -1523,7 +1550,7 @@
   vb = par = null;
   return this;
-STViewSpec.prototype.set = function vss( /*float*/ vw, /*float*/ vh) {
+STViewSpec.prototype.set = function vss( /*float*/ vw, /*float*/ vh, /*element*/ ob) {
   var vB = this.viewBox, par = this.preserveAspectRatio;
   try {
   if (!vB) {
@@ -1572,9 +1599,11 @@
-  var ttps =  this.tar.parentNode.style;
-  ttps.marginLeft = this._tx = tx;
-  ttps.marginTop = this._ty = ty;
+  var ttps =  ob.style;
+  this._tx = tx;
+  this._ty = ty;
+  ttps.marginLeft = this._tx+ "px";
+  ttps.marginTop = this._ty+ "px";
   var m = new Matrix(xr, 0, 0, yr, 0, 0);
   return m;
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,1031);}
@@ -1762,16 +1791,14 @@
 NAIBU.XLink.prototype.set = function() {
   try {
   if (this.href) {
-    var tbth = this.base + this.href;
+    var uri = this.base + this.href;
     if (this.href.indexOf(".") === 0) { //相対URIの場合
-      tbth = this.href;
+      uri = this.href;
-    var uri = tbth;
-    var attr = "href";
     switch (this.show) {
       case "embed":
         if (this.tar.tagName === "image") {
-          attr = "src";
+          this.tar.src = uri;
         }  else{
           this.resource = document.getElementById(RegExp.$1);
@@ -1785,7 +1812,7 @@
-    this.tar.setAttribute(attr,uri);
+    this.tar.setAttribute("href",uri);
   } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,17155);}
@@ -1896,18 +1923,18 @@
   regw = new STLength(regaw,obwidth);
   regh = new STLength(regah,obheight);
   var regwv = regw.value,  reghv = regh.value;
-  obst.width = regwv;
-  obst.height = reghv;
-  ob.setAttribute("coordsize",regwv  +" "+  reghv);
+  obst.width = regwv+ "px";
+  obst.height = reghv+ "px";
+  ob.coordsize = regwv  +" "+  reghv;
   var oba = document.createElement("div");
   STdocument[dn] = new SVGtoVML(obc,obwidth,obheight,regw,regh);
-  STdocument[dn].read();
-  STdocument[dn].set();
+  STdocument[dn].read(ob);
+  STdocument[dn].set(ob);
+  data = dc = null;
   if (NAIBU.STObject !== void 0) {NAIBU.STObject.next();}
-  data = dc = null;

Property changes on: trunk/sie.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/04x/040/sie.js:812-829
   + /branches/04x/040/sie.js:812-829

Sie-announce メーリングリストの案内
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