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MacPorts: Commit

My MacPorts

Commit MetaInfo

Revision704119b1b152b0167b241b672eb9288bb4c78131 (tree)
Time2009-04-01 22:40:16
AuthorKazuki Sakamoto <sakamoto@splh...>
CommiterKazuki Sakamoto

Log Message

macvim 7.2.148

remove vim (superseded with macvim)

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/PortIndex
+++ b/PortIndex
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ ctags 888
44 variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir devel/ctags description {Reimplementation of ctags(1)} homepage http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA025040/ctags/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name ctags maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Exuberant Ctags generates an index (or tag) file of source language objects in source files that allows these items to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility. Alternatively, it can generate a cross reference file which lists, in human-readable form, information about the various objects found in a set of source code files. Supported languages include: Assembler, AWK, ASP, BETA, Bourne/Korn/Zsh Shell, C, C++, COBOL, Eiffel, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REXX, Ruby, S-Lang, Scheme, Tcl, Vim and Yacc.} version 5.7j1 categories devel revision 0
55 fmdiff 751
66 portdir devel/fmdiff description {Wrapper scripts for FileMerge} platforms darwin name fmdiff version 7819 categories devel homepage http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/internal:fmdiff revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers nomaintainer@macports.org long_description {Apple's Developer Tools for Mac OS X include FileMerge, a graphical tool to compare and merge files. FileMerge can be much handier to use, unfortunately, it doesn't integrate with Subversion straightforwardly. It can be opened from the command line with the opendiff command, but its interface differs from that of diff and diff3. It returns immediately (i.e. it forks and does not block) and it expects different arguments. Some wrapper scripts are thus required to call FileMerge from Subversion.}
7-vim 1280
8-variants {athena gtk1 gtk2 motif tiny small big huge xim perl python ruby tcl cscope nls puredarwin gdb my universal} depends_build {bin:gnutar:gnutar bin:grep:grep} variant_desc {athena {Build GUI version using Athena widgets} gtk1 {Build GUI version using GTK 1.x widgets} gtk2 {Build GUI version using GTK 2.x widgets} motif {Build GUI version with Motif widgets} tiny {Build tiny feature set} small {Build small feature set} big {Build big feature set} huge {Build huge feature set} xim {Build with support for X Input Method} perl {Enable Perl scripting} python {Enable Python scripting} ruby {Enable Ruby scripting} tcl {Enable Tcl scripting} cscope {Enable source code browsing with cscope} nls {National Language Support} puredarwin {Platform variant, do not select manually} gdb {Enable GDB integration} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir editors/vim description {Vi {"workalike"} with many additional features} homepage http://www.vim.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name vim depends_lib {port:ncurses port:libiconv port:ctags} maintainers raimue long_description {Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set.} categories editors version 7.2.147 revision 0
7+macvim 815
8+variants {perl python ruby tcl cscope universal standalone gdb} variant_desc {perl {Enable Perl scripting} python {Enable Python scripting} ruby {Enable Ruby scripting} tcl {Enable Tcl scripting} cscope {Enable source code browsing with cscope} universal {Build for multiple architectures} standalone {Enable standalonize} gdb {Enable GDB integration}} portdir editors/macvim description {MacVim is a port of the text editor Vim to Mac OS X.} homepage http://code.google.com/p/macvim/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name macvim depends_lib {port:cmigemo port:gettext port:libiconv port:ncurses} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {MacVim supports multiple windows with tabbed editing and a host of other features. MacVim brings you the full power of Vim to Mac OS X.} version 7.2.148 categories editors revision 0
99 vim-app 901
1010 variants {xim perl python ruby tcl cscope darwin_ppc gdb aqua cocoa universal} depends_build {bin:gnutar:gnutar bin:grep:grep bin:7za:p7zip} variant_desc {xim {Build with support for X Input Method} perl {Enable Perl scripting} python {Enable Python scripting} ruby {Enable Ruby scripting} tcl {Enable Tcl scripting} cscope {Enable source code browsing with cscope} gdb {Enable GDB integration} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir editors/vim-app description {Vim.app is a GUI version of the famous editor vim.} homepage http://www.vim.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name vim-app depends_lib {port:ncurses port:gettext port:libiconv port:ctags} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This port provides Vim.app, a GUI version of the famous editor vim. Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing.} categories editors version 7.2.147 revision 2
1111 zsh-devel 1112
--- a/Readme.txt
+++ b/Readme.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
22 ctags @5.7j1_0 (active)
33 fmdiff @7819_0 (active)
44 iTerm @0.9.6_20090327 (active)
5- vim @7.2.147_0+cscope+gdb+huge+my+ruby (active)
6- vim-app @7.2.147_2+cocoa+cscope+gdb+python+ruby (active)
5+ macvim @7.2.148_0+cscope+gdb+python+ruby+standalone (active)
76 zsh-devel @4.3.9_1+cjk+mp_completion+pcre (active)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/macvim/Portfile
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
1+# $Id$
2+PortSystem 1.0
4+name macvim
5+version 7.2.148
6+revision 0
7+categories editors
8+platforms darwin
9+maintainers nomaintainer
10+description MacVim is a port of the text editor Vim to Mac OS X.
