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Project Description

Tab Text Finder is a simple and fast grep-like text search application, where the search results are kept as separate window tabs. This application is the most effective when you are going to find keywords one after another in the same set of files.

The English version is now cloned as "SurfFind" here:

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2010-06-19 16:50
tabtextfinder 1.2 [r61] (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

v1.2 リリース
- 外部エディタの登録機能を追加。
- 検索対象から除外するファイル名の設定を追加。
- Azuki テキストエディタエンジンを v1.5.6 に更新。
- リストでコンテキストメニューが出なくなるバグを修正。


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