from todo.ama: "and user should be able to define local preferences through an easy-to-use wizard during install time"
Could also be used to configure SvarDOS language, keyboard layout and codepage.
It would be a bonus, if the user could also configure his/her system after installation. So, make it a separate tool and just call it from install.exe.
Applying new settings to existing and probably modified by the user CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT is not easy, when there is more than configuration in the files.
The program should analyze current configs and then present a dialog to the user:
Apply new settings to:
[ ] common config block
[ ] config #1 "foo"
[ ] config #2 "bar"
[Select all] [Deselect all] [OK] [Cancel]
alt.: export the new configuration lines to a separate file, so the user can play with them
from todo.ama: "and user should be able to define local preferences through an easy-to-use wizard during install time"
Could also be used to configure SvarDOS language, keyboard layout and codepage.
It would be a bonus, if the user could also configure his/her system after installation. So, make it a separate tool and just call it from install.exe.
Applying new settings to existing and probably modified by the user CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT is not easy, when there is more than configuration in the files.
The program should analyze current configs and then present a dialog to the user:
alt.: export the new configuration lines to a separate file, so the user can play with them