Revision | 29c0b6655048c02549545bdd63b5fea70481bbd4 (tree) |
Time | 2023-04-18 23:39:44 |
Author | badcoff33 |
Commiter | badcoff33 |
new- theme in town
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ | ||
1 | +" Vim color theme | |
2 | +" | |
3 | +" Description: A dark color theme with blue/red/gray-scale colors. | |
4 | + | |
5 | +if exists("g:syntax_on") | |
6 | + syntax reset | |
7 | +endif | |
8 | + | |
9 | +hi clear | |
10 | +set background=dark | |
11 | +let g:colors_name = "80s" | |
12 | + | |
13 | +let s:black = "#000000" | |
14 | +let s:white = "#FFFFFF" | |
15 | + | |
16 | +let s:blue = "#21A8FF" | |
17 | +let s:red = "#FF23A2" | |
18 | + | |
19 | +let s:silver9 = "#F8F8F8" | |
20 | +let s:silver8 = "#E7E2E7" | |
21 | +let s:silver7 = "#D5D1D5" | |
22 | +let s:silver6 = "#BEB0BE" | |
23 | +let s:silver5 = "#989098" | |
24 | +let s:silver4 = "#7A707A" | |
25 | +let s:silver3 = "#5A505A" | |
26 | +let s:silver2 = "#473B47" | |
27 | +let s:silver1 = "#352835" | |
28 | +let s:silver0 = "#282028" | |
29 | + | |
30 | +let Fg = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "guifg=" .. str} | |
31 | +let Bg = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "guibg=" .. str} | |
32 | +let Attr = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "gui=" .. str} | |
33 | +let Cterm = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "cterm=" .. str} | |
34 | + | |
35 | +" Basics | |
36 | + | |
37 | +execute "hi Bold" Attr("bold") | |
38 | +execute "hi CursorLine" Bg(s:silver1) Cterm("NONE") | |
39 | +execute "hi CursorLineNr" Fg(s:silver4) Attr("bold") | |
40 | +execute "hi IncSearch" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
41 | +execute "hi Italic" Attr("italic") | |
42 | +execute "hi LineNr" Fg(s:silver4) Attr("bold") | |
43 | +execute "hi MatchParen" Fg(s:blue) Bg("bg") Attr("underline,bold") | |
44 | +execute "hi NonText" Fg(s:silver6) Bg("bg") | |
45 | +execute "hi Normal" Fg(s:silver9) Bg(s:black) Attr("NONE") | |
46 | +execute "hi Pmenu" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:silver3) | |
47 | +execute "hi PmenuSel" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
48 | +execute "hi PmenuThumb" Fg(s:silver2) Bg(s:silver7) | |
49 | +execute "hi PmenuSbar" Fg(s:red) Bg(s:red) | |
50 | +execute "hi CurSearch" Fg(s:black) Bg(s:silver7) Attr("NONE") | |
51 | +execute "hi Search" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:silver3) Attr("NONE") | |
52 | +execute "hi StatusLine" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
53 | +execute "hi StatusLineNC" Fg(s:silver9) Bg(s:silver2) Attr("NONE") | |
54 | +execute "hi StatusLineTerm" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:black) Attr("bold") | |
55 | +execute "hi Terminal" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:black) | |
56 | +execute "hi User1" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) | |
57 | +execute "hi User2" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) | |
58 | +execute "hi VertSplit" Fg(s:silver6) Bg("bg") Attr("NONE") | |
59 | +execute "hi Visual" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) | |
60 | + | |
61 | +highlight! link CursorColumn CursorLine | |
62 | +highlight! link FoldColumn LineNr | |
63 | +highlight! link Folded Comment | |
64 | +highlight! link SignColumn LineNr | |
65 | +highlight! link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC | |
66 | +highlight! link TabLine Pmenu | |
67 | +highlight! link TabLineFill Normal | |
68 | +highlight! link TabLineSel PmenuSel | |
69 | +highlight! link WildMenu PmenuSel | |
70 | +highlight! link qfSeparator Normal | |
71 | + | |
72 | +" Code | |
73 | + | |
74 | +execute "hi Comment" Fg(s:silver4) Attr("NONE") | |
75 | +execute "hi Conditional" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
76 | +execute "hi Constant" Fg(s:blue) | |
77 | +execute "hi Directory" Fg(s:blue) Attr("underline") | |
78 | +execute "hi Error" Fg(s:red) Bg("bg") Attr("underline") | |
79 | +execute "hi ErrorMsg" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
80 | +execute "hi Function" Fg(s:blue) | |
81 | +execute "hi Identifier" Fg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
82 | +execute "hi ModeMsg" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
83 | +execute "hi Number" Fg(s:blue) | |
84 | +execute "hi PreCondit" Fg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
