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Automap (client) [VS plugin mod]

Commit MetaInfo

Revision3941fee8faa827b45fac01086745b040ce4f4448 (tree)
Time2020-06-04 09:18:29
AuthorThe Grand Dog <alex.h@me.c...>
CommiterThe Grand Dog

Log Message

fixed map i think

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/Automap/MapSRC/build.js
+++ b/Automap/MapSRC/build.js
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ fs.readFile(__dirname + '/src/Automap.html', 'utf8', (err, d) => {
88 if (err) console.log(err);
99 let outD = d.replace(/<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"(.*)\">/g, (match, name, offset, string) => {
1010 return '<style>' + fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/src/' + name, 'utf8')
11- .replace(/\/\/.*\n?/g, '')
11+ // .replace(/\/\/.*\n?/g, '')
1212 + '</style>';
1313 })
1414 .replace(/<script type=\"text\/javascript\" src=\"(.*)\">/g, (match, name, offset, string) => {
1515 return '<script type=\"text\/javascript\">' + fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/src/' + name, 'utf8')
16- .replace(/\/\/.*\n?/g, '')
16+ // .replace(/\/\/.*\n?/g, '')
1717 + '</script>';
18- })
19- .replace(/[\t\n]/g, '');
18+ });
19+ // .replace(/[\t\n]/g, '');
2020 fs.writeFile(__dirname + '/../assets/automap/config/automap.html', outD, err => {
2121 if (err) console.log(err);
2222 });
--- a/Automap/MapSRC/src/Automap.css
+++ b/Automap/MapSRC/src/Automap.css
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ html, body, .map {
33 height: 100%;
44 margin: 0;
55 overflow: hidden;
6- outline: 1px dotted black;
6+ /* outline: 1px dotted black; */
77 }
99 .infobox {
--- a/Automap/MapSRC/src/ViewFrame.js
+++ b/Automap/MapSRC/src/ViewFrame.js
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ ViewFrame.prototype.render = function () {
107107 const img = new Image(32, 32);
108108 const name = round.value.join('_');
110- img.src = name + '.png';
110+ img.src = 'Chunks/'+ name + '.png';
112112 decode(img, loadedImage => {
113113 this.place(img, round.value[0], round.value[1]);
--- a/Automap/assets/automap/config/automap.html
+++ b/Automap/assets/automap/config/automap.html
@@ -4,140 +4,321 @@
44 <head>
55 <meta charset="utf-8">
66 <title>Automap</title>
7- <style media="screen">.m,body,html{width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;outline:1px dotted #000}.m img{position:absolute;image-rendering:pixelated}.i{width:15em;background-color:rgba(200,200,200,.5);left:0;top:0;font-family:sans-serif;position:absolute;z-index:1}h1{font-size:22px;margin:.6em 1em;text-align:center}.t{margin:.3em auto;width:90%;outline:1px solid #333}.t th{width:30%}.t td{text-align:right}</style>
7+ <style>html, body, .map {
8+ width: 100%;
9+ height: 100%;
10+ margin: 0;
11+ overflow: hidden;
12+ /* outline: 1px dotted black; */
15+.infobox {
16+ width: 15em;
17+ /* height: 15em; */
18+ background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.5);
19+ left: 0;
20+ top: 0;
21+ font-family: sans-serif;
22+ position: absolute;
23+ z-index: 1;
26+h1 {
27+ font-size: 22px;
28+ margin: .6em 1em;
29+ text-align: center;
32+.infoboxTable {
33+ margin: .3em auto;
34+ width: 90%;
35+ outline: 1px solid #333;
38+.infoboxTable th {
39+ width: 30%;
42+.infoboxTable td {
43+ text-align: right;
845 </head>
1047 <body>
11- <div class="i">
12- <h1>Chunk Info</h1>
13- <table class="t"></table>
14- </div>
15- <script type="text/javascript">
16- function ViewFrame() {
