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traclightning: Commit


Commit MetaInfo

Revision6f571ca629ac98a6b94752a17469d67f2399cf25 (tree)
Time2011-05-29 15:03:53

Log Message


Change Summary

Incremental Difference

diff -r 84ea021b5492 -r 6f571ca629ac plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/grid/grid.base.js
--- a/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/grid/grid.base.js Sun May 29 13:26:45 2011 +0900
+++ b/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/grid/grid.base.js Sun May 29 15:03:53 2011 +0900
@@ -1,1482 +1,1482 @@
1-;(function ($) {
3- * jqGrid 3.3.2 - jQuery Grid
4- * Copyright (c) 2008, Tony Tomov, tony@trirand.com
5- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
6- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
7- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
8- * Date: 2008-12-14 rev 74
9- */
10-$.fn.jqGrid = function( p ) {
11- p = $.extend(true,{
12- url: "",
13- height: 150,
14- page: 1,
15- rowNum: 20,
16- records: 0,
17- pager: "",
18- pgbuttons: true,
19- pginput: true,
20- colModel: [],
21- rowList: [],
22- colNames: [],
23- sortorder: "asc",
24- sortname: "",
25- datatype: "xml",
26- mtype: "GET",
27- imgpath: "",
28- sortascimg: "sort_asc.gif",
29- sortdescimg: "sort_desc.gif",
30- firstimg: "first.gif",
31- previmg: "prev.gif",
32- nextimg: "next.gif",
33- lastimg: "last.gif",
34- altRows: true,
35- selarrrow: [],
36- savedRow: [],
37- shrinkToFit: true,
38- xmlReader: {},
39- jsonReader: {},
40- subGrid: false,
41- subGridModel :[],
42- lastpage: 0,
43- lastsort: 0,
44- selrow: null,
45- beforeSelectRow: null,
46- onSelectRow: null,
47- onSortCol: null,
48- ondblClickRow: null,
49- onRightClickRow: null,
50- onPaging: null,
51- onSelectAll: null,
52- loadComplete: null,
53- gridComplete: null,
54- loadError: null,
55- loadBeforeSend: null,
56- afterInsertRow: null,
57- beforeRequest: null,
58- onHeaderClick: null,
59- viewrecords: false,
60- loadonce: false,
61- multiselect: false,
62- multikey: false,
63- editurl: null,
64- search: false,
65- searchdata: {},
66- caption: "",
67- hidegrid: true,
68- hiddengrid: false,
69- postData: {},
70- userData: {},
71- treeGrid : false,
72- treeANode: 0,
73- treedatatype: null,
74- treeReader: {level_field: "level",
75- left_field:"lft",
76- right_field: "rgt",
77- leaf_field: "isLeaf",
78- expanded_field: "expanded"
79- },
80- tree_root_level: 0,
81- ExpandColumn: null,
82- sortclass: "grid_sort",
83- resizeclass: "grid_resize",
84- forceFit : false,
85- gridstate : "visible",
86- cellEdit: false,
87- cellsubmit: "remote",
88- nv:0,
89- loadui: "enable",
90- toolbar: [false,""]
91- }, $.jgrid.defaults, p || {});
92- var grid={
93- headers:[],
94- cols:[],
95- dragStart: function(i,x) {
96- this.resizing = { idx: i, startX: x};
97- this.hDiv.style.cursor = "e-resize";
98- },
99- dragMove: function(x) {
100- if(this.resizing) {
101- var diff = x-this.resizing.startX;
102- var h = this.headers[this.resizing.idx];
103- var newWidth = h.width + diff;
104- var msie = $.browser.msie;
105- if(newWidth > 25) {
106- if(p.forceFit===true ){
107- var hn = this.headers[this.resizing.idx+p.nv];
108- var nWn = hn.width - diff;
109- if(nWn >25) {
110- h.el.style.width = newWidth+"px";
111- h.newWidth = newWidth;
112- this.cols[this.resizing.idx].style.width = newWidth+"px";
113- hn.el.style.width = nWn +"px";
114- hn.newWidth = nWn;
115- this.cols[this.resizing.idx+p.nv].style.width = nWn+"px";
116- this.newWidth = this.width;
117- }
118- } else {
119- h.el.style.width = newWidth+"px";
120- h.newWidth = newWidth;
121- this.cols[this.resizing.idx].style.width = newWidth+"px";
122- this.newWidth = this.width+diff;
123- $('table:first',this.bDiv).css("width",this.newWidth +"px");
124- $('table:first',this.hDiv).css("width",this.newWidth +"px");
125- var scrLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
126- this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
127- if(msie) {
128- if(scrLeft - this.hDiv.scrollLeft >= 5) {this.bDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft - 17;}
129- }
130- }
131- }
132- }
133- },
134- dragEnd: function() {
135- this.hDiv.style.cursor = "default";
136- if(this.resizing) {
137- var idx = this.resizing.idx;
138- this.headers[idx].width = this.headers[idx].newWidth || this.headers[idx].width;
139- this.cols[idx].style.width = this.headers[idx].newWidth || this.headers[idx].width;
140- if(p.forceFit===true){
141- this.headers[idx+p.nv].width = this.headers[idx+p.nv].newWidth || this.headers[idx+p.nv].width;
142- this.cols[idx+p.nv].style.width = this.headers[idx+p.nv].newWidth || this.headers[idx+p.nv].width;
143- }
144- if(this.newWidth) {this.width = this.newWidth;}
145- this.resizing = false;
146- }
147- },
148- scrollGrid: function() {
149- var scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
150- this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
151- if(scrollLeft - this.hDiv.scrollLeft > 5) {this.bDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft - 17;}
152- }
153- };
154- $.fn.getGridParam = function(pName) {
155- var $t = this[0];
156- if (!$t.grid) {return;}
157- if (!pName) { return $t.p; }
158- else {return $t.p[pName] ? $t.p[pName] : null;}
159- };
160- $.fn.setGridParam = function (newParams){
161- return this.each(function(){
162- if (this.grid && typeof(newParams) === 'object') {$.extend(true,this.p,newParams);}
163- });
164- };
165- $.fn.getDataIDs = function () {
166- var ids=[];
167- this.each(function(){
168- $(this.rows).slice(1).each(function(i){
169- ids[i]=this.id;
170- });
171- });
172- return ids;
173- };
174- $.fn.setSortName = function (newsort) {
175- return this.each(function(){
176- var $t = this;
177- for(var i=0;i< $t.p.colModel.length;i++){
178- if($t.p.colModel[i].name===newsort || $t.p.colModel[i].index===newsort){
179- $("tr th:eq("+$t.p.lastsort+") div img",$t.grid.hDiv).remove();
180- $t.p.lastsort = i;
181- $t.p.sortname=newsort;
182- break;
183- }
184- }
185- });
186- };
187- $.fn.setSelection = function(selection,sd) {
188- return this.each(function(){
189- var $t = this, stat,pt;
190- if(selection===false) {pt = sd;}
191- else { var ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,selection); pt=$($t.rows[ind]);}
192- selection = $(pt).attr("id");
193- if (!pt.html()) {return;}
194- if(!$t.p.multiselect) {
195- if($(pt).attr("class") !== "subgrid") {
196- if( $t.p.selrow ) {$("tr#"+$t.p.selrow+":first",$t.grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");}
197- $t.p.selrow = selection;
198- $(pt).addClass("selected");
199- if( $t.p.onSelectRow ) { $t.p.onSelectRow($t.p.selrow, true); }
200- }
201- } else {
202- $t.p.selrow = selection;
203- var ia = $.inArray($t.p.selrow,$t.p.selarrrow);
204- if ( ia === -1 ){
205- if($(pt).attr("class") !== "subgrid") { $(pt).addClass("selected");}
206- stat = true;
207- $("#jqg_"+$t.p.selrow,$t.rows).attr("checked",stat);
208- $t.p.selarrrow.push($t.p.selrow);
209- if( $t.p.onSelectRow ) { $t.p.onSelectRow($t.p.selrow, stat); }
210- } else {
211- if($(pt).attr("class") !== "subgrid") { $(pt).removeClass("selected");}
212- stat = false;
213- $("#jqg_"+$t.p.selrow,$t.rows).attr("checked",stat);
214- $t.p.selarrrow.splice(ia,1);
215- if( $t.p.onSelectRow ) { $t.p.onSelectRow($t.p.selrow, stat); }
216- var tpsr = $t.p.selarrrow[0];
217- $t.p.selrow = (tpsr=='undefined') ? null : tpsr;
218- }
219- }
220- });
221- };
222- $.fn.resetSelection = function(){
223- return this.each(function(){
224- var t = this;
225- if(!t.p.multiselect) {
226- if(t.p.selrow) {
227- $("tr#"+t.p.selrow+":first",t.grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");
228- t.p.selrow = null;
229- }
230- } else {
231- $(t.p.selarrrow).each(function(i,n){
232- var ind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,n);
233- $(t.rows[ind]).removeClass("selected");
234- $("#jqg_"+n,t.rows[ind]).attr("checked",false);
235- });
236- $("#cb_jqg",t.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);
237- t.p.selarrrow = [];
238- }
239- });
240- };
241- $.fn.getRowData = function( rowid ) {
242- var res = {};
243- if (rowid){
244- this.each(function(){
245- var $t = this,nm,ind;
246- ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
247- if (!ind) {return res;}
248- $('td', $t.rows[ind]).each( function(i) {
249- nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name;
250- if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid') {
251- res[nm] = $(this).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'').replace(/&amp;/g, "&").replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
252- }
253- });
254- });
255- }
256- return res;
257- };
258- $.fn.delRowData = function(rowid) {
259- var success = false, rowInd;
260- if(rowid) {
261- this.each(function() {
262- var $t = this;
263- rowInd = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
264- if(!rowInd) {return success;}
265- else {
266- $($t.rows[rowInd]).remove();
267- $t.p.records--;
268- $t.updatepager();
269- success=true;
270- }
271- if(rowInd == 1 && success && ($.browser.opera || $.browser.safari)) {
272- $($t.rows[1]).each( function( k ) {
273- $(this).css("width",$t.grid.headers[k].width+"px");
274- $t.grid.cols[k] = this;
275- });
276- }
277- if( $t.p.altRows === true && success) {
278- $($t.rows).slice(1).each(function(i){
279- if(i % 2 ==1) {$(this).addClass('alt');}
280- else {$(this).removeClass('alt');}
281- });
282- }
283- });
284- }
285- return success;
286- };
287- $.fn.setRowData = function(rowid, data) {
288- var nm, success=false;
289- this.each(function(){
290- var t = this;
291- if(!t.grid) {return false;}
292- if( data ) {
293- var ind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,rowid);
294- if(!ind) {return success;}
295- success=true;
296- $(this.p.colModel).each(function(i){
297- nm = this.name;
298- if(data[nm] !== 'undefined') {
299- $("td:eq("+i+")",t.rows[ind]).html(data[nm]);
300- success = true;
301- }
302- });
303- }
304- });
305- return success;
306- };
307- $.fn.addRowData = function(rowid,data,pos,src) {
308- if(!pos) {pos = "last";}
309- var success = false;
310- var nm, row, td, gi=0, si=0,sind;
311- if(data) {
312- this.each(function() {
313- var t = this;
314- row = document.createElement("tr");
315- row.id = rowid || t.p.records+1;
316- $(row).addClass("jqgrow");
317- if(t.p.multiselect) {
318- td = $('<td></td>');
319- $(td[0],t.grid.bDiv).html("<input type='checkbox'"+" id='jqg_"+rowid+"' class='cbox'/>");
320- row.appendChild(td[0]);
321- gi = 1;
322- }
323- if(t.p.subGrid ) { try {$(t).addSubGrid(t.grid.bDiv,row,gi);} catch(e){} si=1;}
324- for(var i = gi+si; i < this.p.colModel.length;i++){
325- nm = this.p.colModel[i].name;
326- td = $('<td></td>');
327- $(td[0]).html('&#160;');
328- if(data[nm] !== 'undefined') {
329- $(td[0]).html(data[nm]);
330- }
331- t.formatCol($(td[0],t.grid.bDiv),i);
332- row.appendChild(td[0]);
333- }
334- switch (pos) {
335- case 'last':
336- $(t.rows[t.rows.length-1]).after(row);
337- break;
338- case 'first':
339- $(t.rows[0]).after(row);
340- break;
341- case 'after':
342- sind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,src);
343- sind >= 0 ? $(t.rows[sind]).after(row): "";
344- break;
345- case 'before':
346- sind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,src);
347- sind > 0 ? $(t.rows[sind-1]).after(row): "";
348- break;
349- }
350- t.p.records++;
351- if($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera) {
352- t.scrollLeft = t.scrollLeft;
353- $("td",t.rows[1]).each( function( k ) {
354- $(this).css("width",t.grid.headers[k].width+"px");
355- t.grid.cols[k] = this;
356- });
357- }
358- if( t.p.altRows === true ) {
359- if (pos == "last") {
360- if (t.rows.length % 2 == 1) {$(row).addClass('alt');}
361- } else {
362- $(t.rows).slice(1).each(function(i){
363- if(i % 2 ==1) {$(this).addClass('alt');}
364- else {$(this).removeClass('alt');}
365- });
366- }
367- }
368- try {t.p.afterInsertRow(row.id,data); } catch(e){}
369- t.updatepager();
370- success = true;
371- });
372- }
373- return success;
374- };
375- $.fn.hideCol = function(colname) {
376- return this.each(function() {
377- var $t = this,w=0, fndh=false;
378- if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
379- if( typeof colname == 'string') {colname=[colname];}
380- $(this.p.colModel).each(function(i) {
381- if ($.inArray(this.name,colname) != -1 && !this.hidden) {
382- var w = parseInt($("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width"),10);
383- $("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css({display:"none"});
384- $($t.rows).each(function(j){
385- $("td:eq("+i+")",$t.rows[j]).css({display:"none"});
386- });
387- $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = 0;
388- $t.grid.headers[i].width = 0;
389- $t.grid.width -= w;
390- this.hidden=true;
391- fndh=true;
392- }
393- });
394- if(fndh===true) {
395- var gtw = Math.min($t.p._width,$t.grid.width);
396- $("table:first",$t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
397- $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw);
398- $($t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
399- $($t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw);
400- if($t.p.pager && $($t.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
401- $($t.p.pager).width(gtw);
402- }
403- if($t.p.caption) {$($t.grid.cDiv).width(gtw);}
404- if($t.p.toolbar[0]) {$($t.grid.uDiv).width(gtw);}
405- $t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
406- }
407- });
408- };
409- $.fn.showCol = function(colname) {
410- return this.each(function() {
411- var $t = this; var w = 0, fdns=false;
412- if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
413- if( typeof colname == 'string') {colname=[colname];}
414- $($t.p.colModel).each(function(i) {
415- if ($.inArray(this.name,colname) != -1 && this.hidden) {
416- var w = parseInt($("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width"),10);
417- $("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("display","");
418- $($t.rows).each(function(j){
419- $("td:eq("+i+")",$t.rows[j]).css("display","").width(w);
420- });
421- this.hidden=false;
422- $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = w;
423- $t.grid.headers[i].width = w;
424- $t.grid.width += w;
425- fdns=true;
426- }
427- });
428- if(fdns===true) {
429- var gtw = Math.min($t.p._width,$t.grid.width);
430- var ofl = ($t.grid.width <= $t.p._width) ? "hidden" : "auto";
431- $("table:first",$t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
432- $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw);
433- $($t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
434- $($t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw).css("overflow-x",ofl);
435- if($t.p.pager && $($t.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
436- $($t.p.pager).width(gtw);
437- }
438- if($t.p.caption) {$($t.grid.cDiv).width(gtw);}
439- if($t.p.toolbar[0]) {$($t.grid.uDiv).width(gtw);}
440- $t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
441- }
442- });
443- };
444- $.fn.setGridWidth = function(nwidth, shrink) {
445- return this.each(function(){
446- var $t = this, chw=0,w,cw,ofl;
447- if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
448- if(typeof shrink != 'boolean') {shrink=true;}
449- var testdata = getScale();
450- if(shrink !== true) {testdata[0] = Math.min($t.p._width,$t.grid.width); testdata[2]=0;}
451- else {testdata[2]= testdata[1]}
452- $.each($t.p.colModel,function(i,v){
453- if(!this.hidden && this.name != 'cb' && this.name!='subgrid') {
454- cw = shrink !== true ? $("tr:first th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width") : this.width;
455- w = Math.round((IENum(nwidth)-IENum(testdata[2]))/IENum(testdata[0])*IENum(cw));
456- chw += w;
457- $("table thead tr:first th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width",w+"px");
458- $("table:first tbody tr:first td:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.bDiv).css("width",w+"px");
459- $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = w;
460- $t.grid.headers[i].width = w;
461- }
462- if(this.name=='cb' || this.name == 'subgrid'){chw += IENum(this.width);}
463- });
464- if(chw + testdata[1] <= nwidth || $t.p.forceFit === true){ ofl = "hidden"; tw = nwidth;}
465- else { ofl= "auto"; tw = chw + testdata[1];}
466- $("table:first",$t.grid.hDiv).width(tw);
467- $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).width(tw);
468- $($t.grid.hDiv).width(nwidth);
469- $($t.grid.bDiv).width(nwidth).css("overflow-x",ofl);
470- if($t.p.pager && $($t.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
471- $($t.p.pager).width(nwidth);
472- }
473- if($t.p.caption) {$($t.grid.cDiv).width(nwidth);}
474- if($t.p.toolbar[0]) {$($t.grid.uDiv).width(nwidth);}
475- $t.p._width = nwidth; $t.grid.width = tw;
476- if($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera ) {
477- $("table tbody tr:eq(1) td",$t.grid.bDiv).each( function( k ) {
478- $(this).css("width",$t.grid.headers[k].width+"px");
479- $t.grid.cols[k] = this;
480- });
481- }
482- $t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
483- function IENum(val) {
484- val = parseInt(val,10);
485- return isNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
486- }
487- function getScale(){
488- var testcell = $("table tr:first th:eq(1)", $t.grid.hDiv);
489- var addpix = IENum($(testcell).css("padding-left")) +
490- IENum($(testcell).css("padding-right"))+
491- IENum($(testcell).css("border-left-width"))+
492- IENum($(testcell).css("border-right-width"));
493- var w =0,ap=0;
494- $.each($t.p.colModel,function(i,v){
495- if(!this.hidden) {
496- w += parseInt(this.width);
497- ap += addpix;
498- }
499- });
500- return [w,ap,0];
501- }
502- });
503- };
504- $.fn.setGridHeight = function (nh) {
505- return this.each(function (){
506- var ovfl, ovfl2, $t = this;
507- if(!$t.grid) {return;}
508- if($t.p.forceFit === true) { ovfl2='hidden'; } else {ovfl2=$($t.grid.bDiv).css("overflow-x");}
509- ovfl = (isNaN(nh) && $.browser.mozilla && (nh.indexOf("%")!=-1 || nh=="auto")) ? "hidden" : "auto";
510- $($t.grid.bDiv).css({height: nh+(isNaN(nh)?"":"px"),"overflow-y":ovfl,"overflow-x": ovfl2});
511- $t.p.height = nh;
512- });
513- };
514- $.fn.setCaption = function (newcap){
515- return this.each(function(){
516- this.p.caption=newcap;
517- $("table:first th",this.grid.cDiv).html(newcap);
518- $(this.grid.cDiv).show();
519- });
520- };
521- $.fn.setLabel = function(colname, nData, prop ){
522- return this.each(function(){
523- var $t = this, pos=-1;
524- if(!$t.grid) {return;}
525- if(isNaN(colname)) {
526- $($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
527- if (this.name == colname) {
528- pos = i;return false;
529- }
530- });
531- } else {pos = parseInt(colname,10);}
532- if(pos>=0) {
533- var thecol = $("table:first th:eq("+pos+")",$t.grid.hDiv);
534- if (nData){
535- $("div",thecol).html(nData);
536- }
537- if (prop) {