11+long_description MacVim supports multiple windows with tabbed editing and a host of other features. \
12+ MacVim brings you the full power of Vim to Mac OS X.
13+homepage http://code.google.com/p/macvim/
15+set gittag snapshot-44-kaoriya
16+distname KaoriYa-${gittag}
17+use_zip yes
18+checksums \
19+ ${distname}.zip sha1 884ba1af08e0478fa7ce9541d3e367a690f349c3
20+master_sites \
21+ "http://repo.or.cz/w/MacVim/KaoriYa.git?a=snapshot;h=${gittag};sf=zip&"
22+worksrcdir KaoriYa/src
23+extract.only ${distname}.zip
25+depends_lib port:cmigemo \
26+ port:gettext \
27+ port:libiconv \
28+ port:ncurses
30+configure.pre_args --prefix=${applications_dir}
31+configure.args --enable-gui=macvim \
32+ --without-x \
33+ --disable-gpm \
34+ --with-features=huge \
35+ --enable-multibyte \
36+ --with-tlib=ncurses
37+configure.cppflags -I${prefix}/include
38+configure.ldflags -L${prefix}/lib
40+use_parallel_build yes
42+variant perl description {Enable Perl scripting} {
43+ configure.args-append --enable-perlinterp
44+ depends_lib-append bin:perl:perl5.8
46+variant python description {Enable Python scripting} {
47+ configure.args-append --enable-pythoninterp
48+ depends_lib-append bin:python:python25
50+variant ruby description {Enable Ruby scripting} {
51+ configure.args-append --enable-rubyinterp
52+ configure.env-append ARCHFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib"
53+ depends_lib-append bin:ruby:ruby
55+variant tcl description {Enable Tcl scripting} {
56+ configure.args-append --enable-tclinterp
57+ depends_lib-append bin:tclsh:tcl
59+variant cscope description {Enable source code browsing with cscope} {
60+ configure.args-append --enable-cscope
62+variant universal {
63+ configure.args-append --with-mac-arch=both
66+post-patch {
67+ reinplace \
68+ "s|^# VIM_APP_DIR=/Applications$|VIM_APP_DIR=${applications_dir}|" \
69+ ${worksrcpath}/MacVim/mvim
72+pre-configure {
73+ system "make autoconf"
76+post-build {
77+ if {[variant_isset universal]} {
78+ set xcodeconfig Universal
79+ } else {
80+ set xcodeconfig Release
81+ }
82+ system "cd ${worksrcpath}/MacVim; xcodebuild -configuration ${xcodeconfig}"
85+# Can be removed once MacPorts 1.7.1 is released
86+pre-destroot {
87+ xinstall -d ${destroot}${applications_dir}
90+set appPath "${destroot}${applications_dir}/MacVim.app/Contents"
91+set runtimePath "${appPath}/Resources/vim/runtime"
93+destroot {
94+ file copy ${worksrcpath}/MacVim/build/Release/MacVim.app ${destroot}${applications_dir}
95+ xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/MacVim/mvim ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
96+ xinstall -d 755 ${runtimePath}/lang/ja/LC_MESSAGES
97+ xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/po/ja.mo \
98+ ${runtimePath}/lang/ja/LC_MESSAGES/vim.mo
99+ file copy ${prefix}/share/migemo/tools/migemo.vim \
100+ ${runtimePath}/plugin/migemo.vim
103+test.run yes
105+variant standalone description {Enable standalonize} {
106+ post-destroot {
107+ foreach dylib {intl.8 iconv.2 migemo.1 ncurses.5} {
108+ set libname [lindex [split ${dylib} .] 0]
109+ set instname "@executable_path/../Frameworks/lib${libname}.dylib"
110+ set origname "${prefix}/lib/lib${dylib}.dylib"
111+ system "install_name_tool \
112+ -change ${origname} ${instname} ${appPath}/MacOS/Vim"
113+ if {[file type ${origname}] == "link"} {
114+ set realpath "${prefix}/lib/"
115+ append realpath [file readlink ${origname}]
116+ } else {
117+ set realpath ${origname}
118+ }
119+ xinstall -m 755 ${realpath} \