85 | +execute "hi PreProc" Fg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
86 | +execute "hi Question" Fg(s:blue) Bg("bg") | |
87 | +execute "hi QuickFixLine" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:silver2) Attr("bold") | |
88 | +execute "hi Special" Fg(s:blue) | |
89 | +execute "hi SpecialKey" Fg(s:blue) | |
90 | +execute "hi Statement" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
91 | +execute "hi StorageClass" Fg(s:red) | |
92 | +execute "hi String" Fg(s:silver7) | |
93 | +execute "hi Structure" Fg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
94 | +execute "hi Title" Fg(s:black) Attr("bold") | |
95 | +execute "hi Todo" Fg(s:blue) Bg("bg") Attr("bold,italic") | |
96 | +execute "hi Type" Fg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
97 | +execute "hi WarningMsg" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) | |
98 | +execute "hi qfFileName" Fg(s:blue) | |
99 | +execute "hi qfLineNr" Fg(s:red) | |
100 | + | |
101 | +" Filetype VIM | |
102 | + | |
103 | +execute "hi vimCommentTitle" Fg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
104 | + | |
105 | +" Filetype C | |
106 | + | |
107 | +execute "hi cCppOut" Bg(s:silver3) Attr("NONE") | |
108 | +execute "hi cCppOutIf2" Bg(s:silver3) Attr("NONE") | |
109 | +execute "hi cParen" Fg(s:silver7) | |
110 | +execute "hi cBlock" Fg(s:silver7) | |
111 | + | |
112 | +" Filetype HTML | |
113 | + | |
114 | +execute "hi htmlH1" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
115 | +execute "hi htmlH2" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
116 | +execute "hi htmlH3" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
117 | + | |
118 | +" Some markup flavours | |
119 | + | |
120 | +execute "hi markdownCode" Fg(s:silver6) Bg(s:silver2) | |
121 | +execute "hi markdownCodeBlock" Fg(s:silver6) | |
122 | +execute "hi rstEmphasis" Fg(s:blue) | |
123 | +execute "hi rstStrongEmphasis" Fg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
124 | + | |
125 | +" Diffs | |
126 | + | |
127 | +execute "hi DiffChange" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:silver2) | |
128 | +execute "hi DiffText" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:silver2) | |
129 | +execute "hi DiffDelete" Fg(s:red) Bg(s:silver2) | |
130 | +execute "hi DiffAdd" Fg(s:silver7) Bg(s:silver2) | |
131 | + | |
132 | +unlet Fg | |
133 | +unlet Bg | |
134 | +unlet Attr | |
135 | +unlet Cterm |
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ | ||
1 | -" Vim color theme | |
2 | -" | |
3 | -" Description: A dark color theme with blue/red/gray-scale colors. | |
4 | - | |
5 | -if exists("g:syntax_on") | |
6 | - syntax reset | |
7 | -endif | |
8 | - | |
9 | -hi clear | |
10 | -set background=dark | |
11 | -let g:colors_name = "bladerunner" | |
12 | - | |
13 | -let s:black = "#000000" | |
14 | -let s:white = "#FFFFFF" | |
15 | - | |
16 | -let s:blue = "#21A8FF" | |
17 | -let s:red = "#FF23A2" | |
18 | - | |
19 | -let s:silver9 = "#F8F8F8" | |
20 | -let s:silver8 = "#E7E2E7" | |
21 | -let s:silver7 = "#D5D1D5" | |
22 | -let s:silver6 = "#BEB0BE" | |
23 | -let s:silver5 = "#989098" | |
24 | -let s:silver4 = "#7A707A" | |
25 | -let s:silver3 = "#5A505A" | |
26 | -let s:silver2 = "#473B47" | |
27 | -let s:silver1 = "#352835" | |
28 | -let s:silver0 = "#282028" | |
29 | - | |
30 | -let Fg = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "guifg=" .. str} | |
31 | -let Bg = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "guibg=" .. str} | |
32 | -let Attr = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "gui=" .. str} | |
33 | -let Cterm = {str -> empty(str) ? "" : "cterm=" .. str} | |
34 | - | |
35 | -" Basics | |
36 | - | |
37 | -execute "hi Bold" Attr("bold") | |
38 | -execute "hi CursorLine" Bg(s:silver1) Cterm("NONE") | |
39 | -execute "hi CursorLineNr" Fg(s:silver4) Attr("bold") | |
40 | -execute "hi IncSearch" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
41 | -execute "hi Italic" Attr("italic") | |
42 | -execute "hi LineNr" Fg(s:silver4) Attr("bold") | |
43 | -execute "hi MatchParen" Fg(s:blue) Bg("bg") Attr("underline,bold") | |
44 | -execute "hi NonText" Fg(s:silver6) Bg("bg") | |
45 | -execute "hi Normal" Fg(s:silver9) Bg(s:black) Attr("NONE") | |
46 | -execute "hi Pmenu" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:silver3) | |
47 | -execute "hi PmenuSel" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
48 | -execute "hi PmenuThumb" Fg(s:silver2) Bg(s:silver7) | |