538- if(typeof prop == 'string') {$(thecol).addClass(prop);} else {$(thecol).css(prop);}
539- }
540- }
541- });
542- };
543- $.fn.setCell = function(rowid,colname,nData,prop) {
544- return this.each(function(){
545- var $t = this, pos =-1;
546- if(!$t.grid) {return;}
547- if(isNaN(colname)) {
548- $($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
549- if (this.name == colname) {
550- pos = i;return false;
551- }
552- });
553- } else {pos = parseInt(colname,10);}
554- if(pos>=0) {
555- var ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
556- if (ind){
557- var tcell = $("td:eq("+pos+")",$t.rows[ind]);
558- if(nData) {$(tcell).html(nData);}
559- if (prop){
560- if(typeof prop == 'string') {$(tcell).addClass(prop);} else {$(tcell).css(prop);}
561- }
562- }
563- }
564- });
565- };
566- $.fn.getCell = function(rowid,iCol) {
567- var ret = false;
568- this.each(function(){
569- var $t=this;
570- if(!$t.grid) {return;}
571- if(rowid && iCol>=0) {
572- var ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
573- if(ind) {
574- ret = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[ind]).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'');
575- }
576- }
577- });
578- return ret;
579- };
580- $.fn.clearGridData = function() {
581- return this.each(function(){
582- var $t = this;
583- if(!$t.grid) {return;}
584- $("tbody tr:gt(0)", $t.grid.bDiv).remove();
585- $t.p.selrow = null; $t.p.selarrrow= []; $t.p.savedRow = [];
586- $t.p.records = '0';$t.p.page='0';$t.p.lastpage='0';
587- $t.updatepager();
588- });
589- };
590- $.fn.getInd = function(obj,rowid,rc){
591- var ret =false;
592- $(obj).each(function(i){
593- if(this.id==rowid) {
594- ret = rc===true ? this : i;
595- return false;
596- }
597- });
598- return ret;
599- };
600- return this.each( function() {
601- if(this.grid) {return;}
602- this.p = p ;
603- if( this.p.colNames.length === 0 || this.p.colNames.length !== this.p.colModel.length ) {
604- alert("Length of colNames <> colModel or 0!");
605- return;
606- }
607- if(this.p.imgpath !== "" ) {this.p.imgpath += "/";}
608- var ts = this;
609- $("<div class='loadingui' id=lui_"+this.id+"/>").insertBefore(this);
610- $(this).attr({cellSpacing:"0",cellPadding:"0",border:"0"});
611- var bSR = $.isFunction(this.p.beforeSelectRow) ? this.p.beforeSelectRow :false;
612- var onSelectRow = $.isFunction(this.p.onSelectRow) ? this.p.onSelectRow :false;
613- var ondblClickRow = $.isFunction(this.p.ondblClickRow) ? this.p.ondblClickRow :false;
614- var onSortCol = $.isFunction(this.p.onSortCol) ? this.p.onSortCol : false;
615- var loadComplete = $.isFunction(this.p.loadComplete) ? this.p.loadComplete : false;
616- var loadError = $.isFunction(this.p.loadError) ? this.p.loadError : false;
617- var loadBeforeSend = $.isFunction(this.p.loadBeforeSend) ? this.p.loadBeforeSend : false;
618- var onRightClickRow = $.isFunction(this.p.onRightClickRow) ? this.p.onRightClickRow : false;
619- var afterInsRow = $.isFunction(this.p.afterInsertRow) ? this.p.afterInsertRow : false;
620- var onHdCl = $.isFunction(this.p.onHeaderClick) ? this.p.onHeaderClick : false;
621- var beReq = $.isFunction(this.p.beforeRequest) ? this.p.beforeRequest : false;
622- var onSC = $.isFunction(this.p.onCellSelect) ? this.p.onCellSelect : false;
623- var sortkeys = ["shiftKey","altKey","ctrlKey"];
624- if ($.inArray(ts.p.multikey,sortkeys) == -1 ) {ts.p.multikey = false;}
625- var IntNum = function(val,defval) {
626- val = parseInt(val,10);
627- if (isNaN(val)) { return (defval) ? defval : 0;}
628- else {return val;}
629- };
630- var formatCol = function (elem, pos){
631- var rowalgn = ts.p.colModel[pos].align;
632- if(rowalgn) { $(elem).css("text-align",rowalgn);}
633- if(ts.p.colModel[pos].hidden) {$(elem).css("display","none");}
634- };
635- var resizeFirstRow = function (t,er){
636- $("tbody tr:eq("+er+") td",t).each( function( k ) {
637- $(this).css("width",grid.headers[k].width+"px");
638- grid.cols[k] = this;
639- });
640- };
641- var addCell = function(t,row,cell,pos) {
642- var td;
643- td = document.createElement("td");
644- $(td).html(cell);
645- row.appendChild(td);
646- formatCol($(td,t), pos);
647- };
648- var addMulti = function(t,row){
649- var cbid,td;
650- td = document.createElement("td");
651- cbid = "jqg_"+row.id;
652- $(td,t).html("<input type='checkbox'"+" id='"+cbid+"' class='cbox'/>");
653- formatCol($(td,t), 0);
654- row.appendChild(td);
655- };
656- var reader = function (datatype) {
657- var field, f=[], j=0;
658- for(var i =0; i<ts.p.colModel.length; i++){
659- field = ts.p.colModel[i];
660- if (field.name !== 'cb' && field.name !=='subgrid') {
661- f[j] = (datatype=="xml") ? field.xmlmap || field.name : field.jsonmap || field.name;
662- j++;
663- }
664- }
665- return f;
666- };
667- var addXmlData = function addXmlData (xml,t) {
668- if(xml) { var fpos = ts.p.treeANode; if(fpos===0) {$("tbody tr:gt(0)", t).remove();} } else { return; }
669- var row,gi=0,si=0,cbid,idn, getId,f=[],rd =[],cn=(ts.p.altRows === true) ? 'alt':'';
670- if(!ts.p.xmlReader.repeatitems) {f = reader("xml");}
671- if( ts.p.keyIndex===false) {
672- idn = ts.p.xmlReader.id;
673- if( idn.indexOf("[") === -1 ) {
674- getId = function( trow, k) {return $(idn,trow).text() || k;};
675- }
676- else {
677- getId = function( trow, k) {return trow.getAttribute(idn.replace(/[\[\]]/g,"")) || k;};
678- }
679- } else {
680- getId = function(trow) { return (f.length - 1 >= ts.p.keyIndex) ? $(f[ts.p.keyIndex],trow).text() : $(ts.p.xmlReader.cell+":eq("+ts.p.keyIndex+")",trow).text(); };
681- }
682- $(ts.p.xmlReader.page,xml).each(function() {ts.p.page = this.textContent || this.text ; });
683- $(ts.p.xmlReader.total,xml).each(function() {ts.p.lastpage = this.textContent || this.text ; } );
684- $(ts.p.xmlReader.records,xml).each(function() {ts.p.records = this.textContent || this.text ; } );
685- $(ts.p.xmlReader.userdata,xml).each(function() {ts.p.userData[this.getAttribute("name")]=this.textContent || this.text;});
686- $(ts.p.xmlReader.root+" "+ts.p.xmlReader.row,xml).each( function( j ) {
687- row = document.createElement("tr");
688- row.id = getId(this,j+1);
689- if(ts.p.multiselect) {
690- addMulti(t,row);
691- gi = 1;
692- }
693- if (ts.p.subGrid) {
694- try {$(ts).addSubGrid(t,row,gi,this);} catch (e){}
695- si= 1;
696- }
697- var v;
698- if(ts.p.xmlReader.repeatitems===true){
699- $(ts.p.xmlReader.cell,this).each( function (i) {
700- v = this.textContent || this.text;
701- addCell(t,row,v || '&#160;',i+gi+si);
702- rd[ts.p.colModel[i+gi+si].name] = v;
703- });
704- } else {
705- for(var i = 0; i < f.length;i++) {
706- v = $(f[i],this).text();
707- addCell(t, row, v || '&#160;', i+gi+si);
708- rd[ts.p.colModel[i+gi+si].name] = v;
709- }
710- }
711- if(j%2 == 1) {row.className = cn;} $(row).addClass("jqgrow");
712- if( ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
713- try {$(ts).setTreeNode(rd,row);} catch (e) {}
714- }
715- $(ts.rows[j+fpos]).after(row);
716- if(afterInsRow) {ts.p.afterInsertRow(row.id,rd,this);}
717- rd=[];
718- });
719- xml = null;
720- if(isSafari || isOpera) {resizeFirstRow(t,1);}
721- if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;}
722- endReq();
723- updatepager();
724- };
725- var addJSONData = function(data,t) {
726- if(data) { var fpos = ts.p.treeANode; if(fpos===0) {$("tbody tr:gt(0)", t).remove();} } else { return; }
727- var row,f=[],cur,gi=0,si=0,drows,idn,rd=[],cn=(ts.p.altRows===true) ? 'alt':'';
728- ts.p.page = data[ts.p.jsonReader.page];
729- ts.p.lastpage= data[ts.p.jsonReader.total];
730- ts.p.records= data[ts.p.jsonReader.records];
731- ts.p.userData = data[ts.p.jsonReader.userdata] || {};
732- if(!ts.p.jsonReader.repeatitems) {f = reader("json");}
733- if( ts.p.keyIndex===false ) {
734- idn = ts.p.jsonReader.id;
735- if(f.length>0 && !isNaN(idn)) {idn=f[idn];}
736- } else {
737- idn = f.length>0 ? f[ts.p.keyIndex] : ts.p.keyIndex;
738- }
739- drows = data[ts.p.jsonReader.root];
740- if (drows) {
741- for (var i=0;i<drows.length;i++) {
742- cur = drows[i];
743- row = document.createElement("tr");
744- row.id = cur[idn] || "";
745- if(row.id === "") {
746- if(f.length===0){
747- if(ts.p.jsonReader.cell){
748- var ccur = cur[ts.p.jsonReader.cell];
749- row.id = ccur[idn] || i+1;
750- ccur=null;
751- } else {row.id=i+1;}
752- } else {
753- row.id=i+1;
754- }
755- }
756- if(ts.p.multiselect){
757- addMulti(t,row);
758- gi = 1;
759- }
760- if (ts.p.subGrid) {
761- try { $(ts).addSubGrid(t,row,gi,drows[i]);} catch (e){}
762- si= 1;
763- }
764- if (ts.p.jsonReader.repeatitems === true) {
765- if(ts.p.jsonReader.cell) {cur = cur[ts.p.jsonReader.cell];}
766- for (var j=0;j<cur.length;j++) {
767- addCell(t,row,cur[j] || '&#160;',j+gi+si);
768- rd[ts.p.colModel[j+gi+si].name] = cur[j];
769- }
770- } else {
771- for (var j=0;j<f.length;j++) {
772- addCell(t,row,cur[f[j]] || '&#160;',j+gi+si);
773- rd[ts.p.colModel[j+gi+si].name] = cur[f[j]];
774- }
775- }
776- if(i%2 == 1) {row.className = cn;} $(row).addClass("jqgrow");
777- if( ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
778- try {$(ts).setTreeNode(rd,row);} catch (e) {}
779- }
780- $(ts.rows[i+fpos]).after(row);
781- if(afterInsRow) {ts.p.afterInsertRow(row.id,rd,drows[i]);}
782- rd=[];
783- }
784- }
785- data = null;
786- if(isSafari || isOpera) {resizeFirstRow(t,1);}
787- if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;}
788- endReq();
789- updatepager();
790- };
791- var updatepager = function() {
792- if(ts.p.pager) {
793- var cp, last,imp = ts.p.imgpath;
794- if (ts.p.loadonce) {
795- cp = last = 1;
796- ts.p.lastpage = ts.page =1;
797- $(".selbox",ts.p.pager).attr("disabled",true);
798- } else {
799- cp = IntNum(ts.p.page);
800- last = IntNum(ts.p.lastpage);
801- $(".selbox",ts.p.pager).attr("disabled",false);
802- }
803- if(ts.p.pginput===true) {
804- $('input.selbox',ts.p.pager).val(ts.p.page);
805- }
806- if (ts.p.viewrecords){
807- if(ts.p.pgtext) {
808- $('#sp_1',ts.p.pager).html(ts.p.pgtext+"&#160;"+ts.p.lastpage );
809- }
810- $('#sp_2',ts.p.pager).html(ts.p.records+"&#160;"+ts.p.recordtext+"&#160;");
811- }
812- if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
813- if(cp<=0) {cp = last = 1;}
814- if(cp==1) {$("#first",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.firstimg,disabled:true});} else {$("#first",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.firstimg,disabled:false});}
815- if(cp==1) {$("#prev",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.previmg,disabled:true});} else {$("#prev",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.previmg,disabled:false});}
816- if(cp==last) {$("#next",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.nextimg,disabled:true});} else {$("#next",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.nextimg,disabled:false});}
817- if(cp==last) {$("#last",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.lastimg,disabled:true});} else {$("#last",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.lastimg,disabled:false});}
818- }
819- }
820- if($.isFunction(ts.p.gridComplete)) {ts.p.gridComplete();}
821- };
822- var populate = function () {
823- if(!grid.hDiv.loading) {
824- beginReq();
825- var gdata = $.extend(ts.p.postData,{page: ts.p.page, rows: ts.p.rowNum, sidx: ts.p.sortname, sord:ts.p.sortorder, nd: (new Date().getTime()), _search:ts.p.search});
826- if (ts.p.search ===true) {gdata =$.extend(gdata,ts.p.searchdata);}
827- if ($.isFunction(ts.p.datatype)) {ts.p.datatype(gdata);endReq();}
828- switch(ts.p.datatype)
829- {
830- case "json":
831- $.ajax({url:ts.p.url,type:ts.p.mtype,dataType:"json",data: gdata, complete:function(JSON,st) { if(st=="success") {addJSONData(eval("("+JSON.responseText+")"),ts.grid.bDiv); if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}}}, error:function(xhr,st,err){if(loadError) {loadError(xhr,st,err);}endReq();}, beforeSend: function(xhr){if(loadBeforeSend) {loadBeforeSend(xhr);}}});
832- if( ts.p.loadonce || ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.datatype = "local";}
833- break;
834- case "xml":
835- $.ajax({url:ts.p.url,type:ts.p.mtype,dataType:"xml",data: gdata , complete:function(xml,st) {if(st=="success") {addXmlData(xml.responseXML,ts.grid.bDiv); if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}}}, error:function(xhr,st,err){if(loadError) {loadError(xhr,st,err);}endReq();}, beforeSend: function(xhr){if(loadBeforeSend) {loadBeforeSend(xhr);}}});
836- if( ts.p.loadonce || ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.datatype = "local";}
837- break;
838- case "xmlstring":
839- addXmlData(stringToDoc(ts.p.datastr),ts.grid.bDiv);
840- ts.p.datastr = null;
841- ts.p.datatype = "local";
842- if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}
843- break;
844- case "jsonstring":
845- addJSONData(eval("("+ts.p.datastr+")"),ts.grid.bDiv);
846- ts.p.datastr = null;
847- ts.p.datatype = "local";
848- if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}
849- break;
850- case "local":
851- case "clientSide":
852- sortArrayData();
853- break;
854- }
855- }
856- };
857- var beginReq = function() {
858- if(beReq) {ts.p.beforeRequest();}
859- grid.hDiv.loading = true;
860- switch(ts.p.loadui) {
861- case "disable":
862- break;
863- case "enable":
864- $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeIn("fast");
865- break;
866- case "block":
867- $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeIn("fast");
868- $("#lui_"+ts.id).width($(grid.bDiv).width()).height(IntNum($(grid.bDiv).height())+IntNum(ts.p._height)).show();
869- break;
870- }
871- };
872- var endReq = function() {
873- grid.hDiv.loading = false;
874- switch(ts.p.loadui) {
875- case "disable":
876- break;
877- case "enable":
878- $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeOut("fast");
879- break;
880- case "block":
881- $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeOut("fast");
882- $("#lui_"+ts.id).hide();
883- break;
884- }
885- };
886- var stringToDoc = function (xmlString) {
887- var xmlDoc;
888- try {
889- var parser = new DOMParser();
890- xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlString,"text/xml");
891- }
892- catch(e) {
893- xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
894- xmlDoc.async=false;
895- xmlDoc["loadXM"+"L"](xmlString);
896- }
897- return (xmlDoc && xmlDoc.documentElement && xmlDoc.documentElement.tagName != 'parsererror') ? xmlDoc : null;
898- };
899- var sortArrayData = function() {
900- var stripNum = /[\$,%]/g;
901- var col=0,st,findSortKey,newDir = (ts.p.sortorder == "asc") ? 1 :-1;
902- $.each(ts.p.colModel,function(i,v){
903- if(this.index == ts.p.sortname || this.name == ts.p.sortname){
904- col = ts.p.lastsort= i;
905- st = this.sorttype;
906- return false;
907- }
908- });
909- if (st == 'float') {
910- findSortKey = function($cell) {
911- var key = parseFloat($cell.text().replace(stripNum, ''));
912- return isNaN(key) ? 0 : key;
913- };
914- } else if (st=='int') {
915- findSortKey = function($cell) {
916- return IntNum($cell.text().replace(stripNum, ''));
917- };
918- } else if(st == 'date') {
919- findSortKey = function($cell) {
920- var fd = ts.p.colModel[col].datefmt || "Y-m-d";
921- return parseDate(fd,$cell.text()).getTime();
922- };
923- } else {
924- findSortKey = function($cell) {
925- return $cell.text().toUpperCase();
926- };
927- }
928- var rows=[];
929- $.each(ts.rows, function(index, row) {
930- if (index > 0) {
931- row.sortKey = findSortKey($(row).children('td').eq(col));
932- rows[index-1] = this;
933- }
934- });
935- if(ts.p.treeGrid) {
936- $(ts).SortTree( newDir);
937- } else {
938- rows.sort(function(a, b) {
939- if (a.sortKey < b.sortKey) {return -newDir;}
940- if (a.sortKey > b.sortKey) {return newDir;}
941- return 0;
942- });
943- $.each(rows, function(index, row) {
944- $('tbody',ts.grid.bDiv).append(row);
945- row.sortKey = null;
946- });
947- }
948- if(isSafari || isOpera) {resizeFirstRow(ts.grid.bDiv,1);}
949- if(ts.p.multiselect) {
950- $("tbody tr:gt(0)", ts.grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");
951- $("[@id^=jqg_]",ts.rows).attr("checked",false);
952- $("#cb_jqg",ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);
953- ts.p.selarrrow = [];
954- }
955- if( ts.p.altRows === true ) {
956- $("tbody tr:gt(0)", ts.grid.bDiv).removeClass("alt");
957- $("tbody tr:odd", ts.grid.bDiv).addClass("alt");
958- }
959- ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;
960- endReq();
961- };
962- var parseDate = function(format, date) {
963- var tsp = {m : 1, d : 1, y : 1970, h : 0, i : 0, s : 0};
964- format = format.toLowerCase();
965- date = date.split(/[\\\/:_;.\s-]/);
966- format = format.split(/[\\\/:_;.\s-]/);
967- for(var i=0;i<format.length;i++){
968- tsp[format[i]] = IntNum(date[i],tsp[format[i]]);
969- }
970- tsp.m = parseInt(tsp.m,10)-1;
971- var ty = tsp.y;
972- if (ty >= 70 && ty <= 99) {tsp.y = 1900+tsp.y;}
973- else if (ty >=0 && ty <=69) {tsp.y= 2000+tsp.y;}
974- return new Date(tsp.y, tsp.m, tsp.d, tsp.h, tsp.i, tsp.s,0);
975- };
976- var setPager = function (){
977- var inpt = "<img class='pgbuttons' src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"spacer.gif'";
978- var pginp = (ts.p.pginput===true) ? "<input class='selbox' type='text' size='3' maxlength='5' value='0'/>" : "";
979- if(ts.p.viewrecords===true) {pginp += "<span id='sp_1'></span>&#160;";}
980- var pgl="", pgr="";
981- if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
982- pgl = inpt+" id='first'/>&#160;&#160;"+inpt+" id='prev'/>&#160;";
983- pgr = inpt+" id='next' />&#160;&#160;"+inpt+" id='last'/>";
984- }
985- $(ts.p.pager).append(pgl+pginp+pgr);
986- if(ts.p.rowList.length >0){
987- var str="<SELECT class='selbox'>";
988- for(var i=0;i<ts.p.rowList.length;i++){
989- str +="<OPTION value="+ts.p.rowList[i]+((ts.p.rowNum == ts.p.rowList[i])?' selected':'')+">"+ts.p.rowList[i];
990- }
991- str +="</SELECT>";
992- $(ts.p.pager).append("&#160;"+str+"&#160;<span id='sp_2'></span>");
993- $(ts.p.pager).find("select").bind('change',function() {
994- ts.p.rowNum = (this.value>0) ? this.value : ts.p.rowNum;
995- if (typeof ts.p.onPaging =='function') {ts.p.onPaging('records');}
996- populate();
997- ts.p.selrow = null;
998- });
999- } else { $(ts.p.pager).append("&#160;<span id='sp_2'></span>");}
1000- if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
1001- $(".pgbuttons",ts.p.pager).mouseover(function(e){
1002- this.style.cursor= "pointer";
1003- return false;
1004- }).mouseout(function(e) {
1005- this.style.cursor= "normal";
1006- return false;
1007- });
1008- $("#first, #prev, #next, #last",ts.p.pager).click( function(e) {
1009- var cp = IntNum(ts.p.page);
1010- var last = IntNum(ts.p.lastpage), selclick = false;
1011- var fp=true; var pp=true; var np=true; var lp=true;
1012- if(last ===0 || last===1) {fp=false;pp=false;np=false;lp=false; }
1013- else if( last>1 && cp >=1) {
1014- if( cp === 1) { fp=false; pp=false; }
1015- else if( cp>1 && cp <last){ }
1016- else if( cp===last){ np=false;lp=false; }