120+ ${appPath}/Frameworks/lib${libname}.dylib
121+ }
123+ xinstall -d 755 ${runtimePath}/dict
124+ xinstall -m 644 ${prefix}/share/migemo/utf-8/migemo-dict \
125+ ${runtimePath}/dict
126+ }
129+include gdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/macvim/files/gdb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
1+set gdbdistfile vimgdb72-1.14.tar.gz
2+variant gdb description {Enable GDB integration} {
3+ depends_build-append bin:gnutar:gnutar
4+ master_sites-append sourceforge:clewn:gdb
5+ distfiles-append ${gdbdistfile}:gdb
6+ checksums-append ${gdbdistfile} md5 e406c64d29a3152a3f5d0fffe3d2bba8
7+ configure.args-append --enable-gdb
8+ patchfiles-append patch-gdb.c patch-option.c
9+ post-extract {
10+ system "gnutar xvfz ${distpath}/${gdbdistfile} -C ${workpath}"
11+ }
12+ pre-patch {
13+ system "patch -d ${worksrcpath} -F3 -p1 < \
14+ ${workpath}/vimgdb/vim72.diff || /usr/bin/true"
15+ }
16+ post-destroot {
17+ set appPath "${destroot}${applications_dir}/MacVim.app"
18+ set runtimePath "${appPath}/Contents/Resources/vim/runtime"
19+ system "gnutar xvfz ${workpath}/vimgdb/vimgdb_runtime.tgz \
20+ -C ${runtimePath}"
21+ system "${appPath}/Contents/MacOS/Vim \
22+ --cmd \"helptag ${runtimePath}/doc\" \
23+ --cmd exit"
24+ }
--- a/editors/vim/files/patch-gdb.c
+++ b/editors/macvim/files/patch-gdb.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1---- src/gdb.c.orig
2-+++ src/gdb.c
1+--- gdb.c.orig
2++++ gdb.c
33 @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@
44 if (this->buf == NULL)
55 {
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/macvim/files/patch-option.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1+--- option.c.orig
2++++ option.c
3+@@ -1169,14 +1169,6 @@
4+ (char_u *)&p_fp, PV_NONE,
5+ {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}},
6+ {"fsync", "fs", P_BOOL|P_SECURE|P_VI_DEF,
7+-#ifdef FEAT_GDB
8+- {"gdbvariables", "gdbvar",P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE,
9+- (char_u *)&p_gvar, PV_NONE,
10+- {(char_u *)"gdb-variables", (char_u *)0L} },
11+- {"gdbprg", "gdp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE,
12+- (char_u *)&p_gdp, PV_NONE,
13+- {(char_u *)"gdb", (char_u *)0L} },
15+ #ifdef HAVE_FSYNC
16+ (char_u *)&p_fs, PV_NONE,
17+ {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}
18+@@ -1200,6 +1192,14 @@
19+ (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
20+ {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L}},
21+ #endif
22++#ifdef FEAT_GDB
23++ {"gdbvariables", "gdbvar",P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE,
24++ (char_u *)&p_gvar, PV_NONE,
25++ {(char_u *)"gdb-variables", (char_u *)0L} },
26++ {"gdbprg", "gdp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE,
27++ (char_u *)&p_gdp, PV_NONE,
28++ {(char_u *)"gdb", (char_u *)0L} },
30+ {"gdefault", "gd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM,
31+ (char_u *)&p_gd, PV_NONE,
32+ {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}},
--- a/editors/vim/Portfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
1-# $Id: Portfile 48326 2009-03-19 09:31:11Z raimue@macports.org $
3-PortSystem 1.0
5-name vim
6-set vim_version 7.2
7-set vim_patchlevel 147
8-version ${vim_version}.${vim_patchlevel}
9-categories editors
10-maintainers raimue
11-description Vi \"workalike\" with many additional features
12-long_description \
13- Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the \
14- de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set.