17- this.map = document.createElement("div"), this.map.className = "m", this.infobox = document.getElementsByClassName("t")[0], this.infoboxSlots = new Map, ViewFrame.initInfobox(this.infobox, this.infoboxSlots), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[
18- 0].append(this.map), this.loadedChunksByName = new Map, this.loadedChunksByCoords = new Map, this.availableChunks = null, this.chunkScript = null, this.renderOnReload = !0, this.dirty = !1, this.rendering = !1, this.x = null, this.y = null,
19- this._zoom = 32, this.updateEdges()
20- }
48+ <script type="text/javascript">function ViewFrame() {
49+ // dom stuff
50+ const map = document.createElement('canvas'); // the map we see
51+ map.className = 'map';
52+ map.height = window.innerHeight;
53+ map.width = window.innerWidth;
54+ document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(map);
55+ // this is the map that we actually draw on
56+ this.map = map.getContext('2d', {
57+ alpha: false
58+ });
59+ this.map.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
61+ // the info box in the corner
62+ this.infobox = document.getElementsByClassName('infoboxTable')[0];
63+ this.infoboxSlots = new Array();
65+ // load the metadata!
66+ this.chunkScript = document.createElement('script');
67+ this.chunkScript.type = 'text/javascript';
68+ this.chunkScript.src = 'Metadata.js';
69+ document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(this.chunkScript);
70+ this.chunkScript.addEventListener('load', () => {
71+ ViewFrame.initInfobox(this.infobox, this.infoboxSlots);
72+ this.x = ViewFrame.chunks.startCoords[0];
73+ this.y = ViewFrame.chunks.startCoords[1];
74+ this.availableChunks = ViewFrame.chunks.chunkMetadata;
75+ this.render();
76+ }, {
77+ once: true
78+ });
22- function decode(t, e) {
23- t.decode().then(() => {
24- e(t)
25- }).catch(() => {})
80+ // Tracks images that have been loaded and are on the map
81+ this.loadedChunksByName = new Map();
82+ // this is needed because [1, 2] != [1, 2] and thats how we store coords.
83+ this.loadedChunksByCoords = new Map();
84+ this.availableChunks = null; // the chunks in ./Metadata.js
85+ // so that we dont render twice at the same time
86+ this.rendering = false;
88+ this.x = -1;
89+ this.y = -1; // can be fractional
90+ this.zoom = 32; // pixels wide the images are to be
91+ this.updateEdges();
93+// prototypes, some less... notable? methods are
94+// in ViewFrameUtils.js
95+ViewFrame.prototype.reloadChunkList = function () {
96+ if (this.chunkScript) {
97+ this.chunkScript.remove();
98+ delete this.chunkScript;
99+ }
101+ this.chunkScript = document.createElement('script');
102+ this.chunkScript.type = 'text/javascript';
103+ this.chunkScript.src = 'Metadata.js';
104+ document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(this.chunkScript);
106+ this.chunkScript.addEventListener('load', () => {
107+ this.availableChunks = ViewFrame.chunks.chunkMetadata;
108+ this.render();
109+ });
112+ViewFrame.prototype.render = function () {
113+ if (!this.availableChunks) return;
114+ if (this.rendering) clearInterval(ViewFrame.intervalRef);
115+ this.rendering = true;
116+ this.updateEdges();
117+ this.map.clearRect(0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
118+ // culling
119+ this.loadedChunksByCoords
120+ .forEach((chunk, coord) => { // check the bounds
121+ if (coord[0] < this.eastChunk &&
122+ coord[0] >= this.westChunk &&
123+ coord[1] <= this.northChunk &&
124+ coord[1] >= this.southChunk) {
126+ this.place(chunk, coord[0], coord[1]);