1017- } else if( last>1 && cp===0 ) { np=false;lp=false; cp=last-1;}
1018- if( this.id === 'first' && fp ) { ts.p.page=1; selclick=true;}
1019- if( this.id === 'prev' && pp) { ts.p.page=(cp-1); selclick=true;}
1020- if( this.id === 'next' && np) { ts.p.page=(cp+1); selclick=true;}
1021- if( this.id === 'last' && lp) { ts.p.page=last; selclick=true;}
1022- if(selclick) {
1023- if (typeof ts.p.onPaging =='function') {ts.p.onPaging(this.id);}
1024- populate();
1025- ts.p.selrow = null;
1026- if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[];$('#cb_jqg',ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);}
1027- ts.p.savedRow = [];
1028- }
1029- e.stopPropagation();
1030- return false;
1031- });
1032- }
1033- if(ts.p.pginput===true) {
1034- $('input.selbox',ts.p.pager).keypress( function(e) {
1035- var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
1036- if(key == 13) {
1037- ts.p.page = ($(this).val()>0) ? $(this).val():ts.p.page;
1038- if (typeof ts.p.onPaging =='function') {ts.p.onPaging( 'user');}
1039- populate();
1040- ts.p.selrow = null;
1041- return false;
1042- }
1043- return this;
1044- });
1045- }
1046- };
1047- var sortData = function (index, idxcol,reload){
1048- if(!reload) {
1049- if( ts.p.lastsort === idxcol ) {
1050- if( ts.p.sortorder === 'asc') {
1051- ts.p.sortorder = 'desc';
1052- } else if(ts.p.sortorder === 'desc') { ts.p.sortorder='asc';}
1053- } else { ts.p.sortorder='asc';}
1054- ts.p.page = 1;
1055- }
1056- var imgs = (ts.p.sortorder==='asc') ? ts.p.sortascimg : ts.p.sortdescimg;
1057- imgs = "<img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+imgs+"'>";
1058- var thd= $("thead:first",grid.hDiv).get(0);
1059- $("tr th div#jqgh_"+ts.p.colModel[ts.p.lastsort].name+" img",thd).remove();
1060- $("tr th div#jqgh_"+ts.p.colModel[ts.p.lastsort].name,thd).parent().removeClass(ts.p.sortclass);
1061- $("tr th div#"+index,thd).append(imgs).parent().addClass(ts.p.sortclass);
1062- ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;
1063- index = index.substring(5);
1064- ts.p.sortname = ts.p.colModel[idxcol].index || index;
1065- var so = ts.p.sortorder;
1066- if(onSortCol) {onSortCol(index,idxcol,so);}
1067- if(ts.p.selrow && ts.p.datatype == "local" && !ts.p.multiselect){ $('#'+ts.p.selrow,grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");}
1068- ts.p.selrow = null;
1069- if(ts.p.multiselect && ts.p.datatype !== "local"){ts.p.selarrrow =[]; $("#cb_jqg",ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);}
1070- ts.p.savedRow =[];
1071- populate();
1072- if(ts.p.sortname != index && idxcol) {ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;}
1073- };
1074- var setColWidth = function () {
1075- var initwidth = 0;
1076- for(var l=0;l<ts.p.colModel.length;l++){
1077- if(!ts.p.colModel[l].hidden){
1078- initwidth += IntNum(ts.p.colModel[l].width);
1079- }
1080- }
1081- var tblwidth = ts.p.width ? ts.p.width : initwidth;
1082- for(l=0;l<ts.p.colModel.length;l++) {
1083- if(!ts.p.shrinkToFit){
1084- ts.p.colModel[l].owidth = ts.p.colModel[l].width;
1085- }
1086- ts.p.colModel[l].width = Math.round(tblwidth/initwidth*ts.p.colModel[l].width);
1087- }
1088- };
1089- var nextVisible= function(iCol) {
1090- var ret = iCol, j=iCol;
1091- for (var i = iCol+1;i<ts.p.colModel.length;i++){
1092- if(ts.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true ) {
1093- j=i; break;
1094- }
1095- }
1096- return j-ret;
1097- };
1098- this.p.id = this.id;
1099- if(this.p.treeGrid === true) {
1100- this.p.subGrid = false; this.p.altRows =false;
1101- this.p.pgbuttons = false; this.p.pginput = false;
1102- this.p.multiselect = false; this.p.rowList = [];
1103- this.p.treedatatype = this.p.datatype;
1104- $.each(this.p.treeReader,function(i,n){
1105- if(n){
1106- ts.p.colNames.push(n);
1107- ts.p.colModel.push({name:n,width:1,hidden:true,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,editable:true,search:false});
1108- }
1109- });
1110- }
1111- ts.p.keyIndex=false;
1112- for (var i=0; i<ts.p.colModel.length;i++) {
1113- if (ts.p.colModel[i].key===true) {
1114- ts.p.keyIndex = i;
1115- break;
1116- }
1117- }
1118- if(this.p.subGrid) {
1119- this.p.colNames.unshift("");
1120- this.p.colModel.unshift({name:'subgrid',width:25,sortable: false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false});
1121- }
1122- if(this.p.multiselect) {
1123- this.p.colNames.unshift("<input id='cb_jqg' class='cbox' type='checkbox'/>");
1124- this.p.colModel.unshift({name:'cb',width:27,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false});
1125- }
1126- var xReader = {
1127- root: "rows",
1128- row: "row",
1129- page: "rows>page",
1130- total: "rows>total",
1131- records : "rows>records",
1132- repeatitems: true,
1133- cell: "cell",
1134- id: "[id]",
1135- userdata: "userdata",
1136- subgrid: {root:"rows", row: "row", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
1137- };
1138- var jReader = {
1139- root: "rows",
1140- page: "page",
1141- total: "total",
1142- records: "records",
1143- repeatitems: true,
1144- cell: "cell",
1145- id: "id",
1146- userdata: "userdata",
1147- subgrid: {root:"rows", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
1148- };
1149- ts.p.xmlReader = $.extend(xReader, ts.p.xmlReader);
1150- ts.p.jsonReader = $.extend(jReader, ts.p.jsonReader);
1151- $.each(ts.p.colModel, function(i){if(!this.width) {this.width=150;}});
1152- if (ts.p.width) {setColWidth();}
1153- var thead = document.createElement("thead");
1154- var trow = document.createElement("tr");
1155- thead.appendChild(trow);
1156- var i=0, th, idn, thdiv;
1157- if(ts.p.shrinkToFit===true && ts.p.forceFit===true) {
1158- for (i=ts.p.colModel.length-1;i>=0;i--){
1159- if(!ts.p.colModel[i].hidden) {
1160- ts.p.colModel[i].resizable=false;
1161- break;
1162- }
1163- }
1164- }
1165- for(i=0;i<this.p.colNames.length;i++){
1166- th = document.createElement("th");
1167- idn = ts.p.colModel[i].name;
1168- thdiv = document.createElement("div");
1169- $(thdiv).html(ts.p.colNames[i]+"&#160;");
1170- if (idn == ts.p.sortname) {
1171- var imgs = (ts.p.sortorder==='asc') ? ts.p.sortascimg : ts.p.sortdescimg;
1172- imgs = "<img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+imgs+"'>";
1173- $(thdiv).append(imgs);
1174- ts.p.lastsort = i;
1175- $(th).addClass(ts.p.sortclass);
1176- }
1177- thdiv.id = "jqgh_"+idn;
1178- th.appendChild(thdiv);
1179- trow.appendChild(th);
1180- }
1181- if(this.p.multiselect) {
1182- var onSA = true;
1183- if(typeof ts.p.onSelectAll !== 'function') {onSA=false;}
1184- $('#cb_jqg',trow).click(function(){
1185- var chk;
1186- if (this.checked) {
1187- $("[@id^=jqg_]",ts.rows).attr("checked",true);
1188- $(ts.rows).slice(1).each(function(i) {
1189- if(!$(this).hasClass("subgrid")){
1190- $(this).addClass("selected");
1191- ts.p.selarrrow[i]= ts.p.selrow = this.id;
1192- }
1193- });
1194- chk=true;
1195- }
1196- else {
1197- $("[@id^=jqg_]",ts.rows).attr("checked",false);
1198- $(ts.rows).slice(1).each(function(i) {
1199- if(!$(this).hasClass("subgrid")){
1200- $(this).removeClass("selected");
1201- }
1202- });
1203- ts.p.selarrrow = []; ts.p.selrow = null;
1204- chk=false;
1205- }
1206- if(onSA) {ts.p.onSelectAll(ts.p.selarrrow,chk);}
1207- });
1208- }
1209- this.appendChild(thead);
1210- thead = $("thead:first",ts).get(0);
1211- var w, res, sort;
1212- $("tr:first th",thead).each(function ( j ) {
1213- w = ts.p.colModel[j].width;
1214- if(typeof ts.p.colModel[j].resizable === 'undefined') {ts.p.colModel[j].resizable = true;}
1215- res = document.createElement("span");
1216- $(res).html("&#160;");
1217- if(ts.p.colModel[j].resizable){
1218- $(this).addClass(ts.p.resizeclass);
1219- $(res).mousedown(function (e) {
1220- if(ts.p.forceFit===true) {ts.p.nv= nextVisible(j);}
1221- grid.dragStart( j ,e.clientX);
1222- e.preventDefault();
1223- return false;
1224- });
1225- } else {$(res).css("cursor","default");}
1226- $(this).css("width",w+"px").prepend(res);
1227- if( ts.p.colModel[j].hidden) {$(this).css("display","none");}
1228- grid.headers[j] = { width: w, el: this };
1229- sort = ts.p.colModel[j].sortable;
1230- if( typeof sort !== 'boolean') {sort = true;}
1231- if(sort) {
1232- $("div",this).css("cursor","pointer")
1233- .click(function(){sortData(this.id,j);return false;});
1234- }
1235- });
1236- var isMSIE = $.browser.msie ? true:false;
1237- var isMoz = $.browser.mozilla ? true:false;
1238- var isOpera = $.browser.opera ? true:false;
1239- var isSafari = $.browser.safari ? true : false;
1240- var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
1241- trow = document.createElement("tr");
1242- trow.id = "_empty";
1243- tbody.appendChild(trow);
1244- var td, ptr;
1245- for(i=0;i<ts.p.colNames.length;i++){
1246- td = document.createElement("td");
1247- trow.appendChild(td);
1248- }
1249- this.appendChild(tbody);
1250- var gw=0,hdc=0;
1251- $("tbody tr:first td",ts).each(function(ii) {
1252- w = ts.p.colModel[ii].width;
1253- $(this).css({width:w+"px",height:"0px"});
1254- w += IntNum($(this).css("padding-left")) +
1255- IntNum($(this).css("padding-right"))+
1256- IntNum($(this).css("border-left-width"))+
1257- IntNum($(this).css("border-right-width"));
1258- if( ts.p.colModel[ii].hidden===true) {
1259- $(this).css("display","none");
1260- hdc += w;
1261- }
1262- grid.cols[ii] = this;
1263- gw += w;
1264- });
1265- if(isMoz) {$(trow).css({visibility:"collapse"});}
1266- else if( isSafari || isOpera ) {$(trow).css({display:"none"});}
1267- grid.width = IntNum(gw)-IntNum(hdc);
1268- ts.p._width = grid.width;
1269- grid.hTable = document.createElement("table");
1270- grid.hTable.appendChild(thead);
1271- $(grid.hTable).addClass("scroll")
1272- .attr({cellSpacing:"0",cellPadding:"0",border:"0"})
1273- .css({width:grid.width+"px"});
1274- grid.hDiv = document.createElement("div");
1275- var hg = (ts.p.caption && ts.p.hiddengrid===true) ? true : false;
1276- $(grid.hDiv)
1277- .css({ width: grid.width+"px", overflow: "hidden"})
1278- .prepend('<div class="loading">'+ts.p.loadtext+'</div>')
1279- .append(grid.hTable)
1280- .bind("selectstart", function () { return false; });
1281- if(hg) {$(grid.hDiv).hide(); ts.p.gridstate = 'hidden'}
1282- if(ts.p.pager){
1283- if(typeof ts.p.pager == "string") {ts.p.pager = "#"+ts.p.pager;}
1284- if( $(ts.p.pager).hasClass("scroll")) { $(ts.p.pager).css({ width: grid.width+"px", overflow: "hidden"}).show(); ts.p._height= parseInt($(ts.p.pager).height(),10); if(hg) {$(ts.p.pager).hide();}}
1285- setPager();
1286- }
1287- if( ts.p.cellEdit === false) {
1288- $(ts).mouseover(function(e) {
1289- td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1290- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1291- if($(ptr).hasClass("jqgrow")) {
1292- $(ptr).addClass("over");
1293- if(!$(td).hasClass("editable")){
1294- td.title = $(td).text();
1295- }
1296- }
1297- return false;
1298- }).mouseout(function(e) {
1299- td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1300- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1301- $(ptr).removeClass("over");
1302- if(!$(td).hasClass("editable")){
1303- td.title = "";
1304- }
1305- return false;
1306- });
1307- }
1308- var ri,ci;
1310- $(ts).before(grid.hDiv).css("width", grid.width+"px").click(function(e) {
1311- td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1312- if (td.href) { return true; }
1313- var scb = $(td).hasClass("cbox");
1314- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parent("tr");
1315- if($(ptr).length === 0 ){
1316- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1317- td = $(td).parents("td:first")[0];
1318- }
1319- var cSel = true;
1320- if(bSR) { cSel = bSR(ptr.attr("id"));}
1321- if(cSel === true) {
1322- if(ts.p.cellEdit === true) {
1323- if(ts.p.multiselect && scb){
1324- $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1325- } else {
1326- ri = ptr[0].rowIndex;
1327- ci = td.cellIndex;
1328- try {$(ts).editCell(ri,ci,true,true);} catch (e) {}
1329- }
1330- } else
1331- if ( !ts.p.multikey ) {
1332- $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1333- if(onSC) {
1334- ri = ptr[0].id;
1335- ci = td.cellIndex;
1336- onSC(ri,ci,$(td).html());
1337- }
1338- } else {
1339- if(e[ts.p.multikey]) {
1340- $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1341- } else if(ts.p.multiselect) {
1342- if(scb) { scb = $("[@id^=jqg_]",ptr).attr("checked");
1343- $("[@id^=jqg_]",ptr).attr("checked",!scb);
1344- }
1345- }
1346- }
1347- }
1348- e.stopPropagation();
1349- }).bind('reloadGrid', function(e) {
1350- if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.selrow=null;}
1351- if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[];$('#cb_jqg',ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);}
1352- if(ts.p.cellEdit) {ts.p.savedRow = []; }
1353- populate();
1354- });
1356- if( ondblClickRow ) {
1357- $(this).dblclick(function(e) {
1358- td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1359- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parent("tr");
1360- if($(ptr).length === 0 ){
1361- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1362- }
1363- ts.p.ondblClickRow($(ptr).attr("id"));
1364- return false;
1365- });
1366- }
1367- if (onRightClickRow) {
1368- $(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
1369- td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1370- ptr = $(td,ts).parents("tr:first");
1371- if($(ptr).length === 0 ){
1372- ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1373- }
1374- $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1375- ts.p.onRightClickRow($(ptr).attr("id"));
1376- return false;
1377- });
1378- }
1379- grid.bDiv = document.createElement("div");
1380- var ofl2 = (isNaN(ts.p.height) && isMoz && (ts.p.height.indexOf("%")!=-1 || ts.p.height=="auto")) ? "hidden" : "auto";
1381- $(grid.bDiv)
1382- .scroll(function (e) {grid.scrollGrid();})
1383- .css({ height: ts.p.height+(isNaN(ts.p.height)?"":"px"), padding: "0px", margin: "0px", overflow: ofl2,width: (grid.width)+"px"} ).css("overflow-x","hidden")
1384- .append(this);
1385- $("table:first",grid.bDiv).css({width:grid.width+"px",marginRight:"20px"});
1386- if( isMSIE ) {
1387- if( $("tbody",this).size() === 2 ) { $("tbody:first",this).remove();}
1388- if( ts.p.multikey) {$(grid.bDiv).bind("selectstart",function(){return false;});}
1389- if(ts.p.treeGrid) {$(grid.bDiv).css("position","relative");}
1390- } else {
1391- if( ts.p.multikey) {$(grid.bDiv).bind("mousedown",function(){return false;});}
1392- }
1393- if(hg) {$(grid.bDiv).hide();}
1394- grid.cDiv = document.createElement("div");
1395- $(grid.cDiv).append("<table class='Header' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tr><td class='HeaderLeft'><img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"spacer.gif' border='0' /></td><th>"+ts.p.caption+"</th>"+ ((ts.p.hidegrid===true) ? "<td class='HeaderButton'><img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"up.gif' border='0'/></td>" :"") +"<td class='HeaderRight'><img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"spacer.gif' border='0' /></td></tr></table>").addClass("GridHeader");
1396- $(grid.cDiv).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);
1397- if( ts.p.toolbar[0] ) {
1398- grid.uDiv = document.createElement("div");
1399- if(ts.p.toolbar[1] == "top") {$(grid.uDiv).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);}
1400- else {$(grid.uDiv).insertAfter(grid.hDiv);}
1401- $(grid.uDiv,ts).width(grid.width).addClass("userdata").attr("id","t_"+this.id);
1402- ts.p._height += parseInt($(grid.uDiv,ts).height(),10);
1403- if(hg) {$(grid.uDiv,ts).hide();}
1404- }
1405- if(ts.p.caption) {
1406- $(grid.cDiv,ts).width(grid.width).css("text-align","center").show("fast");
1407- ts.p._height += parseInt($(grid.cDiv,ts).height(),10);
1408- var tdt = ts.p.datatype;
1409- if(ts.p.hidegrid===true) {
1410- $(".HeaderButton",grid.cDiv).toggle( function(){
1411- if(ts.p.pager) {$(ts.p.pager).fadeOut("slow");}
1412- if(ts.p.toolbar[0]) {$(grid.uDiv,ts).fadeOut("slow");}
1413- $(grid.bDiv,ts).fadeOut("slow");
1414- $(grid.hDiv,ts).fadeOut("slow");
1415- $("img",this).attr("src",ts.p.imgpath+"down.gif");
1416- ts.p.gridstate = 'hidden';
1417- if(onHdCl) {if(!hg) {ts.p.onHeaderClick(ts.p.gridstate);}}
1418- },
1419- function() {
1420- $(grid.hDiv ,ts).fadeIn("slow");
1421- $(grid.bDiv,ts).fadeIn("slow");
1422- if(ts.p.pager) {$(ts.p.pager).fadeIn("slow");}
1423- if(ts.p.toolbar[0]) {$(grid.uDiv).fadeIn("slow");}
1424- $("img",this).attr("src",ts.p.imgpath+"up.gif");
1425- if(hg) {ts.p.datatype = tdt;populate();hg=false;}
1426- ts.p.gridstate = 'visible';
1427- if(onHdCl) {ts.p.onHeaderClick(ts.p.gridstate)}
1428- }
1429- );
1430- if(hg) { $(".HeaderButton",grid.cDiv).trigger("click"); ts.p.datatype="local";}
1431- }
1432- }
1433- ts.p._height += parseInt($(grid.hDiv,ts).height(),10);
1434- $(grid.hDiv).mousemove(function (e) {grid.dragMove(e.clientX); return false;}).after(grid.bDiv);
1435- $(document).mouseup(function (e) {
1436- if(grid.resizing) {
1437- grid.dragEnd();
1438- if(grid.newWidth && ts.p.forceFit===false){
1439- var gwdt = (grid.width <= ts.p._width) ? grid.width: ts.p._width;
1440- var overfl = (grid.width <= ts.p._width) ? "hidden" : "auto";
1441- if(ts.p.pager && $(ts.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
1442- $(ts.p.pager).width(gwdt);
1443- }
1444- if(ts.p.caption) {$(grid.cDiv).width(gwdt);}
1445- if(ts.p.toolbar[0]) {$(grid.uDiv).width(gwdt);}
1446- $(grid.bDiv).width(gwdt).css("overflow-x",overfl);
1447- $(grid.hDiv).width(gwdt);
1448- }
1449- }
1450- return false;
1451- });
1452- ts.formatCol = function(a,b) {formatCol(a,b);};
1453- ts.sortData = function(a,b,c){sortData(a,b,c);};
1454- ts.updatepager = function(){updatepager();};
1455- this.grid = grid;
1456- ts.addXmlData = function(d) {addXmlData(d,ts.grid.bDiv);};
1457- ts.addJSONData = function(d) {addJSONData(d,ts.grid.bDiv);};
1458- populate();
1459- if (!ts.p.shrinkToFit) {
1460- ts.p.forceFit = false;
1461- $("tr:first th", thead).each(function(j){
1462- var w = ts.p.colModel[j].owidth;
1463- var diff = w - ts.p.colModel[j].width;
1464- if (diff > 0 && !ts.p.colModel[j].hidden) {
1465- grid.headers[j].width = w;
1466- $(this).add(grid.cols[j]).width(w);
1467- $('table:first',grid.bDiv).add(grid.hTable).width(ts.grid.width);
1468- ts.grid.width += diff;
1469- grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
1470- }
1471- });
1472- ofl2 = (grid.width <= ts.p._width) ? "hidden" : "auto";
1473- $(grid.bDiv).css({"overflow-x":ofl2});
1474- }
1475- $(window).unload(function () {
1476- $(this).unbind("*");
1477- this.grid = null;
1478- this.p = null;
1479- });
1480- });
1+;(function ($) {
3+ * jqGrid 3.3.2 - jQuery Grid
4+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Tony Tomov, tony@trirand.com
5+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
6+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
7+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
8+ * Date: 2008-12-14 rev 74
9+ */
10+$.fn.jqGrid = function( p ) {
