[tomoyo-users-en 673] Re: Command line policy management and port management

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Rahmadi Trimananda rtrim****@uci*****
Wed Apr 5 07:26:53 JST 2017

Thanks! The wrapper programs work well. I was thinking about doing that
too, but I think I made a mistake in that I didn't use "exec", so I didn't
get a different domain for each java execution and just got the domains for
the shell scripts.

I am not really clear about the second option that uses self_domain
interface. Do you mean in Test.java and Test2.java I need to make a section
of code that writes into /sys/kernel/security/tomoyo/self_domain?
Do we have a program that allows this writing, e.g. tomoyo-loadpolicy? Or
do we simply have to make edits directly to that file?

The TOMOYO webpage says: *This can be used to split permissions without
requiring an execution, but the application must be modified to write to
the interface at the appropriate time.*

When is this appropriate time? Then am I going to be able to see the 2
domains using tomoyo-editpolicy and do the training for both domains so
that I don't have to generate the policies from scratch?

Apologies for having too many questions. :) The documentation on
self_domain seems to be very little.


On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Tetsuo Handa <
pengu****@i-lov*****> wrote:

> Rahmadi Trimananda wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thank you! I managed to install Tomoyo on my system and it's working
> well.
> > :)
> Good.
> >
> > I have another question that I hope is do-able to do on Tomoyo.
> >
> > So, I am experimenting with a folder (shown below):
> >
> > iotuser at raspberrypi:~/tomoyo/test $ ls
> > a.out  save  Test2.class  test2.txt  Test.class  test.txt
> > edit   stat  Test2.java   test.c     Test.java
> >
> > Basically, I wish to create separate domains for different java
> executions.
> > So, as I have 2 class files, I would like to create separate domains for
> > "java Test" and "java Test2". I've been trying to use initialize_domain
> and
> > no_initialize_domain in Exception Policy Editor but no success yet. It
> > seems that no_initialize_domain only works if the application is run from
> > different paths? Need your insights/advice to make this work. Thank you!
> Please use wrapper programs
> ---------- run_Test1 start ----------
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /usr/bin/java Test
> ---------- run_Test1 end ----------
> ---------- run_Test2 start ----------
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /usr/bin/java Test2
> ---------- run_Test2 end ----------
> and specify path to these wrapper programs instead of /usr/bin/java .
> If Test.java and Test2.java can be updated to write to
> /sys/kernel/security/tomoyo/self_domain interface, you can specify
> for example
>   <kernel> /usr/bin/java
>   task manual_domain_transition <kernel> //Test
>   task manual_domain_transition <kernel> //Test2
>   <kernel> //Test
>   <kernel> //Test2
> instead.
> http://tomoyo.osdn.jp/2.5/policy-specification/domain-
> transition-procedure.html.en#transition_by_non_execute
> >
> > Regards,
> > Rahmadi

Kind regards,
Rahmadi Trimananda

Ph.D. student @ University of California, Irvine
"Stay hungry, stay foolish!" - Steve Jobs -
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