[Tamago-tsunagi-vcs 42] [SCM] tamago-tsunagi (tamago-tsunagi) branch, master, updated. tsunagi-5_0_5_0-2-gca56aa9

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itisa****@users***** itisa****@users*****
2015年 2月 2日 (月) 13:01:39 JST

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to "tamago-tsunagi" repository
containing the "tamago-tsunagi" project.

The branch, master has been updated
       via  ca56aa92b4e5ac0d827a2df9e5f51c396fcd442b (commit)
       via  e9c1b03d9b607bdb88f24d2ab05c92130b2dd533 (commit)
      from  a87cfec984832fe29f72724d0da8cc9ffc23dc8f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit ca56aa92b4e5ac0d827a2df9e5f51c396fcd442b
Author: Mitsutoshi NAKANO <bkbin****@rinku*****>
Date:   Mon Feb 2 10:20:27 2015 +0900

    release, fixed FSF address (#34859) and Maintainer lines (#34862)
    * egg.el(egg-version): updated ->
    * *.el */*.el: fixed FSF address (#34859)
    * *.el: */*.el: deleted Maintainer lines in sources (#34862)
    TOMURA Satoru said that he resigned as the maintainer.
    And I found that Mr. NIIBE and Mr. SHIIRAI are maintainers in sources.
    But tyey are not tamago-tsunagi's maintainers.
    So I deleted Maintainer lines in sources.
    * its/jiskana.el: fixed #34859
    * its.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/pinyin.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/zenkaku.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/quanjiao.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/wnn.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/hangul.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/ascii.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/sj3rpc.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg-edep.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/zhuyin.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/hira.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/canna.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its-keydef.el: fixed #34859 #34862 and deleted duplicating Keywords
    * menudiag.el: fixed #34859
    * its/bixing.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * eggrc: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/hankata.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/thai.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg.el: fixed #34859
    * its/erpin.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * leim-list.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/aynu.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/cannarpc.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/jeonkak.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/sj3.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * docomp.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg-cnv.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg-com.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg-mlh.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg-sim.el: fixed #34859
    * egg-x0213.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/anthy.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/anthyipc.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * egg/wnnrpc.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * its/kata.el: fixed #34859
    * jisx0213.el: fixed #34859 #34862
    * NEWS: added

commit e9c1b03d9b607bdb88f24d2ab05c92130b2dd533
Author: Mitsutoshi NAKANO <bkbin****@rinku*****>
Date:   Mon Feb 2 07:07:00 2015 +0900

    replase COPYING for fixing FSF address (#34859)
    * COPYING: replased file for fixing FSF address.
    	modified:   COPYING
    	modified:   ChangeLog


Summary of changes:
 COPYING         |   41 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 ChangeLog       |   52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 NEWS            |   14 ++++++++++++++
 docomp.el       |    6 ++----
 egg-cnv.el      |    6 ++----
 egg-com.el      |    6 ++----
 egg-edep.el     |    6 ++----
 egg-mlh.el      |    6 ++----
 egg-sim.el      |    4 ++--
 egg-x0213.el    |    6 ++----
 egg.el          |    6 +++---
 egg/anthy.el    |    7 ++-----
 egg/anthyipc.el |    7 ++-----
 egg/canna.el    |    6 ++----
 egg/cannarpc.el |    6 ++----
 egg/sj3.el      |    6 ++----
 egg/sj3rpc.el   |    6 ++----
 egg/wnn.el      |    6 ++----
 egg/wnnrpc.el   |    6 ++----
 eggrc           |    6 ++----
 its-keydef.el   |    8 ++------
 its.el          |    6 ++----
 its/ascii.el    |    6 ++----
 its/aynu.el     |    6 ++----
 its/bixing.el   |    6 ++----
 its/erpin.el    |    6 ++----
 its/hangul.el   |    6 ++----
 its/hankata.el  |    6 ++----
 its/hira.el     |    6 ++----
 its/jeonkak.el  |    6 ++----
 its/jiskana.el  |    4 ++--
 its/kata.el     |    4 ++--
 its/pinyin.el   |    6 ++----
 its/quanjiao.el |    6 ++----
 its/thai.el     |    6 ++----
 its/zenkaku.el  |    6 ++----
 its/zhuyin.el   |    6 ++----
 jisx0213.el     |    6 ++----
 leim-list.el    |    6 ++----
 menudiag.el     |    4 ++--
 40 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

tamago-tsunagi (tamago-tsunagi)

Tamago-tsunagi-vcs メーリングリストの案内
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