11+ p = $.extend(true,{
12+ url: "",
13+ height: 150,
14+ page: 1,
15+ rowNum: 20,
16+ records: 0,
17+ pager: "",
18+ pgbuttons: true,
19+ pginput: true,
20+ colModel: [],
21+ rowList: [],
22+ colNames: [],
23+ sortorder: "asc",
24+ sortname: "",
25+ datatype: "xml",
26+ mtype: "GET",
27+ imgpath: "",
28+ sortascimg: "sort_asc.gif",
29+ sortdescimg: "sort_desc.gif",
30+ firstimg: "first.gif",
31+ previmg: "prev.gif",
32+ nextimg: "next.gif",
33+ lastimg: "last.gif",
34+ altRows: true,
35+ selarrrow: [],
36+ savedRow: [],
37+ shrinkToFit: true,
38+ xmlReader: {},
39+ jsonReader: {},
40+ subGrid: false,
41+ subGridModel :[],
42+ lastpage: 0,
43+ lastsort: 0,
44+ selrow: null,
45+ beforeSelectRow: null,
46+ onSelectRow: null,
47+ onSortCol: null,
48+ ondblClickRow: null,
49+ onRightClickRow: null,
50+ onPaging: null,
51+ onSelectAll: null,
52+ loadComplete: null,
53+ gridComplete: null,
54+ loadError: null,
55+ loadBeforeSend: null,
56+ afterInsertRow: null,
57+ beforeRequest: null,
58+ onHeaderClick: null,
59+ viewrecords: false,
60+ loadonce: false,
61+ multiselect: false,
62+ multikey: false,
63+ editurl: null,
64+ search: false,
65+ searchdata: {},
66+ caption: "",
67+ hidegrid: true,
68+ hiddengrid: false,
69+ postData: {},
70+ userData: {},
71+ treeGrid : false,
72+ treeANode: 0,
73+ treedatatype: null,
74+ treeReader: {level_field: "level",
75+ left_field:"lft",
76+ right_field: "rgt",
77+ leaf_field: "isLeaf",
78+ expanded_field: "expanded"
79+ },
80+ tree_root_level: 0,
81+ ExpandColumn: null,
82+ sortclass: "grid_sort",
83+ resizeclass: "grid_resize",
84+ forceFit : false,
85+ gridstate : "visible",
86+ cellEdit: false,
87+ cellsubmit: "remote",
88+ nv:0,
89+ loadui: "enable",
90+ toolbar: [false,""]
91+ }, $.jgrid.defaults, p || {});
92+ var grid={
93+ headers:[],
94+ cols:[],
95+ dragStart: function(i,x) {
96+ this.resizing = { idx: i, startX: x};
97+ this.hDiv.style.cursor = "e-resize";
98+ },
99+ dragMove: function(x) {
100+ if(this.resizing) {
101+ var diff = x-this.resizing.startX;
102+ var h = this.headers[this.resizing.idx];
103+ var newWidth = h.width + diff;
104+ var msie = $.browser.msie;
105+ if(newWidth > 25) {
106+ if(p.forceFit===true ){
107+ var hn = this.headers[this.resizing.idx+p.nv];
108+ var nWn = hn.width - diff;
109+ if(nWn >25) {
110+ h.el.style.width = newWidth+"px";
111+ h.newWidth = newWidth;
112+ this.cols[this.resizing.idx].style.width = newWidth+"px";
113+ hn.el.style.width = nWn +"px";
114+ hn.newWidth = nWn;
115+ this.cols[this.resizing.idx+p.nv].style.width = nWn+"px";
116+ this.newWidth = this.width;
117+ }
118+ } else {
119+ h.el.style.width = newWidth+"px";
120+ h.newWidth = newWidth;
121+ this.cols[this.resizing.idx].style.width = newWidth+"px";
122+ this.newWidth = this.width+diff;
123+ $('table:first',this.bDiv).css("width",this.newWidth +"px");
124+ $('table:first',this.hDiv).css("width",this.newWidth +"px");
125+ var scrLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
126+ this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
127+ if(msie) {
128+ if(scrLeft - this.hDiv.scrollLeft >= 5) {this.bDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft - 17;}
129+ }
130+ }
131+ }
132+ }
133+ },
134+ dragEnd: function() {
135+ this.hDiv.style.cursor = "default";
136+ if(this.resizing) {
137+ var idx = this.resizing.idx;
138+ this.headers[idx].width = this.headers[idx].newWidth || this.headers[idx].width;
139+ this.cols[idx].style.width = this.headers[idx].newWidth || this.headers[idx].width;
140+ if(p.forceFit===true){
141+ this.headers[idx+p.nv].width = this.headers[idx+p.nv].newWidth || this.headers[idx+p.nv].width;
142+ this.cols[idx+p.nv].style.width = this.headers[idx+p.nv].newWidth || this.headers[idx+p.nv].width;
143+ }
144+ if(this.newWidth) {this.width = this.newWidth;}
145+ this.resizing = false;
146+ }
147+ },
148+ scrollGrid: function() {
149+ var scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
150+ this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
151+ if(scrollLeft - this.hDiv.scrollLeft > 5) {this.bDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft - 17;}
152+ }
153+ };
154+ $.fn.getGridParam = function(pName) {
155+ var $t = this[0];
156+ if (!$t.grid) {return;}
157+ if (!pName) { return $t.p; }
158+ else {return $t.p[pName] ? $t.p[pName] : null;}
159+ };
160+ $.fn.setGridParam = function (newParams){
161+ return this.each(function(){
162+ if (this.grid && typeof(newParams) === 'object') {$.extend(true,this.p,newParams);}
163+ });
164+ };
165+ $.fn.getDataIDs = function () {
166+ var ids=[];
167+ this.each(function(){
168+ $(this.rows).slice(1).each(function(i){
169+ ids[i]=this.id;
170+ });
171+ });
172+ return ids;
173+ };
174+ $.fn.setSortName = function (newsort) {
175+ return this.each(function(){
176+ var $t = this;
177+ for(var i=0;i< $t.p.colModel.length;i++){
178+ if($t.p.colModel[i].name===newsort || $t.p.colModel[i].index===newsort){
179+ $("tr th:eq("+$t.p.lastsort+") div img",$t.grid.hDiv).remove();
180+ $t.p.lastsort = i;
181+ $t.p.sortname=newsort;
182+ break;
183+ }
184+ }
185+ });
186+ };
187+ $.fn.setSelection = function(selection,sd) {
188+ return this.each(function(){
189+ var $t = this, stat,pt;
190+ if(selection===false) {pt = sd;}
191+ else { var ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,selection); pt=$($t.rows[ind]);}
192+ selection = $(pt).attr("id");
193+ if (!pt.html()) {return;}
194+ if(!$t.p.multiselect) {
195+ if($(pt).attr("class") !== "subgrid") {
196+ if( $t.p.selrow ) {$("tr#"+$t.p.selrow+":first",$t.grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");}
197+ $t.p.selrow = selection;
198+ $(pt).addClass("selected");
199+ if( $t.p.onSelectRow ) { $t.p.onSelectRow($t.p.selrow, true); }
200+ }
201+ } else {
202+ $t.p.selrow = selection;
203+ var ia = $.inArray($t.p.selrow,$t.p.selarrrow);
204+ if ( ia === -1 ){
205+ if($(pt).attr("class") !== "subgrid") { $(pt).addClass("selected");}
206+ stat = true;
207+ $("#jqg_"+$t.p.selrow,$t.rows).attr("checked",stat);
208+ $t.p.selarrrow.push($t.p.selrow);
209+ if( $t.p.onSelectRow ) { $t.p.onSelectRow($t.p.selrow, stat); }
210+ } else {
211+ if($(pt).attr("class") !== "subgrid") { $(pt).removeClass("selected");}
212+ stat = false;
213+ $("#jqg_"+$t.p.selrow,$t.rows).attr("checked",stat);
214+ $t.p.selarrrow.splice(ia,1);
215+ if( $t.p.onSelectRow ) { $t.p.onSelectRow($t.p.selrow, stat); }
216+ var tpsr = $t.p.selarrrow[0];
217+ $t.p.selrow = (tpsr=='undefined') ? null : tpsr;
218+ }
219+ }
220+ });
221+ };
222+ $.fn.resetSelection = function(){
223+ return this.each(function(){
224+ var t = this;
225+ if(!t.p.multiselect) {
226+ if(t.p.selrow) {
227+ $("tr#"+t.p.selrow+":first",t.grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");
228+ t.p.selrow = null;
229+ }
230+ } else {
231+ $(t.p.selarrrow).each(function(i,n){
232+ var ind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,n);
233+ $(t.rows[ind]).removeClass("selected");
234+ $("#jqg_"+n,t.rows[ind]).attr("checked",false);
235+ });
236+ $("#cb_jqg",t.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);
237+ t.p.selarrrow = [];
238+ }
239+ });
240+ };
241+ $.fn.getRowData = function( rowid ) {
242+ var res = {};
243+ if (rowid){
244+ this.each(function(){
245+ var $t = this,nm,ind;
246+ ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
247+ if (!ind) {return res;}
248+ $('td:nth-child',$t.rows[ind]).each( function(i) {
249+ nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name;
250+ if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid') {
251+ res[nm] = $(this).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'').replace(/&amp;/g, "&").replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
252+ }
253+ });
254+ });
255+ }
256+ return res;
257+ };
258+ $.fn.delRowData = function(rowid) {
259+ var success = false, rowInd;
260+ if(rowid) {
261+ this.each(function() {
262+ var $t = this;
263+ rowInd = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
264+ if(!rowInd) {return success;}
265+ else {
266+ $($t.rows[rowInd]).remove();
267+ $t.p.records--;
268+ $t.updatepager();
269+ success=true;
270+ }
271+ if(rowInd == 1 && success && ($.browser.opera || $.browser.safari)) {
272+ $($t.rows[1]).each( function( k ) {
273+ $(this).css("width",$t.grid.headers[k].width+"px");
274+ $t.grid.cols[k] = this;
275+ });
276+ }
277+ if( $t.p.altRows === true && success) {
278+ $($t.rows).slice(1).each(function(i){
279+ if(i % 2 ==1) {$(this).addClass('alt');}
280+ else {$(this).removeClass('alt');}
281+ });
282+ }
283+ });
284+ }
285+ return success;
286+ };
287+ $.fn.setRowData = function(rowid, data) {
288+ var nm, success=false;
289+ this.each(function(){
290+ var t = this;
291+ if(!t.grid) {return false;}
292+ if( data ) {
293+ var ind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,rowid);
294+ if(!ind) {return success;}
295+ success=true;
296+ $(this.p.colModel).each(function(i){
297+ nm = this.name;
298+ if(data[nm] !== 'undefined') {
299+ $("td:eq("+i+")",t.rows[ind]).html(data[nm]);
300+ success = true;
301+ }
302+ });
303+ }
304+ });
305+ return success;
306+ };
307+ $.fn.addRowData = function(rowid,data,pos,src) {
308+ if(!pos) {pos = "last";}
309+ var success = false;
310+ var nm, row, td, gi=0, si=0,sind;
311+ if(data) {
312+ this.each(function() {
313+ var t = this;
314+ row = document.createElement("tr");
315+ row.id = rowid || t.p.records+1;
316+ $(row).addClass("jqgrow");
317+ if(t.p.multiselect) {
318+ td = $('<td></td>');
319+ $(td[0],t.grid.bDiv).html("<input type='checkbox'"+" id='jqg_"+rowid+"' class='cbox'/>");
320+ row.appendChild(td[0]);
321+ gi = 1;
322+ }
323+ if(t.p.subGrid ) { try {$(t).addSubGrid(t.grid.bDiv,row,gi);} catch(e){} si=1;}
324+ for(var i = gi+si; i < this.p.colModel.length;i++){
325+ nm = this.p.colModel[i].name;
326+ td = $('<td></td>');
327+ $(td[0]).html('&#160;');
328+ if(data[nm] !== 'undefined') {
329+ $(td[0]).html(data[nm]);
330+ }
331+ t.formatCol($(td[0],t.grid.bDiv),i);
332+ row.appendChild(td[0]);
333+ }
334+ switch (pos) {
335+ case 'last':
336+ $(t.rows[t.rows.length-1]).after(row);
337+ break;
338+ case 'first':
339+ $(t.rows[0]).after(row);
340+ break;
341+ case 'after':
342+ sind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,src);
343+ sind >= 0 ? $(t.rows[sind]).after(row): "";
344+ break;
345+ case 'before':
346+ sind = $(t).getInd(t.rows,src);
347+ sind > 0 ? $(t.rows[sind-1]).after(row): "";
348+ break;
349+ }
350+ t.p.records++;
351+ if($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera) {
352+ t.scrollLeft = t.scrollLeft;
353+ $("td",t.rows[1]).each( function( k ) {
354+ $(this).css("width",t.grid.headers[k].width+"px");
355+ t.grid.cols[k] = this;
356+ });
357+ }
358+ if( t.p.altRows === true ) {
359+ if (pos == "last") {
360+ if (t.rows.length % 2 == 1) {$(row).addClass('alt');}
361+ } else {
362+ $(t.rows).slice(1).each(function(i){
363+ if(i % 2 ==1) {$(this).addClass('alt');}
364+ else {$(this).removeClass('alt');}
365+ });
366+ }
367+ }
368+ try {t.p.afterInsertRow(row.id,data); } catch(e){}
369+ t.updatepager();
370+ success = true;
371+ });
372+ }
373+ return success;
374+ };
375+ $.fn.hideCol = function(colname) {
376+ return this.each(function() {
377+ var $t = this,w=0, fndh=false;
378+ if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
379+ if( typeof colname == 'string') {colname=[colname];}
380+ $(this.p.colModel).each(function(i) {
381+ if ($.inArray(this.name,colname) != -1 && !this.hidden) {
382+ var w = parseInt($("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width"),10);
383+ $("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css({display:"none"});
384+ $($t.rows).each(function(j){
385+ $("td:eq("+i+")",$t.rows[j]).css({display:"none"});
386+ });
387+ $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = 0;
388+ $t.grid.headers[i].width = 0;
389+ $t.grid.width -= w;
390+ this.hidden=true;
391+ fndh=true;
392+ }
393+ });
394+ if(fndh===true) {
395+ var gtw = Math.min($t.p._width,$t.grid.width);
396+ $("table:first",$t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
397+ $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw);
398+ $($t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
399+ $($t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw);
400+ if($t.p.pager && $($t.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
401+ $($t.p.pager).width(gtw);
402+ }
403+ if($t.p.caption) {$($t.grid.cDiv).width(gtw);}
404+ if($t.p.toolbar[0]) {$($t.grid.uDiv).width(gtw);}
405+ $t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
406+ }
407+ });
408+ };
409+ $.fn.showCol = function(colname) {
410+ return this.each(function() {
411+ var $t = this; var w = 0, fdns=false;
412+ if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
413+ if( typeof colname == 'string') {colname=[colname];}
414+ $($t.p.colModel).each(function(i) {
415+ if ($.inArray(this.name,colname) != -1 && this.hidden) {
416+ var w = parseInt($("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width"),10);
417+ $("tr th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("display","");
418+ $($t.rows).each(function(j){
419+ $("td:eq("+i+")",$t.rows[j]).css("display","").width(w);
420+ });
421+ this.hidden=false;
422+ $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = w;
423+ $t.grid.headers[i].width = w;
424+ $t.grid.width += w;
425+ fdns=true;
426+ }
427+ });
428+ if(fdns===true) {
429+ var gtw = Math.min($t.p._width,$t.grid.width);
430+ var ofl = ($t.grid.width <= $t.p._width) ? "hidden" : "auto";
431+ $("table:first",$t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
432+ $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw);
433+ $($t.grid.hDiv).width(gtw);
434+ $($t.grid.bDiv).width(gtw).css("overflow-x",ofl);
435+ if($t.p.pager && $($t.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
436+ $($t.p.pager).width(gtw);
437+ }
438+ if($t.p.caption) {$($t.grid.cDiv).width(gtw);}
439+ if($t.p.toolbar[0]) {$($t.grid.uDiv).width(gtw);}
440+ $t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
441+ }
442+ });
443+ };
444+ $.fn.setGridWidth = function(nwidth, shrink) {
445+ return this.each(function(){
446+ var $t = this, chw=0,w,cw,ofl;
447+ if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
448+ if(typeof shrink != 'boolean') {shrink=true;}
449+ var testdata = getScale();
450+ if(shrink !== true) {testdata[0] = Math.min($t.p._width,$t.grid.width); testdata[2]=0;}
451+ else {testdata[2]= testdata[1]}
452+ $.each($t.p.colModel,function(i,v){
453+ if(!this.hidden && this.name != 'cb' && this.name!='subgrid') {
454+ cw = shrink !== true ? $("tr:first th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width") : this.width;
455+ w = Math.round((IENum(nwidth)-IENum(testdata[2]))/IENum(testdata[0])*IENum(cw));
456+ chw += w;
457+ $("table thead tr:first th:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.hDiv).css("width",w+"px");
458+ $("table:first tbody tr:first td:eq("+i+")",$t.grid.bDiv).css("width",w+"px");
459+ $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = w;
460+ $t.grid.headers[i].width = w;
461+ }
462+ if(this.name=='cb' || this.name == 'subgrid'){chw += IENum(this.width);}
463+ });
464+ if(chw + testdata[1] <= nwidth || $t.p.forceFit === true){ ofl = "hidden"; tw = nwidth;}
465+ else { ofl= "auto"; tw = chw + testdata[1];}
466+ $("table:first",$t.grid.hDiv).width(tw);
467+ $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).width(tw);
468+ $($t.grid.hDiv).width(nwidth);
469+ $($t.grid.bDiv).width(nwidth).css("overflow-x",ofl);
470+ if($t.p.pager && $($t.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
471+ $($t.p.pager).width(nwidth);
472+ }
473+ if($t.p.caption) {$($t.grid.cDiv).width(nwidth);}
474+ if($t.p.toolbar[0]) {$($t.grid.uDiv).width(nwidth);}
475+ $t.p._width = nwidth; $t.grid.width = tw;
476+ if($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera ) {
477+ $("table tbody tr:eq(1) td",$t.grid.bDiv).each( function( k ) {
478+ $(this).css("width",$t.grid.headers[k].width+"px");
479+ $t.grid.cols[k] = this;
480+ });
481+ }
482+ $t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
483+ function IENum(val) {
484+ val = parseInt(val,10);
485+ return isNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
486+ }
487+ function getScale(){
488+ var testcell = $("table tr:first th:eq(1)", $t.grid.hDiv);
489+ var addpix = IENum($(testcell).css("padding-left")) +
490+ IENum($(testcell).css("padding-right"))+
491+ IENum($(testcell).css("border-left-width"))+
492+ IENum($(testcell).css("border-right-width"));
493+ var w =0,ap=0;
494+ $.each($t.p.colModel,function(i,v){
495+ if(!this.hidden) {
496+ w += parseInt(this.width);
497+ ap += addpix;
498+ }
499+ });
500+ return [w,ap,0];
501+ }
502+ });
503+ };
504+ $.fn.setGridHeight = function (nh) {
505+ return this.each(function (){
506+ var ovfl, ovfl2, $t = this;
507+ if(!$t.grid) {return;}
508+ if($t.p.forceFit === true) { ovfl2='hidden'; } else {ovfl2=$($t.grid.bDiv).css("overflow-x");}
509+ ovfl = (isNaN(nh) && $.browser.mozilla && (nh.indexOf("%")!=-1 || nh=="auto")) ? "hidden" : "auto";
510+ $($t.grid.bDiv).css({height: nh+(isNaN(nh)?"":"px"),"overflow-y":ovfl,"overflow-x": ovfl2});
511+ $t.p.height = nh;
512+ });
513+ };
514+ $.fn.setCaption = function (newcap){
515+ return this.each(function(){
516+ this.p.caption=newcap;
517+ $("table:first th",this.grid.cDiv).html(newcap);
518+ $(this.grid.cDiv).show();
519+ });
520+ };
521+ $.fn.setLabel = function(colname, nData, prop ){
522+ return this.each(function(){
523+ var $t = this, pos=-1;
524+ if(!$t.grid) {return;}
525+ if(isNaN(colname)) {
526+ $($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
527+ if (this.name == colname) {
528+ pos = i;return false;
529+ }
530+ });
531+ } else {pos = parseInt(colname,10);}
532+ if(pos>=0) {
533+ var thecol = $("table:first th:eq("+pos+")",$t.grid.hDiv);
534+ if (nData){
535+ $("div",thecol).html(nData);
536+ }
537+ if (prop) {
538+ if(typeof prop == 'string') {$(thecol).addClass(prop);} else {$(thecol).css(prop);}
539+ }
540+ }
541+ });
542+ };
543+ $.fn.setCell = function(rowid,colname,nData,prop) {
544+ return this.each(function(){
545+ var $t = this, pos =-1;
546+ if(!$t.grid) {return;}
547+ if(isNaN(colname)) {
548+ $($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
549+ if (this.name == colname) {
550+ pos = i;return false;
551+ }
552+ });
553+ } else {pos = parseInt(colname,10);}
554+ if(pos>=0) {
555+ var ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
556+ if (ind){
557+ var tcell = $("td:eq("+pos+")",$t.rows[ind]);
558+ if(nData) {$(tcell).html(nData);}
559+ if (prop){
560+ if(typeof prop == 'string') {$(tcell).addClass(prop);} else {$(tcell).css(prop);}
561+ }
562+ }
563+ }
564+ });
565+ };
566+ $.fn.getCell = function(rowid,iCol) {
567+ var ret = false;
568+ this.each(function(){
569+ var $t=this;
570+ if(!$t.grid) {return;}
571+ if(rowid && iCol>=0) {
572+ var ind = $($t).getInd($t.rows,rowid);
573+ if(ind) {
