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Commit MetaInfo

Revisiona3bf41eb069a63c3d087f45f6f945db2535528c8 (tree)
Time2016-12-09 16:22:10
AuthorMa Jian <majian@jide...>
CommiterChih-Wei Huang

Log Message

Support use local time for RTC

When default timezone isn't UTC, there will no persist.sys.timezone
under /data/property/, so init won't get the default timezone for
setting time from rtc.

This change adds a fallback to read the property when the persist file
does not exists.

Notice, the default property of persist.sys.timezone should be set in
/default.prop instead of /system/build.prop

Tested: set default timezone with Asia/Shanghai, make sure bios time
is correct in local time, reboot to android, the local time should
be correct.

Change-Id: Ifbd20cb3710f833ab65852b4e5d51e38cc7c2d79

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/init/builtins.cpp
+++ b/init/builtins.cpp
@@ -785,13 +785,96 @@ static int do_rmdir(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
785785 return rmdir(args[1].c_str());
786786 }
788+// read persist property from /data/property directly, because it maybe has not loaded
789+// if the file not found, try to call property_get, the default value could be saved
790+// into /default.prop
791+static std::string persist_property_get(const char *name)
793+ const char *filename_template = "/data/property/%s";
794+ size_t max_file_name_len = strlen(filename_template) + PROP_NAME_MAX;
795+ char filename[max_file_name_len];
796+ snprintf(filename, max_file_name_len, filename_template, name);
798+ if (access(filename, 0) == 0) {
799+ char *line = NULL;
800+ size_t len;
801+ FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r+");
802+ if (fp == NULL) {
803+ ERROR("failed to read file for property:%s\n", filename);
804+ return 0;
805+ }
807+ std::string result;
808+ if (getline(&line, &len, fp) == -1) {
809+ len = 0;
810+ } else {
811+ for (len = 0; *(line+len) != '\n' && *(line+len) != 0; len++);
812+ *(line + len) = '\0';
813+ result = line;
814+ free(line);
815+ }
816+ fclose(fp);
817+ return result;
818+ }
820+ return property_get(name);
788823 static int do_sysclktz(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
789824 struct timezone tz;
825+ struct timeval tv;
826+ struct tm tm;
827+ time_t t;
791829 memset(&tz, 0, sizeof(tz));
792- tz.tz_minuteswest = std::stoi(args[1]);
793- if (settimeofday(NULL, &tz))
830+ memset(&tv, 0, sizeof(tv));
831+ memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
833+ INFO("sysclktz: the arg %s is ignored, only persist.rtc_local_time matters\n", args[1].c_str());
835+ if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)) {
836+ ERROR("sysclktz: failed to call gettimeofday");
794837 return -1;
838+ }
840+ if (persist_property_get("persist.rtc_local_time") == "1") {
841+ /* Notify kernel that hwtime use local time */
842+ write_file("/sys/class/misc/alarm/rtc_local_time", "1");
843+ /*
844+ * If ro.hwtime.mode is local, set system time
845+ * and saved system zone in case of network not
846+ * available and auto syncing time not available.
847+ */
849+ std::string time_zone = persist_property_get("persist.sys.timezone");
850+ if (time_zone.empty()) {
851+ INFO("sysclktz: persist.sys.timezone not found\n");
852+ tz.tz_minuteswest = 0;
853+ } else {
854+ const char *timezone_prop = time_zone.c_str();
855+ INFO("sysclktz: persist.sys.timezone: %s\n", timezone_prop);
856+ // localtime_r need the property, we need to set it
857+ property_set("persist.sys.timezone", timezone_prop);
858+ t = tv.tv_sec;
859+ localtime_r(&t, &tm);
860+ tz.tz_minuteswest = -(tm.tm_gmtoff / 60);
861+ INFO("sysclktz: tz.tz_minuteswest: %d\n", tz.tz_minuteswest);
862+ }
864+ /*
865+ * At this moment, system time should be local
866+ * time too, set it back to utc which linux required.
867+ */
868+ tv.tv_sec += tz.tz_minuteswest * 60;
869+ if (settimeofday(&tv, &tz)) {
870+ ERROR("sysclktz: failed to call settimeofdays\n");
871+ return -1;
872+ }
873+ } else {
874+ tz.tz_minuteswest = std::stoi(args[1]);
875+ return settimeofday(NULL, &tz);
876+ }
795878 return 0;
796879 }