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Rev. Time Author Message
3ce3860 2012-12-22 13:23:34 ab25cq master 1.0.6 release
be11a7d 2012-12-14 03:10:35 ab25cq 1.0.5c release
eb2d1b4 2012-12-19 14:56:38 ab25cq refactoring
916725e 2012-12-14 15:19:13 ab25cq 1.0.5b
362e669 2012-12-14 04:06:01 ab25cq 1.0.5a
3b8643f 2012-12-14 03:25:25 ab25cq 1.0.5 release
3a2fce6 2012-12-14 03:19:46 ab25cq 1.0.5 release
6cf8072 2012-12-14 03:02:54 ab25cq rm -r autom4te.cache
e8f1e1f 2012-12-14 02:27:05 ab25cq checked on cygwin
4ac091a 2012-12-14 01:00:14 ab25cq HIT ANY KEY


Name Rev. Time Author Message
master 3ce3860 2012-12-22 13:23:34 ab25cq 1.0.6 release



This program is a 2pain file manager with a embedded shell scripting system "xyzsh" under linux, OSX, cygwin, and FreeBSD.

    Use this on your responsibility. I can't take the responsibility on your works with this program. 

How do I compile this?
    Before compiling, you need to resolve the dependencies which mfiler4 used.

    mfiler4 depends on gcc, GNU make, libc, libm, libncurses(w), libreadline, libxyzsh which is a embedded shell scripting system, oniguruma which is a regex library. Optionary if you are japanese, you can use C/Migemo for ro-maji completion.
    After installed thise, type below commands on your shell.

    ./configure --with-optimize
    sudo make install


    ./configure --with-optimize
    make install

    As default, the make program will install xyzsh at /usr/locall.

    the configure options are 

    --prefix --> installed directory.
    --with-migemo --> enable C/Migemo
    --with-optimize --> enable optimize code. 
    --with-onig-dir --> oniguruma installed directory which is prefix of oniguruma.
    --with-migemo-dir --> C/Migemo installed directory
    --with-system-migemo-dir --> C/Migemo dictonary directory
    --with-xyzsh-dir xyzsh installed directory which is prefix of xyzsh.
    --with-debug --> use debug mode. you can detect memory leaks and debug with gdb.
    --with-gprof-debug --> use gprof debug mode. you can profile mfiler4 with gprof

used files by mfiler4
    /usr/local/bin/mfiler4 the program
    /usr/local/bin/mattr sub program
    /usr/local/etc/mfiler4.xyzsh mfiler4 setting source file
    /usr/local/share/doc/mfiler4/USAGE.ja.txt Documents
    /usr/local/share/man/man1/mfiler4.1 man file
    ~/.mfiler4/ mfiler4 config directory
    ~/.mfiler4/jump mfiler4 jump menu file
    ~/.mfiler4/stat mfiler4 stat file
    ~/.mfiler4/trashbox/ mfiler4 trash box directory
    ~/.mfiler4/mfiler4.xyzsh --> a source user setting file. mfiler4 read this asfter /usr/local/etc/mfiler4.xyzsh
    ~/.xyzsh/xyzsh.xyzsh --> a source user setting file. xyzsh read this after /usr/local/etc/xyzsh.xyzsh
    ~/.xyzsh/history --> a command line history file
    ~/.xyzsh/macro --> macro which is runned by typing C-x on command line uses this file
    ~/.xyzsh/jump --> jump inner command uses this file
    ~/.xyzsh/menu --> menu inner command uses this file
    ~/.xyzsh/program --> program lists for omiting sys:: prefix for external program

    when running mfiler4, hit ?