574+ ret = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[ind]).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'');
575+ }
576+ }
577+ });
578+ return ret;
579+ };
580+ $.fn.clearGridData = function() {
581+ return this.each(function(){
582+ var $t = this;
583+ if(!$t.grid) {return;}
584+ $("tbody tr:gt(0)", $t.grid.bDiv).remove();
585+ $t.p.selrow = null; $t.p.selarrrow= []; $t.p.savedRow = [];
586+ $t.p.records = '0';$t.p.page='0';$t.p.lastpage='0';
587+ $t.updatepager();
588+ });
589+ };
590+ $.fn.getInd = function(obj,rowid,rc){
591+ var ret =false;
592+ $(obj).each(function(i){
593+ if(this.id==rowid) {
594+ ret = rc===true ? this : i;
595+ return false;
596+ }
597+ });
598+ return ret;
599+ };
600+ return this.each( function() {
601+ if(this.grid) {return;}
602+ this.p = p ;
603+ if( this.p.colNames.length === 0 || this.p.colNames.length !== this.p.colModel.length ) {
604+ alert("Length of colNames <> colModel or 0!");
605+ return;
606+ }
607+ if(this.p.imgpath !== "" ) {this.p.imgpath += "/";}
608+ var ts = this;
609+ $("<div class='loadingui' id=lui_"+this.id+"/>").insertBefore(this);
610+ $(this).attr({cellSpacing:"0",cellPadding:"0",border:"0"});
611+ var bSR = $.isFunction(this.p.beforeSelectRow) ? this.p.beforeSelectRow :false;
612+ var onSelectRow = $.isFunction(this.p.onSelectRow) ? this.p.onSelectRow :false;
613+ var ondblClickRow = $.isFunction(this.p.ondblClickRow) ? this.p.ondblClickRow :false;
614+ var onSortCol = $.isFunction(this.p.onSortCol) ? this.p.onSortCol : false;
615+ var loadComplete = $.isFunction(this.p.loadComplete) ? this.p.loadComplete : false;
616+ var loadError = $.isFunction(this.p.loadError) ? this.p.loadError : false;
617+ var loadBeforeSend = $.isFunction(this.p.loadBeforeSend) ? this.p.loadBeforeSend : false;
618+ var onRightClickRow = $.isFunction(this.p.onRightClickRow) ? this.p.onRightClickRow : false;
619+ var afterInsRow = $.isFunction(this.p.afterInsertRow) ? this.p.afterInsertRow : false;
620+ var onHdCl = $.isFunction(this.p.onHeaderClick) ? this.p.onHeaderClick : false;
621+ var beReq = $.isFunction(this.p.beforeRequest) ? this.p.beforeRequest : false;
622+ var onSC = $.isFunction(this.p.onCellSelect) ? this.p.onCellSelect : false;
623+ var sortkeys = ["shiftKey","altKey","ctrlKey"];
624+ if ($.inArray(ts.p.multikey,sortkeys) == -1 ) {ts.p.multikey = false;}
625+ var IntNum = function(val,defval) {
626+ val = parseInt(val,10);
627+ if (isNaN(val)) { return (defval) ? defval : 0;}
628+ else {return val;}
629+ };
630+ var formatCol = function (elem, pos){
631+ var rowalgn = ts.p.colModel[pos].align;
632+ if(rowalgn) { $(elem).css("text-align",rowalgn);}
633+ if(ts.p.colModel[pos].hidden) {$(elem).css("display","none");}
634+ };
635+ var resizeFirstRow = function (t,er){
636+ $("tbody tr:eq("+er+") td",t).each( function( k ) {
637+ $(this).css("width",grid.headers[k].width+"px");
638+ grid.cols[k] = this;
639+ });
640+ };
641+ var addCell = function(t,row,cell,pos) {
642+ var td;
643+ td = document.createElement("td");
644+ $(td).html(cell);
645+ row.appendChild(td);
646+ formatCol($(td,t), pos);
647+ };
648+ var addMulti = function(t,row){
649+ var cbid,td;
650+ td = document.createElement("td");
651+ cbid = "jqg_"+row.id;
652+ $(td,t).html("<input type='checkbox'"+" id='"+cbid+"' class='cbox'/>");
653+ formatCol($(td,t), 0);
654+ row.appendChild(td);
655+ };
656+ var reader = function (datatype) {
657+ var field, f=[], j=0;
658+ for(var i =0; i<ts.p.colModel.length; i++){
659+ field = ts.p.colModel[i];
660+ if (field.name !== 'cb' && field.name !=='subgrid') {
661+ f[j] = (datatype=="xml") ? field.xmlmap || field.name : field.jsonmap || field.name;
662+ j++;
663+ }
664+ }
665+ return f;
666+ };
667+ var addXmlData = function addXmlData (xml,t) {
668+ if(xml) { var fpos = ts.p.treeANode; if(fpos===0) {$("tbody tr:gt(0)", t).remove();} } else { return; }
669+ var row,gi=0,si=0,cbid,idn, getId,f=[],rd =[],cn=(ts.p.altRows === true) ? 'alt':'';
670+ if(!ts.p.xmlReader.repeatitems) {f = reader("xml");}
671+ if( ts.p.keyIndex===false) {
672+ idn = ts.p.xmlReader.id;
673+ if( idn.indexOf("[") === -1 ) {
674+ getId = function( trow, k) {return $(idn,trow).text() || k;};
675+ }
676+ else {
677+ getId = function( trow, k) {return trow.getAttribute(idn.replace(/[\[\]]/g,"")) || k;};
678+ }
679+ } else {
680+ getId = function(trow) { return (f.length - 1 >= ts.p.keyIndex) ? $(f[ts.p.keyIndex],trow).text() : $(ts.p.xmlReader.cell+":eq("+ts.p.keyIndex+")",trow).text(); };
681+ }
682+ $(ts.p.xmlReader.page,xml).each(function() {ts.p.page = this.textContent || this.text ; });
683+ $(ts.p.xmlReader.total,xml).each(function() {ts.p.lastpage = this.textContent || this.text ; } );
684+ $(ts.p.xmlReader.records,xml).each(function() {ts.p.records = this.textContent || this.text ; } );
685+ $(ts.p.xmlReader.userdata,xml).each(function() {ts.p.userData[this.getAttribute("name")]=this.textContent || this.text;});
686+ $(ts.p.xmlReader.root+" "+ts.p.xmlReader.row,xml).each( function( j ) {
687+ row = document.createElement("tr");
688+ row.id = getId(this,j+1);
689+ if(ts.p.multiselect) {
690+ addMulti(t,row);
691+ gi = 1;
692+ }
693+ if (ts.p.subGrid) {
694+ try {$(ts).addSubGrid(t,row,gi,this);} catch (e){}
695+ si= 1;
696+ }
697+ var v;
698+ if(ts.p.xmlReader.repeatitems===true){
699+ $(ts.p.xmlReader.cell,this).each( function (i) {
700+ v = this.textContent || this.text;
701+ addCell(t,row,v || '&#160;',i+gi+si);
702+ rd[ts.p.colModel[i+gi+si].name] = v;
703+ });
704+ } else {
705+ for(var i = 0; i < f.length;i++) {
706+ v = $(f[i],this).text();
707+ addCell(t, row, v || '&#160;', i+gi+si);
708+ rd[ts.p.colModel[i+gi+si].name] = v;
709+ }
710+ }
711+ if(j%2 == 1) {row.className = cn;} $(row).addClass("jqgrow");
712+ if( ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
713+ try {$(ts).setTreeNode(rd,row);} catch (e) {}
714+ }
715+ $(ts.rows[j+fpos]).after(row);
716+ if(afterInsRow) {ts.p.afterInsertRow(row.id,rd,this);}
717+ rd=[];
718+ });
719+ xml = null;
720+ if(isSafari || isOpera) {resizeFirstRow(t,1);}
721+ if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;}
722+ endReq();
723+ updatepager();
724+ };
725+ var addJSONData = function(data,t) {
726+ if(data) { var fpos = ts.p.treeANode; if(fpos===0) {$("tbody tr:gt(0)", t).remove();} } else { return; }
727+ var row,f=[],cur,gi=0,si=0,drows,idn,rd=[],cn=(ts.p.altRows===true) ? 'alt':'';
728+ ts.p.page = data[ts.p.jsonReader.page];
729+ ts.p.lastpage= data[ts.p.jsonReader.total];
730+ ts.p.records= data[ts.p.jsonReader.records];
731+ ts.p.userData = data[ts.p.jsonReader.userdata] || {};
732+ if(!ts.p.jsonReader.repeatitems) {f = reader("json");}
733+ if( ts.p.keyIndex===false ) {
734+ idn = ts.p.jsonReader.id;
735+ if(f.length>0 && !isNaN(idn)) {idn=f[idn];}
736+ } else {
737+ idn = f.length>0 ? f[ts.p.keyIndex] : ts.p.keyIndex;
738+ }
739+ drows = data[ts.p.jsonReader.root];
740+ if (drows) {
741+ for (var i=0;i<drows.length;i++) {
742+ cur = drows[i];
743+ row = document.createElement("tr");
744+ row.id = cur[idn] || "";
745+ if(row.id === "") {
746+ if(f.length===0){
747+ if(ts.p.jsonReader.cell){
748+ var ccur = cur[ts.p.jsonReader.cell];
749+ row.id = ccur[idn] || i+1;
750+ ccur=null;
751+ } else {row.id=i+1;}
752+ } else {
753+ row.id=i+1;
754+ }
755+ }
756+ if(ts.p.multiselect){
757+ addMulti(t,row);
758+ gi = 1;
759+ }
760+ if (ts.p.subGrid) {
761+ try { $(ts).addSubGrid(t,row,gi,drows[i]);} catch (e){}
762+ si= 1;
763+ }
764+ if (ts.p.jsonReader.repeatitems === true) {
765+ if(ts.p.jsonReader.cell) {cur = cur[ts.p.jsonReader.cell];}
766+ for (var j=0;j<cur.length;j++) {
767+ addCell(t,row,cur[j] || '&#160;',j+gi+si);
768+ rd[ts.p.colModel[j+gi+si].name] = cur[j];
769+ }
770+ } else {
771+ for (var j=0;j<f.length;j++) {
772+ addCell(t,row,cur[f[j]] || '&#160;',j+gi+si);
773+ rd[ts.p.colModel[j+gi+si].name] = cur[f[j]];
774+ }
775+ }
776+ if(i%2 == 1) {row.className = cn;} $(row).addClass("jqgrow");
777+ if( ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
778+ try {$(ts).setTreeNode(rd,row);} catch (e) {}
779+ }
780+ $(ts.rows[i+fpos]).after(row);
781+ if(afterInsRow) {ts.p.afterInsertRow(row.id,rd,drows[i]);}
782+ rd=[];
783+ }
784+ }
785+ data = null;
786+ if(isSafari || isOpera) {resizeFirstRow(t,1);}
787+ if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;}
788+ endReq();
789+ updatepager();
790+ };
791+ var updatepager = function() {
792+ if(ts.p.pager) {
793+ var cp, last,imp = ts.p.imgpath;
794+ if (ts.p.loadonce) {
795+ cp = last = 1;
796+ ts.p.lastpage = ts.page =1;
797+ $(".selbox",ts.p.pager).attr("disabled",true);
798+ } else {
799+ cp = IntNum(ts.p.page);
800+ last = IntNum(ts.p.lastpage);
801+ $(".selbox",ts.p.pager).attr("disabled",false);
802+ }
803+ if(ts.p.pginput===true) {
804+ $('input.selbox',ts.p.pager).val(ts.p.page);
805+ }
806+ if (ts.p.viewrecords){
807+ if(ts.p.pgtext) {
808+ $('#sp_1',ts.p.pager).html(ts.p.pgtext+"&#160;"+ts.p.lastpage );
809+ }
810+ $('#sp_2',ts.p.pager).html(ts.p.records+"&#160;"+ts.p.recordtext+"&#160;");
811+ }
812+ if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
813+ if(cp<=0) {cp = last = 1;}
814+ if(cp==1) {$("#first",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.firstimg,disabled:true});} else {$("#first",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.firstimg,disabled:false});}
815+ if(cp==1) {$("#prev",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.previmg,disabled:true});} else {$("#prev",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.previmg,disabled:false});}
816+ if(cp==last) {$("#next",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.nextimg,disabled:true});} else {$("#next",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.nextimg,disabled:false});}
817+ if(cp==last) {$("#last",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+"off-"+ts.p.lastimg,disabled:true});} else {$("#last",ts.p.pager).attr({src:imp+ts.p.lastimg,disabled:false});}
818+ }
819+ }
820+ if($.isFunction(ts.p.gridComplete)) {ts.p.gridComplete();}
821+ };
822+ var populate = function () {
823+ if(!grid.hDiv.loading) {
824+ beginReq();
825+ var gdata = $.extend(ts.p.postData,{page: ts.p.page, rows: ts.p.rowNum, sidx: ts.p.sortname, sord:ts.p.sortorder, nd: (new Date().getTime()), _search:ts.p.search});
826+ if (ts.p.search ===true) {gdata =$.extend(gdata,ts.p.searchdata);}
827+ if ($.isFunction(ts.p.datatype)) {ts.p.datatype(gdata);endReq();}
828+ switch(ts.p.datatype)
829+ {
830+ case "json":
831+ $.ajax({url:ts.p.url,type:ts.p.mtype,dataType:"json",data: gdata, complete:function(JSON,st) { if(st=="success") {addJSONData(eval("("+JSON.responseText+")"),ts.grid.bDiv); if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}}}, error:function(xhr,st,err){if(loadError) {loadError(xhr,st,err);}endReq();}, beforeSend: function(xhr){if(loadBeforeSend) {loadBeforeSend(xhr);}}});
832+ if( ts.p.loadonce || ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.datatype = "local";}
833+ break;
834+ case "xml":
835+ $.ajax({url:ts.p.url,type:ts.p.mtype,dataType:"xml",data: gdata , complete:function(xml,st) {if(st=="success") {addXmlData(xml.responseXML,ts.grid.bDiv); if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}}}, error:function(xhr,st,err){if(loadError) {loadError(xhr,st,err);}endReq();}, beforeSend: function(xhr){if(loadBeforeSend) {loadBeforeSend(xhr);}}});
836+ if( ts.p.loadonce || ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.datatype = "local";}
837+ break;
838+ case "xmlstring":
839+ addXmlData(stringToDoc(ts.p.datastr),ts.grid.bDiv);
840+ ts.p.datastr = null;
841+ ts.p.datatype = "local";
842+ if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}
843+ break;
844+ case "jsonstring":
845+ addJSONData(eval("("+ts.p.datastr+")"),ts.grid.bDiv);
846+ ts.p.datastr = null;
847+ ts.p.datatype = "local";
848+ if(loadComplete) {loadComplete();}
849+ break;
850+ case "local":
851+ case "clientSide":
852+ sortArrayData();
853+ break;
854+ }
855+ }
856+ };
857+ var beginReq = function() {
858+ if(beReq) {ts.p.beforeRequest();}
859+ grid.hDiv.loading = true;
860+ switch(ts.p.loadui) {
861+ case "disable":
862+ break;
863+ case "enable":
864+ $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeIn("fast");
865+ break;
866+ case "block":
867+ $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeIn("fast");
868+ $("#lui_"+ts.id).width($(grid.bDiv).width()).height(IntNum($(grid.bDiv).height())+IntNum(ts.p._height)).show();
869+ break;
870+ }
871+ };
872+ var endReq = function() {
873+ grid.hDiv.loading = false;
874+ switch(ts.p.loadui) {
875+ case "disable":
876+ break;
877+ case "enable":
878+ $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeOut("fast");
879+ break;
880+ case "block":
881+ $("div.loading",grid.hDiv).fadeOut("fast");
882+ $("#lui_"+ts.id).hide();
883+ break;
884+ }
885+ };
886+ var stringToDoc = function (xmlString) {
887+ var xmlDoc;
888+ try {
889+ var parser = new DOMParser();
890+ xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlString,"text/xml");
891+ }
892+ catch(e) {
893+ xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
894+ xmlDoc.async=false;
895+ xmlDoc["loadXM"+"L"](xmlString);
896+ }
897+ return (xmlDoc && xmlDoc.documentElement && xmlDoc.documentElement.tagName != 'parsererror') ? xmlDoc : null;
898+ };
899+ var sortArrayData = function() {
900+ var stripNum = /[\$,%]/g;
901+ var col=0,st,findSortKey,newDir = (ts.p.sortorder == "asc") ? 1 :-1;
902+ $.each(ts.p.colModel,function(i,v){
903+ if(this.index == ts.p.sortname || this.name == ts.p.sortname){
904+ col = ts.p.lastsort= i;
905+ st = this.sorttype;
906+ return false;
907+ }
908+ });
909+ if (st == 'float') {
910+ findSortKey = function($cell) {
911+ var key = parseFloat($cell.text().replace(stripNum, ''));
912+ return isNaN(key) ? 0 : key;
913+ };
914+ } else if (st=='int') {
915+ findSortKey = function($cell) {
916+ return IntNum($cell.text().replace(stripNum, ''));
917+ };
918+ } else if(st == 'date') {
919+ findSortKey = function($cell) {
920+ var fd = ts.p.colModel[col].datefmt || "Y-m-d";
921+ return parseDate(fd,$cell.text()).getTime();
922+ };
923+ } else {
924+ findSortKey = function($cell) {
925+ return $cell.text().toUpperCase();
926+ };
927+ }
928+ var rows=[];
929+ $.each(ts.rows, function(index, row) {
930+ if (index > 0) {
931+ row.sortKey = findSortKey($(row).children('td').eq(col));
932+ rows[index-1] = this;
933+ }
934+ });
935+ if(ts.p.treeGrid) {
936+ $(ts).SortTree( newDir);
937+ } else {
938+ rows.sort(function(a, b) {
939+ if (a.sortKey < b.sortKey) {return -newDir;}
940+ if (a.sortKey > b.sortKey) {return newDir;}
941+ return 0;
942+ });
943+ $.each(rows, function(index, row) {
944+ $('tbody',ts.grid.bDiv).append(row);
945+ row.sortKey = null;
946+ });
947+ }
948+ if(isSafari || isOpera) {resizeFirstRow(ts.grid.bDiv,1);}
949+ if(ts.p.multiselect) {
950+ $("tbody tr:gt(0)", ts.grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");
951+ $("[@id^=jqg_]",ts.rows).attr("checked",false);
952+ $("#cb_jqg",ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);
953+ ts.p.selarrrow = [];
954+ }
955+ if( ts.p.altRows === true ) {
956+ $("tbody tr:gt(0)", ts.grid.bDiv).removeClass("alt");
957+ $("tbody tr:odd", ts.grid.bDiv).addClass("alt");
958+ }
959+ ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;
960+ endReq();
961+ };
962+ var parseDate = function(format, date) {
963+ var tsp = {m : 1, d : 1, y : 1970, h : 0, i : 0, s : 0};
964+ format = format.toLowerCase();
965+ date = date.split(/[\\\/:_;.\s-]/);
966+ format = format.split(/[\\\/:_;.\s-]/);
967+ for(var i=0;i<format.length;i++){
968+ tsp[format[i]] = IntNum(date[i],tsp[format[i]]);
969+ }
970+ tsp.m = parseInt(tsp.m,10)-1;
971+ var ty = tsp.y;
972+ if (ty >= 70 && ty <= 99) {tsp.y = 1900+tsp.y;}
973+ else if (ty >=0 && ty <=69) {tsp.y= 2000+tsp.y;}
974+ return new Date(tsp.y, tsp.m, tsp.d, tsp.h, tsp.i, tsp.s,0);
975+ };
976+ var setPager = function (){
977+ var inpt = "<img class='pgbuttons' src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"spacer.gif'";
978+ var pginp = (ts.p.pginput===true) ? "<input class='selbox' type='text' size='3' maxlength='5' value='0'/>" : "";
979+ if(ts.p.viewrecords===true) {pginp += "<span id='sp_1'></span>&#160;";}
980+ var pgl="", pgr="";
981+ if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
982+ pgl = inpt+" id='first'/>&#160;&#160;"+inpt+" id='prev'/>&#160;";
983+ pgr = inpt+" id='next' />&#160;&#160;"+inpt+" id='last'/>";
984+ }
985+ $(ts.p.pager).append(pgl+pginp+pgr);
986+ if(ts.p.rowList.length >0){
987+ var str="<SELECT class='selbox'>";
988+ for(var i=0;i<ts.p.rowList.length;i++){
989+ str +="<OPTION value="+ts.p.rowList[i]+((ts.p.rowNum == ts.p.rowList[i])?' selected':'')+">"+ts.p.rowList[i];
990+ }
991+ str +="</SELECT>";
992+ $(ts.p.pager).append("&#160;"+str+"&#160;<span id='sp_2'></span>");
993+ $(ts.p.pager).find("select").bind('change',function() {
994+ ts.p.rowNum = (this.value>0) ? this.value : ts.p.rowNum;
995+ if (typeof ts.p.onPaging =='function') {ts.p.onPaging('records');}
996+ populate();
997+ ts.p.selrow = null;
998+ });
999+ } else { $(ts.p.pager).append("&#160;<span id='sp_2'></span>");}
1000+ if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
1001+ $(".pgbuttons",ts.p.pager).mouseover(function(e){
1002+ this.style.cursor= "pointer";
1003+ return false;
1004+ }).mouseout(function(e) {
1005+ this.style.cursor= "normal";
1006+ return false;
1007+ });
1008+ $("#first, #prev, #next, #last",ts.p.pager).click( function(e) {
1009+ var cp = IntNum(ts.p.page);
1010+ var last = IntNum(ts.p.lastpage), selclick = false;
1011+ var fp=true; var pp=true; var np=true; var lp=true;
1012+ if(last ===0 || last===1) {fp=false;pp=false;np=false;lp=false; }
1013+ else if( last>1 && cp >=1) {
1014+ if( cp === 1) { fp=false; pp=false; }
1015+ else if( cp>1 && cp <last){ }
1016+ else if( cp===last){ np=false;lp=false; }
1017+ } else if( last>1 && cp===0 ) { np=false;lp=false; cp=last-1;}
1018+ if( this.id === 'first' && fp ) { ts.p.page=1; selclick=true;}
1019+ if( this.id === 'prev' && pp) { ts.p.page=(cp-1); selclick=true;}
1020+ if( this.id === 'next' && np) { ts.p.page=(cp+1); selclick=true;}
1021+ if( this.id === 'last' && lp) { ts.p.page=last; selclick=true;}
1022+ if(selclick) {
1023+ if (typeof ts.p.onPaging =='function') {ts.p.onPaging(this.id);}
1024+ populate();
1025+ ts.p.selrow = null;
1026+ if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[];$('#cb_jqg',ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);}
1027+ ts.p.savedRow = [];
1028+ }
1029+ e.stopPropagation();
1030+ return false;
1031+ });
1032+ }
1033+ if(ts.p.pginput===true) {
1034+ $('input.selbox',ts.p.pager).keypress( function(e) {
1035+ var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
1036+ if(key == 13) {
1037+ ts.p.page = ($(this).val()>0) ? $(this).val():ts.p.page;
1038+ if (typeof ts.p.onPaging =='function') {ts.p.onPaging( 'user');}
1039+ populate();
1040+ ts.p.selrow = null;
1041+ return false;
1042+ }
1043+ return this;