16-homepage http://www.vim.org/
17-platforms darwin freebsd
19-use_bzip2 yes
21-distfiles \
22- [suffix ${name}-${vim_version}]:vim \
23- ${name}-${vim_version}-extra.tar.gz:extra \
24- ${name}-${vim_version}-lang.tar.gz:extra
25-checksums \
26- [suffix ${name}-${vim_version}] \
27- md5 f0901284b338e448bfd79ccca0041254 \
28- sha1 a4b6641ca528fada71ea77c998a441495ed4984c \
29- rmd160 eaff64d0fec09d725addf8de569f508b80a5766e \
30- ${name}-${vim_version}-extra.tar.gz \
31- md5 35e04482f07c57221c9a751aaa3b8dac \
32- sha1 6a17629093e59958bff336b6c122dea1b8b1b649 \
33- rmd160 05976466c8a6c1bd2fb2b1d58eb4613947de07df \
34- ${name}-${vim_version}-lang.tar.gz \
35- md5 d8884786979e0e520c112faf2e176f05 \
36- sha1 970e0dda7e5b2308cf33488be1ea33d593d951cb \
37- rmd160 946bd64fbf030b341cc13bee7101f2c0acb26ce2
39-patchfiles patch-src_auto_configure.diff
41-distname ${name}[strsed ${vim_version} {g/\.//}]
42-dist_subdir ${distname}
44-depends_build bin:gnutar:gnutar \
45- bin:grep:grep
46-depends_lib port:ncurses \
47- port:libiconv \
48- port:ctags
50-configure.args --enable-gui=no \
51- --without-x \
52- --disable-gpm \
53- --disable-nls \
54- --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
55- --with-tlib=ncurses \
56- --enable-multibyte
58-extract.only [suffix ${name}-${vim_version}]
59-post-extract {
60- system "gnutar xvfz ${distpath}/${name}-${vim_version}-extra.tar.gz -C \
61- ${workpath}"
62- system "gnutar xvfz ${distpath}/${name}-${vim_version}-lang.tar.gz -C \
63- ${workpath}"
66-post-patch {
67- set features [open ${worksrcpath}/src/feature.h a+]
68- puts $features "#define SYS_VIMRC_FILE \"${prefix}/etc/vimrc\""
69- close $features
72-use_parallel_build yes
74-post-destroot {
75- ln -s ${prefix}/bin/vim ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/vi
78-test.run yes
80-variant athena description {Build GUI version using Athena widgets} conflicts gtk1 gtk2 motif {
81- configure.args-delete --enable-gui=no --without-x
82- configure.args-append --enable-gui=athena --with-x --disable-darwin
83- depends_lib-append port:xorg-libXaw
85-variant gtk1 description {Build GUI version using GTK 1.x widgets} conflicts athena gtk2 motif {
86- configure.args-delete --enable-gui=no --without-x
87- configure.args-append --enable-gui=gtk --with-x --disable-darwin
88- depends_lib-append port:gtk1
90-variant gtk2 description {Build GUI version using GTK 2.x widgets} conflicts athena gtk1 motif {
91- configure.args-delete --enable-gui=no --without-x
92- configure.args-append --enable-gui=gtk2 --with-x --disable-darwin
93- depends_lib-append port:gtk2
95-variant motif description {Build GUI version with Motif widgets} conflicts athena gtk1 gtk2 {
96- configure.args-delete --enable-gui=no --without-x
97- configure.args-append --enable-gui=motif --with-x --disable-darwin
98- depends_lib-append lib:libXm:openmotif
101-variant tiny description {Build tiny feature set} {
102- configure.args-append --with-features=tiny
104-variant small description {Build small feature set} conflicts tiny {
105- configure.args-append --with-features=small
107-variant big description {Build big feature set} conflicts tiny small {
