Support double colon for comments in batch files
By the way: SvarCOM needs a rebuild with the new SvarLANG lib, because it doesn't like the ";." in NLSPATH. Gives me a "AX=0003" (file not found?) after each command.
It is just a label that acts as a comment by side effect. SvarCOM does not support GOTO/labels yet. Planned for 2022.1 (hopefully soon, but I keep getting distracted by other things lately... not that it is a bad thing of course)
Yes I know about the AX alergy to a multipath NLS, that's a remnant of old debug code, will be cleared out in 2022.1 as well.
goto is supported since 2022.1
Oh, I must have missed this old ticket yesterday, although I tested '::' successfully.
I consider it a bug, that it is not supported, because MS-DOS has it, but as 2022.0 is a "preview" version I made it a feature request.