1044+ });
1045+ }
1046+ };
1047+ var sortData = function (index, idxcol,reload){
1048+ if(!reload) {
1049+ if( ts.p.lastsort === idxcol ) {
1050+ if( ts.p.sortorder === 'asc') {
1051+ ts.p.sortorder = 'desc';
1052+ } else if(ts.p.sortorder === 'desc') { ts.p.sortorder='asc';}
1053+ } else { ts.p.sortorder='asc';}
1054+ ts.p.page = 1;
1055+ }
1056+ var imgs = (ts.p.sortorder==='asc') ? ts.p.sortascimg : ts.p.sortdescimg;
1057+ imgs = "<img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+imgs+"'>";
1058+ var thd= $("thead:first",grid.hDiv).get(0);
1059+ $("tr th div#jqgh_"+ts.p.colModel[ts.p.lastsort].name+" img",thd).remove();
1060+ $("tr th div#jqgh_"+ts.p.colModel[ts.p.lastsort].name,thd).parent().removeClass(ts.p.sortclass);
1061+ $("tr th div#"+index,thd).append(imgs).parent().addClass(ts.p.sortclass);
1062+ ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;
1063+ index = index.substring(5);
1064+ ts.p.sortname = ts.p.colModel[idxcol].index || index;
1065+ var so = ts.p.sortorder;
1066+ if(onSortCol) {onSortCol(index,idxcol,so);}
1067+ if(ts.p.selrow && ts.p.datatype == "local" && !ts.p.multiselect){ $('#'+ts.p.selrow,grid.bDiv).removeClass("selected");}
1068+ ts.p.selrow = null;
1069+ if(ts.p.multiselect && ts.p.datatype !== "local"){ts.p.selarrrow =[]; $("#cb_jqg",ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);}
1070+ ts.p.savedRow =[];
1071+ populate();
1072+ if(ts.p.sortname != index && idxcol) {ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;}
1073+ };
1074+ var setColWidth = function () {
1075+ var initwidth = 0;
1076+ for(var l=0;l<ts.p.colModel.length;l++){
1077+ if(!ts.p.colModel[l].hidden){
1078+ initwidth += IntNum(ts.p.colModel[l].width);
1079+ }
1080+ }
1081+ var tblwidth = ts.p.width ? ts.p.width : initwidth;
1082+ for(l=0;l<ts.p.colModel.length;l++) {
1083+ if(!ts.p.shrinkToFit){
1084+ ts.p.colModel[l].owidth = ts.p.colModel[l].width;
1085+ }
1086+ ts.p.colModel[l].width = Math.round(tblwidth/initwidth*ts.p.colModel[l].width);
1087+ }
1088+ };
1089+ var nextVisible= function(iCol) {
1090+ var ret = iCol, j=iCol;
1091+ for (var i = iCol+1;i<ts.p.colModel.length;i++){
1092+ if(ts.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true ) {
1093+ j=i; break;
1094+ }
1095+ }
1096+ return j-ret;
1097+ };
1098+ this.p.id = this.id;
1099+ if(this.p.treeGrid === true) {
1100+ this.p.subGrid = false; this.p.altRows =false;
1101+ this.p.pgbuttons = false; this.p.pginput = false;
1102+ this.p.multiselect = false; this.p.rowList = [];
1103+ this.p.treedatatype = this.p.datatype;
1104+ $.each(this.p.treeReader,function(i,n){
1105+ if(n){
1106+ ts.p.colNames.push(n);
1107+ ts.p.colModel.push({name:n,width:1,hidden:true,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,editable:true,search:false});
1108+ }
1109+ });
1110+ }
1111+ ts.p.keyIndex=false;
1112+ for (var i=0; i<ts.p.colModel.length;i++) {
1113+ if (ts.p.colModel[i].key===true) {
1114+ ts.p.keyIndex = i;
1115+ break;
1116+ }
1117+ }
1118+ if(this.p.subGrid) {
1119+ this.p.colNames.unshift("");
1120+ this.p.colModel.unshift({name:'subgrid',width:25,sortable: false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false});
1121+ }
1122+ if(this.p.multiselect) {
1123+ this.p.colNames.unshift("<input id='cb_jqg' class='cbox' type='checkbox'/>");
1124+ this.p.colModel.unshift({name:'cb',width:27,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false});
1125+ }
1126+ var xReader = {
1127+ root: "rows",
1128+ row: "row",
1129+ page: "rows>page",
1130+ total: "rows>total",
1131+ records : "rows>records",
1132+ repeatitems: true,
1133+ cell: "cell",
1134+ id: "[id]",
1135+ userdata: "userdata",
1136+ subgrid: {root:"rows", row: "row", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
1137+ };
1138+ var jReader = {
1139+ root: "rows",
1140+ page: "page",
1141+ total: "total",
1142+ records: "records",
1143+ repeatitems: true,
1144+ cell: "cell",
1145+ id: "id",
1146+ userdata: "userdata",
1147+ subgrid: {root:"rows", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
1148+ };
1149+ ts.p.xmlReader = $.extend(xReader, ts.p.xmlReader);
1150+ ts.p.jsonReader = $.extend(jReader, ts.p.jsonReader);
1151+ $.each(ts.p.colModel, function(i){if(!this.width) {this.width=150;}});
1152+ if (ts.p.width) {setColWidth();}
1153+ var thead = document.createElement("thead");
1154+ var trow = document.createElement("tr");
1155+ thead.appendChild(trow);
1156+ var i=0, th, idn, thdiv;
1157+ if(ts.p.shrinkToFit===true && ts.p.forceFit===true) {
1158+ for (i=ts.p.colModel.length-1;i>=0;i--){
1159+ if(!ts.p.colModel[i].hidden) {
1160+ ts.p.colModel[i].resizable=false;
1161+ break;
1162+ }
1163+ }
1164+ }
1165+ for(i=0;i<this.p.colNames.length;i++){
1166+ th = document.createElement("th");
1167+ idn = ts.p.colModel[i].name;
1168+ thdiv = document.createElement("div");
1169+ $(thdiv).html(ts.p.colNames[i]+"&#160;");
1170+ if (idn == ts.p.sortname) {
1171+ var imgs = (ts.p.sortorder==='asc') ? ts.p.sortascimg : ts.p.sortdescimg;
1172+ imgs = "<img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+imgs+"'>";
1173+ $(thdiv).append(imgs);
1174+ ts.p.lastsort = i;
1175+ $(th).addClass(ts.p.sortclass);
1176+ }
1177+ thdiv.id = "jqgh_"+idn;
1178+ th.appendChild(thdiv);
1179+ trow.appendChild(th);
1180+ }
1181+ if(this.p.multiselect) {
1182+ var onSA = true;
1183+ if(typeof ts.p.onSelectAll !== 'function') {onSA=false;}
1184+ $('#cb_jqg',trow).click(function(){
1185+ var chk;
1186+ if (this.checked) {
1187+ $("[@id^=jqg_]",ts.rows).attr("checked",true);
1188+ $(ts.rows).slice(1).each(function(i) {
1189+ if(!$(this).hasClass("subgrid")){
1190+ $(this).addClass("selected");
1191+ ts.p.selarrrow[i]= ts.p.selrow = this.id;
1192+ }
1193+ });
1194+ chk=true;
1195+ }
1196+ else {
1197+ $("[@id^=jqg_]",ts.rows).attr("checked",false);
1198+ $(ts.rows).slice(1).each(function(i) {
1199+ if(!$(this).hasClass("subgrid")){
1200+ $(this).removeClass("selected");
1201+ }
1202+ });
1203+ ts.p.selarrrow = []; ts.p.selrow = null;
1204+ chk=false;
1205+ }
1206+ if(onSA) {ts.p.onSelectAll(ts.p.selarrrow,chk);}
1207+ });
1208+ }
1209+ this.appendChild(thead);
1210+ thead = $("thead:first",ts).get(0);
1211+ var w, res, sort;
1212+ $("tr:first th",thead).each(function ( j ) {
1213+ w = ts.p.colModel[j].width;
1214+ if(typeof ts.p.colModel[j].resizable === 'undefined') {ts.p.colModel[j].resizable = true;}
1215+ res = document.createElement("span");
1216+ $(res).html("&#160;");
1217+ if(ts.p.colModel[j].resizable){
1218+ $(this).addClass(ts.p.resizeclass);
1219+ $(res).mousedown(function (e) {
1220+ if(ts.p.forceFit===true) {ts.p.nv= nextVisible(j);}
1221+ grid.dragStart( j ,e.clientX);
1222+ e.preventDefault();
1223+ return false;
1224+ });
1225+ } else {$(res).css("cursor","default");}
1226+ $(this).css("width",w+"px").prepend(res);
1227+ if( ts.p.colModel[j].hidden) {$(this).css("display","none");}
1228+ grid.headers[j] = { width: w, el: this };
1229+ sort = ts.p.colModel[j].sortable;
1230+ if( typeof sort !== 'boolean') {sort = true;}
1231+ if(sort) {
1232+ $("div",this).css("cursor","pointer")
1233+ .click(function(){sortData(this.id,j);return false;});
1234+ }
1235+ });
1236+ var isMSIE = $.browser.msie ? true:false;
1237+ var isMoz = $.browser.mozilla ? true:false;
1238+ var isOpera = $.browser.opera ? true:false;
1239+ var isSafari = $.browser.safari ? true : false;
1240+ var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
1241+ trow = document.createElement("tr");
1242+ trow.id = "_empty";
1243+ tbody.appendChild(trow);
1244+ var td, ptr;
1245+ for(i=0;i<ts.p.colNames.length;i++){
1246+ td = document.createElement("td");
1247+ trow.appendChild(td);
1248+ }
1249+ this.appendChild(tbody);
1250+ var gw=0,hdc=0;
1251+ $("tbody tr:first td",ts).each(function(ii) {
1252+ w = ts.p.colModel[ii].width;
1253+ $(this).css({width:w+"px",height:"0px"});
1254+ w += IntNum($(this).css("padding-left")) +
1255+ IntNum($(this).css("padding-right"))+
1256+ IntNum($(this).css("border-left-width"))+
1257+ IntNum($(this).css("border-right-width"));
1258+ if( ts.p.colModel[ii].hidden===true) {
1259+ $(this).css("display","none");
1260+ hdc += w;
1261+ }
1262+ grid.cols[ii] = this;
1263+ gw += w;
1264+ });
1265+ if(isMoz) {$(trow).css({visibility:"collapse"});}
1266+ else if( isSafari || isOpera ) {$(trow).css({display:"none"});}
1267+ grid.width = IntNum(gw)-IntNum(hdc);
1268+ ts.p._width = grid.width;
1269+ grid.hTable = document.createElement("table");
1270+ grid.hTable.appendChild(thead);
1271+ $(grid.hTable).addClass("scroll")
1272+ .attr({cellSpacing:"0",cellPadding:"0",border:"0"})
1273+ .css({width:grid.width+"px"});
1274+ grid.hDiv = document.createElement("div");
1275+ var hg = (ts.p.caption && ts.p.hiddengrid===true) ? true : false;
1276+ $(grid.hDiv)
1277+ .css({ width: grid.width+"px", overflow: "hidden"})
1278+ .prepend('<div class="loading">'+ts.p.loadtext+'</div>')
1279+ .append(grid.hTable)
1280+ .bind("selectstart", function () { return false; });
1281+ if(hg) {$(grid.hDiv).hide(); ts.p.gridstate = 'hidden'}
1282+ if(ts.p.pager){
1283+ if(typeof ts.p.pager == "string") {ts.p.pager = "#"+ts.p.pager;}
1284+ if( $(ts.p.pager).hasClass("scroll")) { $(ts.p.pager).css({ width: grid.width+"px", overflow: "hidden"}).show(); ts.p._height= parseInt($(ts.p.pager).height(),10); if(hg) {$(ts.p.pager).hide();}}
1285+ setPager();
1286+ }
1287+ if( ts.p.cellEdit === false) {
1288+ $(ts).mouseover(function(e) {
1289+ td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1290+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1291+ if($(ptr).hasClass("jqgrow")) {
1292+ $(ptr).addClass("over");
1293+ if(!$(td).hasClass("editable")){
1294+ td.title = $(td).text();
1295+ }
1296+ }
1297+ return false;
1298+ }).mouseout(function(e) {
1299+ td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1300+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1301+ $(ptr).removeClass("over");
1302+ if(!$(td).hasClass("editable")){
1303+ td.title = "";
1304+ }
1305+ return false;
1306+ });
1307+ }
1308+ var ri,ci;
1310+ $(ts).before(grid.hDiv).css("width", grid.width+"px").click(function(e) {
1311+ td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1312+ if (td.href) { return true; }
1313+ var scb = $(td).hasClass("cbox");
1314+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parent("tr");
1315+ if($(ptr).length === 0 ){
1316+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1317+ td = $(td).parents("td:first")[0];
1318+ }
1319+ var cSel = true;
1320+ if(bSR) { cSel = bSR(ptr.attr("id"));}
1321+ if(cSel === true) {
1322+ if(ts.p.cellEdit === true) {
1323+ if(ts.p.multiselect && scb){
1324+ $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1325+ } else {
1326+ ri = ptr[0].rowIndex;
1327+ ci = td.cellIndex;
1328+ try {$(ts).editCell(ri,ci,true,true);} catch (e) {}
1329+ }
1330+ } else
1331+ if ( !ts.p.multikey ) {
1332+ $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1333+ if(onSC) {
1334+ ri = ptr[0].id;
1335+ ci = td.cellIndex;
1336+ onSC(ri,ci,$(td).html());
1337+ }
1338+ } else {
1339+ if(e[ts.p.multikey]) {
1340+ $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1341+ } else if(ts.p.multiselect) {
1342+ if(scb) { scb = $("[@id^=jqg_]",ptr).attr("checked");
1343+ $("[@id^=jqg_]",ptr).attr("checked",!scb);
1344+ }
1345+ }
1346+ }
1347+ }
1348+ e.stopPropagation();
1349+ }).bind('reloadGrid', function(e) {
1350+ if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.selrow=null;}
1351+ if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[];$('#cb_jqg',ts.grid.hDiv).attr("checked",false);}
1352+ if(ts.p.cellEdit) {ts.p.savedRow = []; }
1353+ populate();
1354+ });
1356+ if( ondblClickRow ) {
1357+ $(this).dblclick(function(e) {
1358+ td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1359+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parent("tr");
1360+ if($(ptr).length === 0 ){
1361+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1362+ }
1363+ ts.p.ondblClickRow($(ptr).attr("id"));
1364+ return false;
1365+ });
1366+ }
1367+ if (onRightClickRow) {
1368+ $(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
1369+ td = (e.target || e.srcElement);
1370+ ptr = $(td,ts).parents("tr:first");
1371+ if($(ptr).length === 0 ){
1372+ ptr = $(td,ts.rows).parents("tr:first");
1373+ }
1374+ $(ts).setSelection(false,ptr);
1375+ ts.p.onRightClickRow($(ptr).attr("id"));
1376+ return false;
1377+ });
1378+ }
1379+ grid.bDiv = document.createElement("div");
1380+ var ofl2 = (isNaN(ts.p.height) && isMoz && (ts.p.height.indexOf("%")!=-1 || ts.p.height=="auto")) ? "hidden" : "auto";
1381+ $(grid.bDiv)
1382+ .scroll(function (e) {grid.scrollGrid();})
1383+ .css({ height: ts.p.height+(isNaN(ts.p.height)?"":"px"), padding: "0px", margin: "0px", overflow: ofl2,width: (grid.width)+"px"} ).css("overflow-x","hidden")
1384+ .append(this);
1385+ $("table:first",grid.bDiv).css({width:grid.width+"px",marginRight:"20px"});
1386+ if( isMSIE ) {
1387+ if( $("tbody",this).size() === 2 ) { $("tbody:first",this).remove();}
1388+ if( ts.p.multikey) {$(grid.bDiv).bind("selectstart",function(){return false;});}
1389+ if(ts.p.treeGrid) {$(grid.bDiv).css("position","relative");}
1390+ } else {
1391+ if( ts.p.multikey) {$(grid.bDiv).bind("mousedown",function(){return false;});}
1392+ }
1393+ if(hg) {$(grid.bDiv).hide();}
1394+ grid.cDiv = document.createElement("div");
1395+ $(grid.cDiv).append("<table class='Header' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tr><td class='HeaderLeft'><img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"spacer.gif' border='0' /></td><th>"+ts.p.caption+"</th>"+ ((ts.p.hidegrid===true) ? "<td class='HeaderButton'><img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"up.gif' border='0'/></td>" :"") +"<td class='HeaderRight'><img src='"+ts.p.imgpath+"spacer.gif' border='0' /></td></tr></table>").addClass("GridHeader");
1396+ $(grid.cDiv).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);
1397+ if( ts.p.toolbar[0] ) {
1398+ grid.uDiv = document.createElement("div");
1399+ if(ts.p.toolbar[1] == "top") {$(grid.uDiv).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);}
1400+ else {$(grid.uDiv).insertAfter(grid.hDiv);}
1401+ $(grid.uDiv,ts).width(grid.width).addClass("userdata").attr("id","t_"+this.id);
1402+ ts.p._height += parseInt($(grid.uDiv,ts).height(),10);
1403+ if(hg) {$(grid.uDiv,ts).hide();}
1404+ }
1405+ if(ts.p.caption) {
1406+ $(grid.cDiv,ts).width(grid.width).css("text-align","center").show("fast");
1407+ ts.p._height += parseInt($(grid.cDiv,ts).height(),10);
1408+ var tdt = ts.p.datatype;
1409+ if(ts.p.hidegrid===true) {
1410+ $(".HeaderButton",grid.cDiv).toggle( function(){
1411+ if(ts.p.pager) {$(ts.p.pager).fadeOut("slow");}
1412+ if(ts.p.toolbar[0]) {$(grid.uDiv,ts).fadeOut("slow");}
1413+ $(grid.bDiv,ts).fadeOut("slow");
1414+ $(grid.hDiv,ts).fadeOut("slow");
1415+ $("img",this).attr("src",ts.p.imgpath+"down.gif");
1416+ ts.p.gridstate = 'hidden';
1417+ if(onHdCl) {if(!hg) {ts.p.onHeaderClick(ts.p.gridstate);}}
1418+ },
1419+ function() {
1420+ $(grid.hDiv ,ts).fadeIn("slow");
1421+ $(grid.bDiv,ts).fadeIn("slow");
1422+ if(ts.p.pager) {$(ts.p.pager).fadeIn("slow");}
1423+ if(ts.p.toolbar[0]) {$(grid.uDiv).fadeIn("slow");}
1424+ $("img",this).attr("src",ts.p.imgpath+"up.gif");
1425+ if(hg) {ts.p.datatype = tdt;populate();hg=false;}
1426+ ts.p.gridstate = 'visible';
1427+ if(onHdCl) {ts.p.onHeaderClick(ts.p.gridstate)}
1428+ }
1429+ );
1430+ if(hg) { $(".HeaderButton",grid.cDiv).trigger("click"); ts.p.datatype="local";}
1431+ }
1432+ }
1433+ ts.p._height += parseInt($(grid.hDiv,ts).height(),10);
1434+ $(grid.hDiv).mousemove(function (e) {grid.dragMove(e.clientX); return false;}).after(grid.bDiv);
1435+ $(document).mouseup(function (e) {
1436+ if(grid.resizing) {
1437+ grid.dragEnd();
1438+ if(grid.newWidth && ts.p.forceFit===false){
1439+ var gwdt = (grid.width <= ts.p._width) ? grid.width: ts.p._width;
1440+ var overfl = (grid.width <= ts.p._width) ? "hidden" : "auto";
1441+ if(ts.p.pager && $(ts.p.pager).hasClass("scroll") ) {
1442+ $(ts.p.pager).width(gwdt);
1443+ }
1444+ if(ts.p.caption) {$(grid.cDiv).width(gwdt);}
1445+ if(ts.p.toolbar[0]) {$(grid.uDiv).width(gwdt);}
1446+ $(grid.bDiv).width(gwdt).css("overflow-x",overfl);
1447+ $(grid.hDiv).width(gwdt);
1448+ }
1449+ }
1450+ return false;
1451+ });
1452+ ts.formatCol = function(a,b) {formatCol(a,b);};
1453+ ts.sortData = function(a,b,c){sortData(a,b,c);};
1454+ ts.updatepager = function(){updatepager();};
1455+ this.grid = grid;
1456+ ts.addXmlData = function(d) {addXmlData(d,ts.grid.bDiv);};
1457+ ts.addJSONData = function(d) {addJSONData(d,ts.grid.bDiv);};
1458+ populate();
1459+ if (!ts.p.shrinkToFit) {
1460+ ts.p.forceFit = false;
1461+ $("tr:first th", thead).each(function(j){
1462+ var w = ts.p.colModel[j].owidth;
1463+ var diff = w - ts.p.colModel[j].width;
1464+ if (diff > 0 && !ts.p.colModel[j].hidden) {
1465+ grid.headers[j].width = w;
1466+ $(this).add(grid.cols[j]).width(w);
1467+ $('table:first',grid.bDiv).add(grid.hTable).width(ts.grid.width);
1468+ ts.grid.width += diff;
1469+ grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
1470+ }
1471+ });
1472+ ofl2 = (grid.width <= ts.p._width) ? "hidden" : "auto";
1473+ $(grid.bDiv).css({"overflow-x":ofl2});
1474+ }
1475+ $(window).unload(function () {
1476+ $(this).unbind("*");
1477+ this.grid = null;
1478+ this.p = null;
1479+ });
1480+ });
diff -r 84ea021b5492 -r 6f571ca629ac plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/grid/grid.common.js
--- a/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/grid/grid.common.js Sun May 29 13:26:45 2011 +0900
+++ b/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/grid/grid.common.js Sun May 29 15:03:53 2011 +0900
@@ -155,7 +155,9 @@
155155 var so = options.value.split(";"),sv, ov;
156156 elem = document.createElement("select");
157157 var msl = options.multiple === true ? true : false;
158- jQuery(elem).attr({id:options.id,name:options.name,size:Math.min(options.size,so.length), multiple:msl });
158+ jQuery(elem).attr({
159+ id: options.id, name: options.name, multiple: msl,
160+ size: Math.min(options.size, so.length) || undefined });
159161 for(var i=0; i<so.length;i++){
160162 sv = so[i].split(":");
161163 ov = document.createElement("option");
diff -r 84ea021b5492 -r 6f571ca629ac plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/workfloweditor.js
--- a/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/workfloweditor.js Sun May 29 13:26:45 2011 +0900
+++ b/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/htdocs/js/workfloweditor.js Sun May 29 15:03:53 2011 +0900
@@ -1,700 +1,700 @@
1-var workfloweditor;
2-if (!workfloweditor) workfloweditor = {};
5- * i18n
6- */
7-workfloweditor.Localizer = function() {
8- this.strings = {};
9- this.lang = "";
11- var htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
12- this.lang = htmlTag.getAttribute("xml:lang") || htmlTag.getAttribute("lang");
14- // If there isn't the lang attribute, use browser language.
