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Commit MetaInfo

Revision2617d62773b12970c364c88dcd0bdf6bba33813e (tree)
Time2013-03-05 09:41:56
Authormozipi <mozipi@user...>

Log Message

Merge branch 'master' of git.sourceforge.jp:/gitroot/chemicraft/chemicraft into Change(Sys)

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/common/pcc/chemicraft/ChemiCraft.java
+++ b/common/pcc/chemicraft/ChemiCraft.java
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ public class ChemiCraft implements Runnable {
403403 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Chrysoberyl", "金緑石", "ja_JP");
405405 // ホウ素
406- api.addAtomOres("Ulexite", new String[]{"Na", "Ca", "B", "O"}, new Integer[]{1, 1, 5, 6}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // NaCaB5O6(OH)6・5H2O
406+ api.addAtomOres("Ulexite", new String[]{"Na", "Ca", "B", "O", "H"}, new Integer[]{1, 1, 5, 17, 16}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // NaCaB5O6(OH)6・5H2O
407407 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Ulexite", "ウレキサイト", "ja_JP");
409409 // フッ素
@@ -417,13 +417,13 @@ public class ChemiCraft implements Runnable {
417417 api.addAtomOresLanguage("RockSalt", "岩塩", "ja_JP");
419419 // マグネシウム
420- api.addAtomOres("Dolomite", new String[]{"Ca", "Mg"}, new Integer[]{1, 1}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // CaMg(CO3)2
420+ api.addAtomOres("Dolomite", new String[]{"Ca", "Mg", "C", "O"}, new Integer[]{1, 1, 2, 6}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // CaMg(CO3)2
421421 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Dolomite", "苦灰石", "ja_JP");
422422 api.addAtomOres("Magnesite", new String[]{"Mg", "C", "O"}, new Integer[]{1, 1, 3}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // MgCO3
423423 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Magnesite", "菱苦土石", "ja_JP");
425425 // アルミニウム
426- api.addAtomOres("Gibbsite", new String[]{"Al"}, new Integer[]{3}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Al(OH)3
426+ api.addAtomOres("Gibbsite", new String[]{"Al", "O", "H"}, new Integer[]{3, 3, 3}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Al(OH)3
427427 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Gibbsite", "ギブス石", "ja_JP");
428428 api.addAtomOres("Ruby", new String[]{"Al", "O"}, new Integer[]{2, 3}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Al2O3
429429 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Ruby", "ルビー", "ja_JP");
@@ -435,11 +435,11 @@ public class ChemiCraft implements Runnable {
435435 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Quartz", "石英", "ja_JP");
437437 // リン
438- api.addAtomOres("Fluorapatite", new String[]{"Ca"}, new Integer[]{5}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Ca5(PO4)3F
438+ api.addAtomOres("Fluorapatite", new String[]{"Ca", "P", "O", "F"}, new Integer[]{5, 3, 12, 1}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Ca5(PO4)3F
439439 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Fluorapatite", "フッ素リン灰石", "ja_JP");
440- api.addAtomOres("Chlorapatite", new String[]{"Ca"}, new Integer[]{5}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Ca5(PO4)3Cl
440+ api.addAtomOres("Chlorapatite", new String[]{"Ca", "P", "O", "Cl"}, new Integer[]{5, 3, 12, 1}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Ca5(PO4)3Cl
441441 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Chlorapatite", "塩素燐灰石", "ja_JP");
442- api.addAtomOres("Hydroxylapatite", new String[]{"Ca"}, new Integer[]{5}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Ca5(PO4)3(OH)
442+ api.addAtomOres("Hydroxylapatite", new String[]{"Ca", "P", "O", "H"}, new Integer[]{5, 3, 13, 1}, this.atomOresID[api.getAtomOresLastIndex()], 5, 1, 50); // Ca5(PO4)3(OH)
443443 api.addAtomOresLanguage("Hydroxylapatite", "水酸燐灰石", "ja_JP");
445445 // カリウム