108- configure.args-append --with-features=big
110-variant huge description {Build huge feature set} conflicts tiny small big {
111- configure.args-append --with-features=huge
113-variant xim description {Build with support for X Input Method} {
114- configure.args-append --with-xim
117-variant perl description {Enable Perl scripting} {
118- configure.args-append --enable-perlinterp
119- depends_lib-append path:bin/perl:perl5
121-variant python description {Enable Python scripting} {
122- configure.args-append --enable-pythoninterp
123- depends_lib-append port:python25
125-variant ruby description {Enable Ruby scripting} {
126- configure.args-append --enable-rubyinterp
127- depends_lib-append port:ruby
129-variant tcl description {Enable Tcl scripting} {
130- configure.args-append --enable-tclinterp
131- depends_lib-append port:tcl
134-variant cscope description {Enable source code browsing with cscope} {
135- configure.args-append --enable-cscope
138-variant nls {
139- configure.args-delete --disable-nls
140- depends_lib-append port:gettext
143-platform puredarwin {
144- configure.args-append --disable-darwin
147-include serverlist
148-include patchlist
150-livecheck.check regex
151-livecheck.url http://ftp.vim.org/pub/${name}/patches/${vim_version}/?O=D
152-livecheck.regex (${vim_version}\.\\d+)
154-include gdb
--- a/editors/vim/files/gdb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
1-set gdbdistfile vimgdb72-1.14.tar.gz
2-variant gdb description {Enable GDB integration} {
3- master_sites-append sourceforge:clewn:gdb
4- distfiles-append ${gdbdistfile}:gdb
5- checksums-append ${gdbdistfile} md5 e406c64d29a3152a3f5d0fffe3d2bba8
6- configure.args-append --enable-gdb
7- patchfiles-append patch-gdb.c
8- post-extract {
9- system "gnutar xvfz ${distpath}/${gdbdistfile} -C ${workpath}"
10- }
11- pre-patch {
12- system "patch -d ${worksrcpath} -p0 < \
13- ${workpath}/vimgdb/${distname}.diff"
14- }
15- post-destroot {
16- system "gnutar xvfz ${workpath}/vimgdb/vimgdb_runtime.tgz \
17- -C ${destroot}${prefix}/share/vim/${distname}"
18- system "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/vim \
19- --cmd \"helptag ${destroot}${prefix}/share/vim/${distname}/doc\" \
20- --cmd exit"
21- }
24-variant my {}
25-if { [variant_isset my] } { default_variants +cscope +gdb +huge +ruby }
--- a/editors/vim/files/patch-src_auto_configure.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
1---- src/auto/configure.orig 2008-07-24 06:40:36.000000000 -0600
2-+++ src/auto/configure 2009-01-18 21:15:03.000000000 -0700
3-@@ -15458,7 +15458,7 @@
4- if test "$enable_multibyte" = "yes"; then
5- cflags_save=$CFLAGS
6- ldflags_save=$LDFLAGS
7-- if test -n "$x_includes" ; then
8-+ if test -n "$x_includes" && test "$x_includes" != "NONE"; then
9- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$x_includes"
11- { $as_echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether X_LOCALE needed" >&5
--- a/editors/vim/files/patchlist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
1-eval {
2- set low 1
3- set patchlevel [string trimleft $vim_patchlevel 0]
4- set files {}
6- while {$low <= $patchlevel} {
7- set high [expr $low + 99];