15- if (this.lang == null || this.lang == "") {
16- var currentLanguage;
17- if (navigator.browserLanguage) {
18- currentLanguage = navigator.browserLanguage;
19- } else if (navigator.language) {
20- currentLanguage = navigator.language;
21- } else if (navigator.userLanguage) {
22- currentLanguage = navigator.userLanguage;
23- }
25- if (currentLanguage && currentLanguage.length >= 2) {
26- this.lang = currentLanguage.substr(0,2);
27- }
28- }
30- var self = this;
31- this.getLocalizedString = function(str) {
32- if (!workfloweditor.Localizer.strings)
33- {
34- return str;
35- }
37- var message = workfloweditor.Localizer.strings[str];
38- if (!message || message == "") {
39- message = str;
40- }
41- return message;
42- };
44- return this;
47-workfloweditor.Localizer = new workfloweditor.Localizer();
48-_ = workfloweditor.Localizer.getLocalizedString;
51- * Workflow Editor onload action.
52- */
54- var context = new workfloweditor.WorkflowContext();
56- // display grid
57- context.updateModelByText("#workflowText");
58- context.initGrid("#workflowGrid");
59- context.initStatusGrid("#workflowStatusGrid");
61- // display tab layout
62- var tabsElem = $("#workflowTabs > ul").tabs();
63- var currentTab = "gridTab";
65- tabsElem.tabs("select", 0);
66- tabsElem.bind("tabsselect", function(event, origEvent, ui) {
67- currentTab = ui.panel.id;
69- if (!ui.panel.id) {
70- // do nothing
71- } else if (ui.panel.id == "gridTab") {
72- context.updateModelByText("#workflowText");
73- context.refreshGrid();
74- } else if (ui.panel.id == "textTab") {
75- context.updateModelByGrid("#workflowGrid");
76- context.refreshText();
77- } else {
78- // do nothing
79- }
80- });
82- // Save button action
83- // The workflow is updated before saving.
84- jQuery("#doChanges").click( function() {
85- try
86- {
87- if (currentTab == "textTab") {
88- currentTab = tabsElem.tabs().data('selected.tabs')
89- if (currentTab == "1") {
90- context.updateModelByText("#workflowText");
91- context.refreshGrid();
92- }
93- }
95- context.updateModelByGrid("#workflowGrid");
96- context.refreshText();
97- }
98- catch(ex)
99- {
100- alert(_("Error: Please fix the workflow text.")
101- + "\n(error code = " + ex.number + ")");
102- return false;
103- }
104- });
106- $("#workflowTabs").show();
111- * Workflow Editor
112- */
113-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext = function() {
115- "" : "",
116- "set_owner" : _("set owner"),
117- "del_owner" : _("del owner"),
118- "set_owner_to_self" : _("set owner to self"),
119- "set_resolution" : _("set resolution"),
120- "del_resolution" : _("del resolution"),
121- "leave_status" : _("leave status")
122- };
124- "" : "",
129- };
130- this.DEFAULT_STATUS = ["new", "assigned", "accepted", "reopened", "closed"];
131- this.HIDDEN_COL = ["operations", "permissions"];
132- this.STATUS_PREFIX = "status_";
133- this.IMAGE_PATH = "../../chrome/workfloweditor/images";
134- this.EDIT_URL = document.location + "/edit";
136- this.model = {};
137- this.status = [].concat(this.DEFAULT_STATUS);
139- this.textId;
140- this.gridId;
141- this.statusGridId;
145- * The workflow text is converted to the workflow model.
146- *
147- * @param textId workflow textarea field ID
148- */
149-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.updateModelByText = function(textId) {
150- this.textId = textId;
152- var text = $(textId).val();
153- if (!text) {
154- return;
155- }
157- var lines = text.split("\n");
158- var model = {};
159- var status = this.status;
160- for (var index = 0; index < lines.length; index++) {
161- var line = lines[index];
162- var pos = lines[index].indexOf("=");
163- var param = jQuery.trim(line.substring(0, pos));
164- var value = jQuery.trim(line.substring(pos + 1, line.length));
166- // skip line
167- if (!param || param.length <= 0) {
168- continue;
169- }
171- // parse workflow text
172- if (param.indexOf(".") < 0) {
173- // parse action
174- var action = param;
175- var elems = value.split("->");
176- var oldStatus = jQuery.trim(elems[0]);
177- var newStatus = jQuery.trim(elems[1]);
179- var workflow = model[action];
180- if (!workflow) {
181- workflow = {};
182- model[action] = workflow;
183- }
184- workflow["action"] = action;
185- workflow["oldStatus"] = oldStatus;
186- workflow["newStatus"] = newStatus;
188- if ((newStatus != "*") && ($.inArray(newStatus, status) < 0)) {
189- status.push(newStatus);
190- }
191- } else {
192- // parse options
193- var elems = param.split(".");
194- var action = elems[0];
195- var attribute = elems[1];
197- var workflow = model[action];
198- if (!workflow) {
199- workflow = {};
200- model[action] = workflow;
201- }
202- workflow[attribute] = value;
203- }
204- }
206- workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.normalizeModel(model);
208- this.model = model;
209- this.status = status;
213- * The workflow grid data is converted to the workflow model.
214- *
215- * @param gridId workflow grid ID.
216- */
217-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.updateModelByGrid = function(gridId) {
218- this.gridId = gridId;
220- var dataIds = jQuery(gridId).getDataIDs();
221- if (!dataIds || dataIds.length <= 0) {
222- return;
223- }
225- var model = {};
226- var status = this.status;
227- var rowNum = dataIds.length;
228- for (var index = 0; index < rowNum; index++) {
229- var rowData = jQuery(gridId).getRowData(dataIds[index]);
230- var action = rowData["action"];
232- if (!action) {
233- continue;
234- }
236- var oldStatus = [];
237- for (col in rowData) {
238- var pos = col.indexOf(this.STATUS_PREFIX);
239- if ((pos == 0) && (rowData[col] == "Yes")) {
240- var tempStatus = col.substring(this.STATUS_PREFIX.length, col.length);
241- oldStatus.push(tempStatus);
242- }
243- }
245- var defaultVal = rowNum - rowData["order"] + 1;
246- if (defaultVal < 0) {
247- defaultVal = 0;
248- }
250- var operations;
251- for (ope in this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS) {
252- if (rowData["operations"] == this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[ope]) {
253- operations = ope;
254- break;
255- }
256- }
258- var permissions;
259- for (perm in this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS) {
260- if (rowData["permissions"] == this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[perm]) {
261- permissions = perm;
262- break;
263- }
264- }
266- workflow = {};
267- workflow["action"] = action;
268- workflow["oldStatus"] = oldStatus.join(",");
269- workflow["newStatus"] = rowData["status"];
270- workflow["name"] = rowData["name"];
271- workflow["default"] = defaultVal;
272- workflow["operations"] = operations;
273- workflow["permissions"] = permissions;
275- model[action] = workflow;
277- var newStatus = workflow["newStatus"];
278- if ((newStatus != "*") && ($.inArray(newStatus, status) < 0)) {
279- status.push(newStatus);
280- }
281- }
283- workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.normalizeModel(model);
285- this.model = model;
286- this.status = status;
290- * Normalize the workflow model.
291- *
1+var workfloweditor;
2+if (!workfloweditor) workfloweditor = {};
5+ * i18n
6+ */
7+workfloweditor.Localizer = function() {
8+ this.strings = {};
9+ this.lang = "";
11+ var htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
12+ this.lang = htmlTag.getAttribute("xml:lang") || htmlTag.getAttribute("lang");
14+ // If there isn't the lang attribute, use browser language.
15+ if (this.lang == null || this.lang == "") {
16+ var currentLanguage;
17+ if (navigator.browserLanguage) {
18+ currentLanguage = navigator.browserLanguage;
19+ } else if (navigator.language) {
20+ currentLanguage = navigator.language;
21+ } else if (navigator.userLanguage) {
22+ currentLanguage = navigator.userLanguage;
23+ }
25+ if (currentLanguage && currentLanguage.length >= 2) {
26+ this.lang = currentLanguage.substr(0,2);
27+ }
28+ }
30+ var self = this;
31+ this.getLocalizedString = function(str) {
32+ if (!workfloweditor.Localizer.strings)
33+ {
34+ return str;
35+ }
37+ var message = workfloweditor.Localizer.strings[str];
38+ if (!message || message == "") {
39+ message = str;
40+ }
41+ return message;
42+ };
44+ return this;
47+workfloweditor.Localizer = new workfloweditor.Localizer();
48+_ = workfloweditor.Localizer.getLocalizedString;
51+ * Workflow Editor onload action.
52+ */
54+ var context = new workfloweditor.WorkflowContext();
56+ // display grid
57+ context.updateModelByText("#workflowText");
58+ context.initGrid("#workflowGrid");
59+ context.initStatusGrid("#workflowStatusGrid");
61+ // display tab layout
62+ var tabsElem = $("#workflowTabs > ul").tabs();
63+ var currentTab = "gridTab";
65+ tabsElem.tabs("select", 0);
66+ $("#workflowTabs").bind("tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
67+ currentTab = ui.panel.id;
69+ if (!ui.panel.id) {
70+ // do nothing
71+ } else if (ui.panel.id == "gridTab") {
72+ context.updateModelByText("#workflowText");
73+ context.refreshGrid();
74+ } else if (ui.panel.id == "textTab") {
75+ context.updateModelByGrid("#workflowGrid");
76+ context.refreshText();
77+ } else {
78+ // do nothing
79+ }
80+ });
82+ // Save button action
83+ // The workflow is updated before saving.
84+ jQuery("#doChanges").click( function() {
85+ try
86+ {
87+ if (currentTab == "textTab") {
88+ currentTab = tabsElem.tabs().data('selected.tabs')
89+ if (currentTab == "1") {
90+ context.updateModelByText("#workflowText");
91+ context.refreshGrid();
92+ }
93+ }
95+ context.updateModelByGrid("#workflowGrid");
96+ context.refreshText();
97+ }
98+ catch(ex)
99+ {
100+ alert(_("Error: Please fix the workflow text.")
101+ + "\n(error code = " + ex.number + ")");
102+ return false;
103+ }
104+ });
106+ $("#workflowTabs").show();
111+ * Workflow Editor
112+ */
113+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext = function() {
115+ "" : "",
116+ "set_owner" : _("set owner"),
117+ "del_owner" : _("del owner"),
118+ "set_owner_to_self" : _("set owner to self"),
119+ "set_resolution" : _("set resolution"),
120+ "del_resolution" : _("del resolution"),
121+ "leave_status" : _("leave status")
122+ };
124+ "" : "",
129+ };
130+ this.DEFAULT_STATUS = ["new", "assigned", "accepted", "reopened", "closed"];
131+ this.HIDDEN_COL = ["operations", "permissions"];
132+ this.STATUS_PREFIX = "status_";
133+ this.IMAGE_PATH = "../../chrome/workfloweditor/images";
134+ this.EDIT_URL = document.location + "/edit";
136+ this.model = [];
137+ this.status = [].concat(this.DEFAULT_STATUS);
139+ this.textId;
140+ this.gridId;
141+ this.statusGridId;
145+ * The workflow text is converted to the workflow model.
146+ *
147+ * @param textId workflow textarea field ID
148+ */
149+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.updateModelByText = function(textId) {
150+ this.textId = textId;
152+ var text = $(textId).val();
153+ if (!text) {
154+ return;
155+ }
157+ var lines = text.split("\n");
158+ var model = [];
159+ var status = this.status;
160+ for (var index = 0; index < lines.length; index++) {
161+ var line = lines[index];
162+ var pos = lines[index].indexOf("=");
163+ var param = jQuery.trim(line.substring(0, pos));
164+ var value = jQuery.trim(line.substring(pos + 1, line.length));
166+ // skip line
167+ if (!param || param.length <= 0) {
168+ continue;
169+ }
171+ // parse workflow text
172+ if (param.indexOf(".") < 0) {
173+ // parse action
174+ var action = param;
175+ var elems = value.split("->");
176+ var oldStatus = jQuery.trim(elems[0]);
177+ var newStatus = jQuery.trim(elems[1]);
179+ var workflow = model[action];
180+ if (!workflow) {
181+ workflow = {};
182+ model[action] = workflow;
183+ }
184+ workflow["action"] = action;
185+ workflow["oldStatus"] = oldStatus;
186+ workflow["newStatus"] = newStatus;
188+ if ((newStatus != "*") && ($.inArray(newStatus, status) < 0)) {
189+ status.push(newStatus);
190+ }
191+ } else {
192+ // parse options
193+ var elems = param.split(".");
194+ var action = elems[0];
195+ var attribute = elems[1];
197+ var workflow = model[action];
198+ if (!workflow) {
199+ workflow = {};
200+ model[action] = workflow;
201+ }
202+ workflow[attribute] = value;
203+ }
204+ }
206+ workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.normalizeModel(model);
208+ this.model = model;
209+ this.status = status;
213+ * The workflow grid data is converted to the workflow model.
214+ *
215+ * @param gridId workflow grid ID.
216+ */
217+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.updateModelByGrid = function(gridId) {
218+ this.gridId = gridId;
220+ var dataIds = jQuery(gridId).getDataIDs();
221+ if (!dataIds || dataIds.length <= 0) {
222+ return;
223+ }
225+ var model = [];
226+ var status = this.status;
227+ var rowNum = dataIds.length;
228+ for (var index = 0; index < rowNum; index++) {
229+ var rowData = jQuery(gridId).getRowData(dataIds[index]);
230+ var action = rowData["action"];
232+ if (!action) {
233+ continue;
234+ }
236+ var oldStatus = [];
237+ for (col in rowData) {
238+ var pos = col.indexOf(this.STATUS_PREFIX);
239+ if ((pos == 0) && (rowData[col] == "Yes")) {
240+ var tempStatus = col.substring(this.STATUS_PREFIX.length, col.length);
241+ oldStatus.push(tempStatus);
242+ }
243+ }
245+ var defaultVal = rowNum - rowData["order"] + 1;
246+ if (defaultVal < 0) {
247+ defaultVal = 0;
248+ }
250+ var operations;
251+ for (ope in this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS) {
252+ if (rowData["operations"] == this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[ope]) {
253+ operations = ope;
254+ break;
255+ }
256+ }
258+ var permissions;
259+ for (perm in this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS) {
260+ if (rowData["permissions"] == this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[perm]) {
261+ permissions = perm;
262+ break;
263+ }
264+ }
266+ workflow = {};
267+ workflow["action"] = action;
268+ workflow["oldStatus"] = oldStatus.join(",");
269+ workflow["newStatus"] = rowData["status"];
270+ workflow["name"] = rowData["name"];
271+ workflow["default"] = defaultVal;
272+ workflow["operations"] = operations;
273+ workflow["permissions"] = permissions;
275+ model[action] = workflow;
277+ var newStatus = workflow["newStatus"];
278+ if ((newStatus != "*") && ($.inArray(newStatus, status) < 0)) {
279+ status.push(newStatus);
280+ }
281+ }
283+ workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.normalizeModel(model);
285+ this.model = model;
286+ this.status = status;
290+ * Normalize the workflow model.
291+ *
292292 * @param model workflow model
293- */
294-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.normalizeModel = function(model) {
295- for (var action in model) {
296- var workflow = model[action];
298- // set the default value.
299- if (!workflow["name"]) {
300- workflow["name"] = action;
301- }
302- if (!workflow["default"]) {
303- workflow["default"] = 0;
304- }
305- if (!workflow["operations"]) {
306- workflow["operations"] = "";
307- }
308- if (!workflow["permissions"]) {
309- workflow["permissions"] = "";
310- }
312- var oldStatus = workflow["oldStatus"].split(",");
313- for (var index = 0; index < oldStatus.length; index++) {
314- var tempStatus = jQuery.trim(oldStatus[index]);
315- oldStatus[index] = tempStatus;
316- }
317- workflow["oldStatus"] = oldStatus.join(",");
318- }
323- * Refresh the grid.
324- * If this method is called, the workflow model must be updated.
325- */
326-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.refreshGrid = function() {
327- // remove the grid table and the grid edit layout.
328- jQuery(this.gridId).GridUnload();
329- jQuery("#editmod" + this.gridId.replace("#", "")).remove();
331- this.initGrid(this.gridId);
335- * Refresh the text.
336- * If this method is called, the workflow model must be updated.
337- */
338-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.refreshText = function() {
339- var text = this.createWorkflowText();
340- $(this.textId).val(text);
345- * Initialize the workflow grid.
346- *
347- * @param gridId grid element ID
348- */
349-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.initGrid = function(gridId) {
350- var isFirst;
351- if (!this.gridId) {
352- isFirst = true;
353- } else {
354- isFirst = false;
355- }
357- this.gridId = gridId;
359- var colNames = this.createGridColNames();
360- var colModel = this.createGridColModel();
362- jQuery(gridId).jqGrid({
363- datatype : "local",
364- height : 200,
365- width : 750,
366- colNames : colNames,
367- colModel : colModel,
368- shrinkToFit : false,
369- imgpath : this.IMAGE_PATH,
370- editurl : this.EDIT_URL
371- });
373- var gridData = this.createGridData();
374- for(var index = 0; index < gridData.length; index++) {
375- jQuery(gridId).addRowData(index + 1, gridData[index]);
376- }
378- jQuery(gridId).sortGrid("order", false);
380- if (isFirst) {
381- var self = this;
382- var showGridCol = function() {
383- jQuery(gridId).showCol(self.HIDDEN_COL);
384- }
385- var hideGridCol = function() {
386- $("#pData").hide();
387- $("#nData").hide();
388- jQuery(gridId).hideCol(self.HIDDEN_COL);
389- }
391- // add action setting
392- $(gridId + "ItemAdd").click(function(){
393- jQuery(gridId).editGridRow(
394- "new",
395- {
396- top : 50,
397- left : 200,
398- height : 400,
399- width : 300,
400- mtype : "GET",
401- closeAfterAdd : true,
402- reloadAfterSubmit : false,
403- beforeInitData : showGridCol,
404- afterShowForm : hideGridCol
405- }
406- );
407- });
409- // modify action setting
410- $(gridId + "ItemMod").click(function(){
411- var gr = jQuery(gridId).getGridParam("selrow");
412- if( gr != null ) {
413- jQuery(gridId).editGridRow(
414- gr,
415- {
416- top : 50,
417- left : 200,
418- height : 400,
419- width : 300,
420- mtype : "GET",
421- closeAfterEdit : true,
422- reloadAfterSubmit : false,
423- beforeInitData : showGridCol,
424- afterShowForm : hideGridCol
425- }
426- );
427- } else {
428- alert(_("Please select row."));
429- }
430- });
432- // delete action setting
433- $(gridId + "ItemDel").click(function(){
434- var gr = jQuery(gridId).getGridParam("selrow");
435- if( gr != null ) {
436- jQuery(gridId).delGridRow(
437- gr,
438- {
439- top : 50,
440- left : 200,
441- mtype : "GET",
442- closeAfterEdit : true,
443- reloadAfterSubmit : false
444- }
445- );
446- } else {
447- alert(_("Please select row."));
448- }
449- });
451- } // isFirst end
455- * Create the array of the grid column name.