49 | -execute "hi PmenuSbar" Fg(s:red) Bg(s:red) | |
50 | -execute "hi CurSearch" Fg(s:black) Bg(s:silver7) Attr("NONE") | |
51 | -execute "hi Search" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:silver3) Attr("NONE") | |
52 | -execute "hi StatusLine" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
53 | -execute "hi StatusLineNC" Fg(s:silver9) Bg(s:silver2) Attr("NONE") | |
54 | -execute "hi StatusLineTerm" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:black) Attr("bold") | |
55 | -execute "hi Terminal" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:black) | |
56 | -execute "hi User1" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) | |
57 | -execute "hi User2" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) | |
58 | -execute "hi VertSplit" Fg(s:silver6) Bg("bg") Attr("NONE") | |
59 | -execute "hi Visual" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) | |
60 | - | |
61 | -highlight! link CursorColumn CursorLine | |
62 | -highlight! link FoldColumn LineNr | |
63 | -highlight! link Folded Comment | |
64 | -highlight! link SignColumn LineNr | |
65 | -highlight! link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC | |
66 | -highlight! link TabLine Pmenu | |
67 | -highlight! link TabLineFill Normal | |
68 | -highlight! link TabLineSel PmenuSel | |
69 | -highlight! link WildMenu PmenuSel | |
70 | -highlight! link qfSeparator Normal | |
71 | - | |
72 | -" Code | |
73 | - | |
74 | -execute "hi Comment" Fg(s:silver4) Attr("NONE") | |
75 | -execute "hi Conditional" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
76 | -execute "hi Constant" Fg(s:blue) | |
77 | -execute "hi Directory" Fg(s:blue) Attr("underline") | |
78 | -execute "hi Error" Fg(s:red) Bg("bg") Attr("underline") | |
79 | -execute "hi ErrorMsg" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
80 | -execute "hi Function" Fg(s:blue) | |
81 | -execute "hi Identifier" Fg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
82 | -execute "hi ModeMsg" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
83 | -execute "hi Number" Fg(s:blue) | |
84 | -execute "hi PreCondit" Fg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
85 | -execute "hi PreProc" Fg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
86 | -execute "hi Question" Fg(s:blue) Bg("bg") | |
87 | -execute "hi QuickFixLine" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:silver2) Attr("bold") | |
88 | -execute "hi Special" Fg(s:blue) | |
89 | -execute "hi SpecialKey" Fg(s:blue) | |
90 | -execute "hi Statement" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
91 | -execute "hi StorageClass" Fg(s:red) | |
92 | -execute "hi String" Fg(s:silver7) | |
93 | -execute "hi Structure" Fg(s:red) Attr("NONE") | |
94 | -execute "hi Title" Fg(s:black) Attr("bold") | |
95 | -execute "hi Todo" Fg(s:blue) Bg("bg") Attr("bold,italic") | |
96 | -execute "hi Type" Fg(s:blue) Attr("NONE") | |
97 | -execute "hi WarningMsg" Fg(s:white) Bg(s:blue) | |
98 | -execute "hi qfFileName" Fg(s:blue) | |
99 | -execute "hi qfLineNr" Fg(s:red) | |
100 | - | |
101 | -" Filetype VIM | |
102 | - | |
103 | -execute "hi vimCommentTitle" Fg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
104 | - | |
105 | -" Filetype C | |
106 | - | |
107 | -execute "hi cCppOut" Bg(s:silver3) Attr("NONE") | |
108 | -execute "hi cCppOutIf2" Bg(s:silver3) Attr("NONE") | |
109 | -execute "hi cParen" Fg(s:silver7) | |
110 | -execute "hi cBlock" Fg(s:silver7) | |
111 | - | |
112 | -" Filetype HTML | |
113 | - | |
114 | -execute "hi htmlH1" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
115 | -execute "hi htmlH2" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
116 | -execute "hi htmlH3" Fg(s:red) Attr("bold") | |
117 | - | |
118 | -" Filetype Markdown | |
119 | - | |
120 | -execute "hi markdownCode" Fg(s:silver8) Bg(s:silver2) | |
121 | -execute "hi markdownCodeBlock" Fg(s:blue) | |
122 | -execute "hi rstEmphasis" Fg(s:blue) | |
123 | -execute "hi rstStrongEmphasis" Fg(s:blue) Attr("bold") | |
124 | - | |
125 | -" Diffs | |
126 | - | |
127 | -execute "hi DiffChange" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:silver2) | |
128 | -execute "hi DiffText" Fg(s:blue) Bg(s:silver2) | |
129 | -execute "hi DiffDelete" Fg(s:red) Bg(s:silver2) | |
130 | -execute "hi DiffAdd" Fg(s:silver7) Bg(s:silver2) | |
131 | - | |
132 | -unlet Fg | |
133 | -unlet Bg | |
134 | -unlet Attr | |
135 | -unlet Cterm |