Thank you for downloading the latest Autocoast,
however I do have some questions in order to get
things working.
I have installed all as written in the manual, as
well the file I understand that this
file contains all world data.
As I live in the Algarve, Portugal I take for an
example the Algarve Coastline which coordinates are:
43 degrees North Latitude
36 degrees North Latitude
10 degrees West Longitude
6 degrees West Longitude
Then I run ........autocoast\gshhsextractor
gshhs_f.b -10 -6 36 43
I get then the files:
Level1.gpc contains data
Now to generate scenery data with autocoast tools
I have tried:
autocoast -1 1 -t 1032 -w 50 -d -10 -6 36 43 (But
this will not work)
Can you let me know what I am doing wrong in this
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
Jack de Heer
Same here in the south of spain. I use the autocoast 0.3
(last version) that solve the problem with the west
hemisphere and the "no data" in west cells is solve but
although the data of the south of spain is wrong (and south
of Portugal.
Best regards from spain!
Thank you for downloading the latest Autocoast,
however I do have some questions in order to get
things working.
I have installed all as written in the manual, as
well the file I understand that this
file contains all world data.
As I live in the Algarve, Portugal I take for an
example the Algarve Coastline which coordinates are:
43 degrees North Latitude
36 degrees North Latitude
10 degrees West Longitude
6 degrees West Longitude
Then I run ........autocoast\gshhsextractor
gshhs_f.b -10 -6 36 43
I get then the files:
Level1.gpc contains data
Now to generate scenery data with autocoast tools
I have tried:
autocoast -1 1 -t 1032 -w 50 -d -10 -6 36 43 (But
this will not work)
Can you let me know what I am doing wrong in this
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
Jack de Heer