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MacPorts: Commit

My MacPorts

Commit MetaInfo

Revision11ff0f5ba6900000e4285426549c8e3b96d37563 (tree)
Time2009-03-25 19:54:47
AuthorKazuki Sakamoto <sakamoto@splh...>
CommiterKazuki Sakamoto

Log Message


Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- /dev/null
+++ b/PortIndex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1+iTerm 553
2+portdir aqua/iTerm description {Enhanced terminal emulator program for Mac OS X} platforms macosx name iTerm version 0.9.6 categories {aqua shells} homepage http://iterm.sourceforge.net revision 20090324 epoch 0 maintainers waqar@macports.org long_description {iTerm is a full featured terminal emulation program written for OS X using Cocoa. We are aiming at providing users with best command line experience under OS X. The letter i represents a native Apple look and feel of the program interface, and an emphasis on complete international support.}
3+ctags 888
4+variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir devel/ctags description {Reimplementation of ctags(1)} homepage http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA025040/ctags/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name ctags maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Exuberant Ctags generates an index (or tag) file of source language objects in source files that allows these items to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility. Alternatively, it can generate a cross reference file which lists, in human-readable form, information about the various objects found in a set of source code files. Supported languages include: Assembler, AWK, ASP, BETA, Bourne/Korn/Zsh Shell, C, C++, COBOL, Eiffel, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REXX, Ruby, S-Lang, Scheme, Tcl, Vim and Yacc.} version 5.7j1 categories devel revision 0
5+fmdiff 751
6+portdir devel/fmdiff description {Wrapper scripts for FileMerge} platforms darwin name fmdiff version 7819 categories devel homepage http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/internal:fmdiff revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers nomaintainer@macports.org long_description {Apple's Developer Tools for Mac OS X include FileMerge, a graphical tool to compare and merge files. FileMerge can be much handier to use, unfortunately, it doesn't integrate with Subversion straightforwardly. It can be opened from the command line with the opendiff command, but its interface differs from that of diff and diff3. It returns immediately (i.e. it forks and does not block) and it expects different arguments. Some wrapper scripts are thus required to call FileMerge from Subversion.}
7+vim 1280
8+variants {athena gtk1 gtk2 motif tiny small big huge xim perl python ruby tcl cscope nls puredarwin gdb my universal} depends_build {bin:gnutar:gnutar bin:grep:grep} variant_desc {athena {Build GUI version using Athena widgets} gtk1 {Build GUI version using GTK 1.x widgets} gtk2 {Build GUI version using GTK 2.x widgets} motif {Build GUI version with Motif widgets} tiny {Build tiny feature set} small {Build small feature set} big {Build big feature set} huge {Build huge feature set} xim {Build with support for X Input Method} perl {Enable Perl scripting} python {Enable Python scripting} ruby {Enable Ruby scripting} tcl {Enable Tcl scripting} cscope {Enable source code browsing with cscope} nls {National Language Support} puredarwin {Platform variant, do not select manually} gdb {Enable GDB integration} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir editors/vim description {Vi {"workalike"} with many additional features} homepage http://www.vim.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name vim depends_lib {port:ncurses port:libiconv port:ctags} maintainers raimue long_description {Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set.} categories editors version 7.2.132 revision 0
9+zsh-devel 1112
10+variants {darwin_8 mp_completion pcre doc examples cjk universal} variant_desc {darwin_8 {Platform variant, do not select manually} mp_completion {Install port(1) completion file} pcre {Add regular expressions support in builtin functions through PCRE} doc {Install extra documentation} examples {Install configuration examples} cjk {Add East Asian Ambiguous characters support} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir shells/zsh-devel description {Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell)} homepage http://www.zsh.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name zsh-devel depends_lib {port:libiconv port:ncursesw} maintainers {nox openmaintainer} long_description {Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) which of the standard shells most resembles the Korn shell (ksh), although it is not completely compatible. It includes enhancements of many types, notably in the command-line editor, options for customising its behaviour, filename globbing, features to make C-shell (csh) users feel more at home and extra features drawn from tcsh (another `custom' shell).} version 4.3.9 categories shells revision 1
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