[Soap-py-dev] Antly went on, passing Mrs. Bowring quickly. Clare sat stil

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Pulizzi Plana bokma****@netx*****
2010年 4月 1日 (木) 03:41:57 JST

Ut when it had disappeared the white
fancies came flitting back through the silent light, and in the shade

young eyes fixed themselves
quietly to meet the vision and see it all, and to keep it for ever if
she could. She did not know what it
was that she saw, but it was beautiful, and what she felt was on a
sudden as the realisation of something she had dimly desired in vain.
Yet in itself it was nothing realised; it was perhaps only the
certainty of longing for something all heart
and no name, and it was happiness to long for it. For the first
intuition of love is
only an exquisite foretaste, a delight in itself, as
far from the bitter hunger of love starving
as a girl's faintness is from a cruel death. The light was dazzling,
and yet it was full of gentle things that smiled, somehow, without
faces. She was not very imaginative, perhaps,
else the faces might have come too, and voices, and all, save the one
reality which had as yet neither voice nor face, nor any name. It was
all the something that love was to mean, somewhere, some day--the
lace of a maiden life-dream, in

which no figure was yet wrought amongst the fancy-threads
that the May moon was weaving in the soft spring night.
There was no sadness in it, at all, for there was no memory, and
without memory there can be no sadness, any more

than there can be fear where there is no

anticipation, far or near. Most
happiness is really of the future, and most grief, if we would be
honest, is of the past. The

young girl sat still and dreamed that the old world was as young

as she, and that in its soft bosom there were exquisite sweetnesses
untried, and soft yearnings for a b
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