8- if {$high < $patchlevel} {
9- patchfiles-append [format "%s.%03d-%03d.gz" $vim_version $low $high]
10- incr low 100
11- } else {
12- patchfiles-append [format "%s.%03d" $vim_version $low]
13- incr low 1
14- }
15- }
18-checksums-append \
19- 7.2.001-100.gz md5 ba91b19374cee90f71b8f4ab1d92dc0f \
20- 7.2.101 md5 65e59923311b136306284319521d70d7 \
21- 7.2.102 md5 42e2274c6a3152279720d8623f7916ad \
22- 7.2.103 md5 654ba716e77d092c1c314fed18c7486d \
23- 7.2.104 md5 b839c2c957eb3bb7511ace0b61d5d5fe \
24- 7.2.105 md5 7f37ad0b1573be8bc39a817a21422a4e \
25- 7.2.106 md5 4801df8c2833a683cd1b2a5870565e41 \
26- 7.2.107 md5 e6801b619d40efe81428399e26e0486f \
27- 7.2.108 md5 76f17428d216ec6b29036e22397c2765 \
28- 7.2.109 md5 db97daa4f1e56440a988e7f5272997c7 \
29- 7.2.110 md5 b8752c88429f869dec05232db89018e2 \
30- 7.2.111 md5 e8cdc1e862b60215c12265e44b38239d \
31- 7.2.112 md5 e933dd778c6f8687cf1f9f3e550e6cc0 \
32- 7.2.113 md5 861729d9d4dc422e45c22bd8e006fc32 \
33- 7.2.114 md5 5da3a29b3184af1780a82499343e7587 \
34- 7.2.115 md5 b35c7b1cfa2a5f7b45829cd09ac27b7a \
35- 7.2.116 md5 1355cc34fbc7be7eb48fa777e8f49dfb \
36- 7.2.117 md5 8b9c839ec7448691b0a88475f0d0d4f9 \
37- 7.2.118 md5 74d97a563ec1b1f1606705097396c391 \
38- 7.2.119 md5 2ddd84423b902a2b3594c64c567be0b4 \
39- 7.2.120 md5 5394e442f011d47b6d69a7b03984cdf4 \
40- 7.2.121 md5 6bdb5e63ca3d79d3dcb7127e14ae3949 \
41- 7.2.122 md5 36554c0103cafc8759f3e71ccd56c56f \
42- 7.2.123 md5 841c74d1f3cb8380fa5713d5b9ca2c98 \
43- 7.2.124 md5 2489ebcb72280dd50b8756e4ab7d36ed \
44- 7.2.125 md5 10b15d637133b73d825650363d863b58 \
45- 7.2.126 md5 b31534667bb741e21479b1e3757c9e21 \
46- 7.2.127 md5 71e87e78bea69d8876ff7f6d824c8986 \
47- 7.2.128 md5 21da01d371757282bfd402ddd91005ba \
48- 7.2.129 md5 e890b630efa3847c8cdee2f197145b6c \
49- 7.2.130 md5 d3fe3bf37d5c0940f3e751f41d92e817 \
50- 7.2.131 md5 3c2aaa22914d06a65bf0f212e43c3ace \
51- 7.2.132 md5 379aa718df5dbcde8215fc4d94062d9f \
52- 7.2.133 md5 6d51f9deb4c2604692f532c118b73ef8 \
53- 7.2.134 md5 4acae77b2a217e1cb47040c08e28180d \
54- 7.2.135 md5 4d30bf2c9d2973f5dd1c12468123dc41 \
55- 7.2.136 md5 f2ae8cc595933938ee608e040d1256a5 \
56- 7.2.137 md5 c613c1e0fac319f05ffe1fa7e27d6600 \
57- 7.2.138 md5 e7d02c3dea47fa579366bb1cd025ce5e \
58- 7.2.139 md5 04f7131164b3f46d6365a8faea0e32c6 \
59- 7.2.140 md5 e1c0e4fbd985f5a2e5a24a4cfab1112c \
60- 7.2.141 md5 e5a9c7ef44a38057c0c5c1191d9cdf77 \
61- 7.2.142 md5 f08f7f966749c2ef20ff87dfeb9bef62 \
62- 7.2.143 md5 6b132dad3ad947662d1c370193a14218 \
63- 7.2.144 md5 4e2a1d1cb12198a783759f88e6c64fc4 \
64- 7.2.145 md5 38877e2ac720e45e5d62cd1089167db3 \
65- 7.2.146 md5 cb97aca73a1f4fdd2fac894bba7e43ae \
66- 7.2.147 md5 4219afedebf0172118f2d078d9012995
--- a/editors/vim/files/serverlist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
1-set serverList {
2- http://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/
5-# create list of locations for source, extras, patches from serverList
6-foreach server ${serverList} {
7- master_sites-append ${server}unix/:vim
8- master_sites-append ${server}extra/:extra
9- patch_sites-append ${server}patches/${vim_version}
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