Minimalist file browser included in CORE
Probably best done in (Open) WATCOM C, because we already have the SvarLANG lib for translations.
Please, no dual-pane Norton Commander clone!
What I have in mind is:
Basically a TUI over DIR, CD, TYPE and %COMSPEC%/C commands.
Not a very challenging job, unless one strives for minimum disk space footprint (like "under 20K" or so), then it becomes interesting (and still very doable in OpenWatcom C).
MIT or BSD license preferred. GPL would be acceptable, too, but that requires adding the *huge* license file to the package... Not very space-efficient.
Reply To mateuszviste
Basically a TUI over DIR, CD, TYPE and %COMSPEC%/C commands.
Yes. -- The %COMSPEC% /C might be a problem with TSRs. So reboot often. *g*
Not a very challenging job, unless one strives for minimum disk space footprint (like "under 20K" or so), then it becomes interesting (and still very doable in OpenWatcom C).
Let's see, if Carsten accepts the challenge.
MIT or BSD license preferred. GPL would be acceptable, too, but that requires adding the *huge* license file to the package... Not very space-efficient.
Or as ecm would say:
Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument. DISCLAIMER: THE WORKS ARE WITHOUT WARRANTY.
Requested by Robert a couple of days (or weeks?) ago: having some tiny file browser included with SvarDOS so new users could easily browser their disk without typing all those pesky CD commands.
MS-DOS used to include DOSSHELL. Here the scope could be much less ambitious: just browsing directories, ability to launch EXE/COM/BAT files and maybe look at text files.