[Xgl-devel] were negligibly small. On Earth, where the surface

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Began Lawer ushas****@progf*****
2010年 9月 11日 (土) 07:23:39 JST

 of the hole. The fireworks didn't last long. The drill wasn't built
to go in too deep. A drill of that
type could

be built which would burrow its way right through a small planetoid,
but that was hardly necessary for planting an
anchor. Ten meters was quite enough.
Now came the hard work. On the outside of the _Nancy Bell_, locked
into place, was a specially-treated nickel-steel eye-bolt--thirty
feet long and eight inches in diameter. There had been ten of them,
just as there had been ten drills in the storage locker. Now the
last drill
had been used, and there was but one eye-bolt left. The _Nancy Bell_
would have to go back
for more supplies after this job. The anchor bolts had a mass of four
metric tons each. Maneuvering them around, even
when they were practically weightless, was no easy job. St. Simon
again matched the velocity of the _Nancy Bell_ with that of the

which had been accelerated by the drill's action. He positioned the
ship above the hole which had been drilled into the huge rock. Not
directly above it--rocket drills had been known to show spurts of life
after they were supposed to be dead. St. Simon had timed the drill,
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