456- *
457- * @param colNames the array of the grid column name
458- */
459-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createGridColNames = function() {
460- // for IE6
461- // Localization function isn't initialized in the local function.
462- if (!_) {
463- _ = workfloweditor.Localizer.getLocalizedString;
464- }
466- var colNames = [_('action'), _('name'), _('operation'), _('permission'), _('order'), _('next status'), ''];
467- colNames = colNames.concat(this.status);
469- return colNames;
473- * Create the array of the grid column model.
474- *
475- * @param colModel the array of the grid column model
476- */
477-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createGridColModel = function() {
478- var statusValue = "*:*;";
479- for (var index = 0; index < this.status.length; index++) {
480- statusValue += this.status[index] + ":" + this.status[index] + ";";
481- }
482- statusValue = statusValue.substring(0, statusValue.length - 1);
484- var opeValue = "";
485- for (ope in this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS) {
486- opeValue += ope + ":" + this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[ope] + ";";
487- }
488- opeValue = opeValue.substring(0, opeValue.length - 1);
490- var permValue = "";
491- for (perm in this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS) {
492- permValue += perm + ":" + this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[perm] + ";";
493- }
494- permValue = permValue.substring(0, permValue.length - 1);
496- var colModel = [
497- {name:'action', index:'action', width:75, editable:true, editrules:{required:true, edithidden:false}},
498- {name:'name', index:'name', width:100, editable:true, editrules:{required:true}},
499- {name:'operations', index:'operations', width:100, editable:true, edittype:"select", editoptions:{value:opeValue}, hidden:true},
500- {name:'permissions', index:'permissions', width:100, editable:true, edittype:"select", editoptions:{value:permValue}, hidden:true},
501- {name:'order', index:'order', width:45, editable:true, align:"right", sorttype:"int", editrules:{integer:true}},
502- {name:'status', index:'status', width:100, editable:true, edittype:"select", editoptions:{value:statusValue}},
503- {name:'blank', index:'blank', width:22, editable:false, align:"center"}
504- ];
506- for (var index = 0; index < this.status.length; index++) {
507- var statusColModel = {
508- name : this.STATUS_PREFIX + this.status[index],
509- index : this.STATUS_PREFIX + this.status[index],
510- width : 75,
511- editable : true,
512- align : "center",
513- edittype : "checkbox",
514- editoptions : {value:"Yes:No"}
515- };
517- colModel.push(statusColModel);
518- }
520- return colModel;
524- * Create the grid data from the workflow model.
525- *
526- * @return grid data
527- */
528-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createGridData = function() {
529- var model = this.model;
530- var status = this.status;
532- var modelSize = 0;
533- for (var key in model) {
534- modelSize++;
535- }
537- var gridData = [];
538- for (var action in model) {
539- var workflow = model[action];
540- var rowData = {};
542- var operations;
543- if (this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[workflow["operations"]]) {
544- operations = this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[workflow["operations"]];
545- } else {
546- operations = "";
547- }
549- var permissions;
550- if (this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[workflow["permissions"]]) {
551- permissions = this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[workflow["permissions"]];
552- } else {
553- permissions = "";
554- }
556- rowData["action"] = workflow["action"];
557- rowData["name"] = workflow["name"];
558- rowData["status"] = workflow["newStatus"];
559- rowData["operations"] = operations;
560- rowData["permissions"] = permissions;
561- rowData["order"] = modelSize - workflow["default"] + 1;
562- rowData["blank"] = "<--";
564- var oldStatus = workflow["oldStatus"] + ",";
565- for (var index = 0; index < status.length; index++) {
566- var tempStatus = status[index];
567- var match;
568- if ((oldStatus == "*,") || (oldStatus.indexOf(tempStatus + ",") >= 0)) {
569- match = "Yes";
570- } else {
571- match = "No";
572- }
573- rowData[this.STATUS_PREFIX + tempStatus] = match;
574- }
576- gridData.push(rowData);
577- }
579- return gridData;
583- * Initialize the status grid.
584- *
585- * @param gridId status grid element ID
586- */
587-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.initStatusGrid = function(statusGridId) {
588- var isFirst;
589- if (!this.statusGridId) {
590- isFirst = true;
591- } else {
592- isFirst = false;
593- }
595- this.statusGridId = statusGridId;
597- jQuery(statusGridId).hide();
599- jQuery(statusGridId).jqGrid({
600- datatype : "local",
601- height : 0,
602- width : 0,
603- colNames : [_("status")],
604- colModel : [{
605- name:'editableStatus', index:'status', width:100, editable:true,
606- edittype:"textarea", editrules:{required:true}, editoptions: {rows:"10",cols:"15"},
607- hidden:true
608- }],
609- imgpath : this.IMAGE_PATH,
610- editurl : this.EDIT_URL,
611- loadui : "disable"
612- });
614- jQuery(statusGridId).addRowData(1, {editableStatus : this.status.join(" ")});
616- if (isFirst) {
617- var self = this;
618- var showGridCol = function() {
619- jQuery(statusGridId).showCol(["editableStatus"]);
620- }
621- var dataSplit = function() {
622- $("#pData").hide();
623- $("#nData").hide();
624- var statusValue = $("#editableStatus").val();
625- statusValue = statusValue.replace(/ /g, "\n");
626- $("#editableStatus").val(statusValue);
627- jQuery(statusGridId).hideCol(["editableStatus"]);
628- }
629- var updateStatus = function() {
630- var statusValue = $("#editableStatus").val();
631- var statusArray = statusValue.split("\n");
633- // update status
634- self.status = [];
635- for (var index = 0; index < statusArray.length; index++) {
636- var tempStatus = jQuery.trim(statusArray[index]);
637- if (tempStatus.length > 0) {
638- self.status.push(tempStatus);
639- }
640- }
642- self.updateModelByGrid(self.gridId);
643- self.refreshGrid();
644- }
646- // modify action setting
647- $(statusGridId + "ItemMod").click(function(){
648- jQuery(statusGridId).editGridRow(
649- 1,
650- {
651- top : 50,
652- left : 200,
653- height : 250,
654- width : 350,
655- mtype : "GET",
656- closeAfterEdit : true,
657- reloadAfterSubmit : false,
658- beforeInitData : showGridCol,
659- afterShowForm : dataSplit,
660- onclickSubmit : updateStatus
661- }
662- );
663- });
665- } // isFirst end
669- * Create the workflow text from the workflow model.
670- */
671-workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createWorkflowText = function() {
673- var textArray = [];
674- for (var action in this.model) {
676- var workflow = this.model[action];
678- if (!workflow) {
679- continue;
680- }
682- var operations = workflow["operations"];
683- var permissions = workflow["permissions"];
685- // create each workflow define.
686- textArray.push(action + " = " + workflow["oldStatus"] + " -> " + workflow["newStatus"]);
687- textArray.push(action + ".name = " + workflow["name"]);
688- textArray.push(action + ".default = " + workflow["default"]);
689- if (operations && operations.length > 0) {
690- textArray.push(action + ".operations = " + operations);
691- }
692- if (permissions && permissions.length > 0) {
693- textArray.push(action + ".permissions = " + permissions);
694- }
695- }
697- var text = textArray.join("\n");
698- return text;
293+ */
294+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.normalizeModel = function(model) {
295+ for (var action in model) {
296+ var workflow = model[action];
298+ // set the default value.
299+ if (!workflow["name"]) {
300+ workflow["name"] = action;
301+ }
302+ if (!workflow["default"]) {
303+ workflow["default"] = 0;
304+ }
305+ if (!workflow["operations"]) {
306+ workflow["operations"] = "";
307+ }
308+ if (!workflow["permissions"]) {
309+ workflow["permissions"] = "";
310+ }
312+ var oldStatus = workflow["oldStatus"].split(",");
313+ for (var index = 0; index < oldStatus.length; index++) {
314+ var tempStatus = jQuery.trim(oldStatus[index]);
315+ oldStatus[index] = tempStatus;
316+ }
317+ workflow["oldStatus"] = oldStatus.join(",");
318+ }
323+ * Refresh the grid.
324+ * If this method is called, the workflow model must be updated.
325+ */
326+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.refreshGrid = function() {
327+ // remove the grid table and the grid edit layout.
328+ jQuery(this.gridId).GridUnload();
329+ jQuery("#editmod" + this.gridId.replace("#", "")).remove();
331+ this.initGrid(this.gridId);
335+ * Refresh the text.
336+ * If this method is called, the workflow model must be updated.
337+ */
338+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.refreshText = function() {
339+ var text = this.createWorkflowText();
340+ $(this.textId).val(text);
345+ * Initialize the workflow grid.
346+ *
347+ * @param gridId grid element ID
348+ */
349+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.initGrid = function(gridId) {
350+ var isFirst;
351+ if (!this.gridId) {
352+ isFirst = true;
353+ } else {
354+ isFirst = false;
355+ }
357+ this.gridId = gridId;
359+ var colNames = this.createGridColNames();
360+ var colModel = this.createGridColModel();
362+ jQuery(gridId).jqGrid({
363+ datatype : "local",
364+ height : 200,
365+ width : 750,
366+ colNames : colNames,
367+ colModel : colModel,
368+ shrinkToFit : false,
369+ imgpath : this.IMAGE_PATH,
370+ editurl : this.EDIT_URL
371+ });
373+ var gridData = this.createGridData();
374+ for(var index = 0; index < gridData.length; index++) {
375+ jQuery(gridId).addRowData(index + 1, gridData[index]);
376+ }
378+ jQuery(gridId).sortGrid("order", false);
380+ if (isFirst) {
381+ var self = this;
382+ var showGridCol = function() {
383+ jQuery(gridId).showCol(self.HIDDEN_COL);
384+ }
385+ var hideGridCol = function() {
386+ $("#pData").hide();
387+ $("#nData").hide();
388+ jQuery(gridId).hideCol(self.HIDDEN_COL);
389+ }
391+ // add action setting
392+ $(gridId + "ItemAdd").click(function(){
393+ jQuery(gridId).editGridRow(
394+ "new",
395+ {
396+ top : 50,
397+ left : 200,
398+ height : 400,
399+ width : 300,
400+ mtype : "GET",
401+ closeAfterAdd : true,
402+ reloadAfterSubmit : false,
403+ beforeInitData : showGridCol,
404+ afterShowForm : hideGridCol
405+ }
406+ );
407+ });
409+ // modify action setting
410+ $(gridId + "ItemMod").click(function(){
411+ var gr = jQuery(gridId).getGridParam("selrow");
412+ if( gr != null ) {
413+ jQuery(gridId).editGridRow(
414+ gr,
415+ {
416+ top : 50,
417+ left : 200,
418+ height : 400,
419+ width : 300,
420+ mtype : "GET",
421+ closeAfterEdit : true,
422+ reloadAfterSubmit : false,
423+ beforeInitData : showGridCol,
424+ afterShowForm : hideGridCol
425+ }
426+ );
427+ } else {
428+ alert(_("Please select row."));
429+ }
430+ });
432+ // delete action setting
433+ $(gridId + "ItemDel").click(function(){
434+ var gr = jQuery(gridId).getGridParam("selrow");
435+ if( gr != null ) {
436+ jQuery(gridId).delGridRow(
437+ gr,
438+ {
439+ top : 50,
440+ left : 200,
441+ mtype : "GET",
442+ closeAfterEdit : true,
443+ reloadAfterSubmit : false
444+ }
445+ );
446+ } else {
447+ alert(_("Please select row."));
448+ }
449+ });
451+ } // isFirst end
455+ * Create the array of the grid column name.
456+ *
457+ * @param colNames the array of the grid column name
458+ */
459+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createGridColNames = function() {
460+ // for IE6
461+ // Localization function isn't initialized in the local function.
462+ if (!_) {
463+ _ = workfloweditor.Localizer.getLocalizedString;
464+ }
466+ var colNames = [_('action'), _('name'), _('operation'), _('permission'), _('order'), _('next status'), ''];
467+ colNames = colNames.concat(this.status);
469+ return colNames;
473+ * Create the array of the grid column model.
474+ *
475+ * @param colModel the array of the grid column model
476+ */
477+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createGridColModel = function() {
478+ var statusValue = "*:*;";
479+ for (var index = 0; index < this.status.length; index++) {
480+ statusValue += this.status[index] + ":" + this.status[index] + ";";
481+ }
482+ statusValue = statusValue.substring(0, statusValue.length - 1);
484+ var opeValue = "";
485+ for (ope in this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS) {
486+ opeValue += ope + ":" + this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[ope] + ";";
487+ }
488+ opeValue = opeValue.substring(0, opeValue.length - 1);
490+ var permValue = "";
491+ for (perm in this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS) {
492+ permValue += perm + ":" + this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[perm] + ";";
493+ }
494+ permValue = permValue.substring(0, permValue.length - 1);
496+ var colModel = [
497+ {name:'action', index:'action', width:75, editable:true, editrules:{required:true, edithidden:false}},
498+ {name:'name', index:'name', width:100, editable:true, editrules:{required:true}},
499+ {name:'operations', index:'operations', width:100, editable:true, edittype:"select", editoptions:{value:opeValue}, hidden:true},
500+ {name:'permissions', index:'permissions', width:100, editable:true, edittype:"select", editoptions:{value:permValue}, hidden:true},
501+ {name:'order', index:'order', width:45, editable:true, align:"right", sorttype:"int", editrules:{integer:true}},
502+ {name:'status', index:'status', width:100, editable:true, edittype:"select", editoptions:{value:statusValue}},
503+ {name:'blank', index:'blank', width:22, editable:false, align:"center"}
504+ ];
506+ for (var index = 0; index < this.status.length; index++) {
507+ var statusColModel = {
508+ name : this.STATUS_PREFIX + this.status[index],
509+ index : this.STATUS_PREFIX + this.status[index],
510+ width : 75,
511+ editable : true,
512+ align : "center",
513+ edittype : "checkbox",
514+ editoptions : {value:"Yes:No"}
515+ };
517+ colModel.push(statusColModel);
518+ }
520+ return colModel;
524+ * Create the grid data from the workflow model.
525+ *
526+ * @return grid data
527+ */
528+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createGridData = function() {
529+ var model = this.model;
530+ var status = this.status;
532+ var modelSize = 0;
533+ for (var key in model) {
534+ modelSize++;
535+ }
537+ var gridData = [];
538+ for (var action in model) {
539+ var workflow = model[action];
540+ var rowData = {};
542+ var operations;
543+ if (this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[workflow["operations"]]) {
544+ operations = this.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS[workflow["operations"]];
545+ } else {
546+ operations = "";
547+ }
549+ var permissions;
550+ if (this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[workflow["permissions"]]) {
551+ permissions = this.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[workflow["permissions"]];
552+ } else {
553+ permissions = "";
554+ }
556+ rowData["action"] = workflow["action"];
557+ rowData["name"] = workflow["name"];
558+ rowData["status"] = workflow["newStatus"];
559+ rowData["operations"] = operations;
560+ rowData["permissions"] = permissions;
561+ rowData["order"] = modelSize - workflow["default"] + 1;
562+ rowData["blank"] = "<--";
564+ var oldStatus = workflow["oldStatus"] + ",";
565+ for (var index = 0; index < status.length; index++) {
566+ var tempStatus = status[index];
567+ var match;
568+ if ((oldStatus == "*,") || (oldStatus.indexOf(tempStatus + ",") >= 0)) {
569+ match = "Yes";
570+ } else {
571+ match = "No";
572+ }
573+ rowData[this.STATUS_PREFIX + tempStatus] = match;
574+ }
576+ gridData.push(rowData);
577+ }
579+ return gridData;
583+ * Initialize the status grid.
584+ *
585+ * @param gridId status grid element ID
586+ */
587+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.initStatusGrid = function(statusGridId) {
588+ var isFirst;
589+ if (!this.statusGridId) {
590+ isFirst = true;
591+ } else {
592+ isFirst = false;
593+ }
595+ this.statusGridId = statusGridId;
597+ jQuery(statusGridId).hide();
599+ jQuery(statusGridId).jqGrid({
600+ datatype : "local",
601+ height : 0,
602+ width : 0,
603+ colNames : [_("status")],
604+ colModel : [{
605+ name:'editableStatus', index:'status', width:100, editable:true,
606+ edittype:"textarea", editrules:{required:true}, editoptions: {rows:"10",cols:"15"},
607+ hidden:true
608+ }],
609+ imgpath : this.IMAGE_PATH,
610+ editurl : this.EDIT_URL,
611+ loadui : "disable"
612+ });
614+ jQuery(statusGridId).addRowData(1, {editableStatus : this.status.join(" ")});
616+ if (isFirst) {
617+ var self = this;
618+ var showGridCol = function() {
619+ jQuery(statusGridId).showCol(["editableStatus"]);
620+ }
621+ var dataSplit = function() {
622+ $("#pData").hide();
623+ $("#nData").hide();
624+ var statusValue = $("#editableStatus").val();
625+ statusValue = statusValue.replace(/ /g, "\n");
626+ $("#editableStatus").val(statusValue);
627+ jQuery(statusGridId).hideCol(["editableStatus"]);
628+ }
629+ var updateStatus = function() {
630+ var statusValue = $("#editableStatus").val();
631+ var statusArray = statusValue.split("\n");
633+ // update status
634+ self.status = [];
635+ for (var index = 0; index < statusArray.length; index++) {
636+ var tempStatus = jQuery.trim(statusArray[index]);
637+ if (tempStatus.length > 0) {
638+ self.status.push(tempStatus);
639+ }
640+ }
642+ self.updateModelByGrid(self.gridId);
643+ self.refreshGrid();
644+ }
646+ // modify action setting
647+ $(statusGridId + "ItemMod").click(function(){
648+ jQuery(statusGridId).editGridRow(
649+ 1,
650+ {
651+ top : 50,
652+ left : 200,
653+ height : 250,
654+ width : 350,
655+ mtype : "GET",
656+ closeAfterEdit : true,
657+ reloadAfterSubmit : false,
658+ beforeInitData : showGridCol,
659+ afterShowForm : dataSplit,
660+ onclickSubmit : updateStatus
661+ }
662+ );
663+ });
665+ } // isFirst end
669+ * Create the workflow text from the workflow model.
670+ */
671+workfloweditor.WorkflowContext.prototype.createWorkflowText = function() {
673+ var textArray = [];
674+ for (var action in this.model) {
676+ var workflow = this.model[action];
678+ if (!workflow) {
679+ continue;
680+ }
682+ var operations = workflow["operations"];
683+ var permissions = workflow["permissions"];
685+ // create each workflow define.
686+ textArray.push(action + " = " + workflow["oldStatus"] + " -> " + workflow["newStatus"]);
687+ textArray.push(action + ".name = " + workflow["name"]);
688+ textArray.push(action + ".default = " + workflow["default"]);
689+ if (operations && operations.length > 0) {
690+ textArray.push(action + ".operations = " + operations);
691+ }
692+ if (permissions && permissions.length > 0) {
693+ textArray.push(action + ".permissions = " + permissions);
694+ }
695+ }
697+ var text = textArray.join("\n");
698+ return text;
diff -r 84ea021b5492 -r 6f571ca629ac plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/workfloweditor_admin.py
--- a/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/workfloweditor_admin.py Sun May 29 13:26:45 2011 +0900
+++ b/plugins/svn/workfloweditorplugin/workfloweditor/workfloweditor_admin.py Sun May 29 15:03:53 2011 +0900
@@ -38,7 +38,18 @@
3838 # IAdminPanelProvider method
3939 def render_admin_panel(self, req, cat, page, path_info):
4040 req.perm.assert_permission('TRAC_ADMIN')
41- add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/jquery.jqGrid.js')
41+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.locale-en.js')
42+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.base.js')
43+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.common.js')
44+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.formedit.js')
45+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.inlinedit.js')
46+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.celledit.js')
47+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.subgrid.js')
48+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.treegrid.js')
49+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.custom.js')
50+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.postext.js')
51+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.tbltogrid.js')
52+ add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/grid.setcolumns.js')
4253 add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/jqModal.js')
4354 add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/jqDnR.js')
4455 add_script(req, 'workfloweditor/js/grid/jquery.tablednd.js')
Show on old repository browser