127+ return;
128+ }
129+ // its out of range!!!
130+ // get 'em boys!!!!!
131+ this.loadedChunksByCoords.delete(coord);
132+ this.loadedChunksByName.delete(coord.join('_'));
133+ chunk.remove();
134+ });
136+ // gathering what we need to load
137+ const neededChunks = new Set();
138+ for (var x = this.westChunk; x < this.eastChunk; x++) {
139+ for (var y = this.southChunk; y < this.northChunk; y++) {
140+ const chunKey = [x, y]; // chunk + key = chunKey :)
141+ const name = chunKey.join('_');
142+ // continue if its not available, or it is loaded
143+ if (!this.availableChunks.has(name) ||
144+ this.loadedChunksByName.has(name)) continue;
145+ neededChunks.add(chunKey);
26146 }
27- ViewFrame.prototype.reloadChunkList = function() {
28- console.log("Reloading chunks!"), this.chunkScript && (this.chunkScript.remove(), delete this.chunkScript), this.chunkScript = document.createElement("script"), this.chunkScript.type = "text/javascript", this.chunkScript.src = "Metadata.js",
29- document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].append(this.chunkScript), this.chunkScript.onload = (() => {
30- this.availableChunks = ViewFrame.chunks.chunkMetadata, null !== this.x && null !== this.y || (this.x = ViewFrame.chunks.startCoords[0], this.y = ViewFrame.chunks.startCoords[1]), this.renderOnReload && this.render()
31- }), this.dirty = !0
32- }, ViewFrame.prototype.render = function() {
33- if (!this.availableChunks) return;
34- if (this.rendering) return;
35- this.rendering = !0, this.dirty && this.updateEdges(), this.loadedChunksByCoords.forEach((t, e) => {
36- if (e[0] < this.eastChunk && e[0] >= this.westChunk && e[1] <= this.northChunk && e[1] >= this.southChunk) {
37- let [s, i] = this.chunkToScreen(e[0], e[1]);
38- t.style.left = s + "px", t.style.top = i + "px";
39- const n = this.zoom / 32;
40- 1 != n && (t.style.transform = `scale(${n})`)
41- } else this.loadedChunksByCoords.delete(e), this.loadedChunksByName.delete(e.join("_")), t.remove()
147+ }
148+ // iterating over everything we need to load
149+ const it = neededChunks.values();
150+ ViewFrame.intervalRef = setInterval(() => {
151+ let round = it.next();
152+ if (!round.done) {
153+ // load
154+ const img = new Image(32, 32);
155+ const name = round.value.join('_');
157+ img.src = 'Chunks/'+ name + '.png';
159+ decode(img, loadedImage => {
160+ this.place(img, round.value[0], round.value[1]);
42161 });
43- const t = new Set;
44- for (var e = this.westChunk; e < this.eastChunk; e++)
45- for (var s = this.southChunk; s < this.northChunk; s++) {
46- const i = [e, s],
47- n = i.join("_");
48- this.availableChunks.has(n) && !this.loadedChunksByName.has(n) && t.add(i)
49- }
50- const i = t.values();
51- let n = setInterval(() => {
52- let t = i.next();
53- if (t.done) clearInterval(n), this.rendering = !1;
54- else {
55- const e = new Image(32, 32),
56- s = t.value.join("_");
57- e.src = s + ".png", e.alt = s, decode(e, e => {
58- let [s, i] = this.chunkToScreen(t.value[0], t.value[1]);
59- e.style.left = s + "px", e.style.top = i + "px";
60- const n = this.zoom / 32;
61- 1 != n && (chunk.style.transform = `scale(${n})`), this.map.append(e)
62- }), this.loadedChunksByName.set(s, e), this.loadedChunksByCoords.set(t.value, e)
63- }
64- }, 4)
65- }, ViewFrame.prototype.updateInfobox = function(t) {
66- const e = this.availableChunks.get(t);
67- this.infoboxSlots.forEach((t, s) => {
68- t.innerText = e[s]
69- })
70- }, ViewFrame.initInfobox = function(t, e) {
71- ["prettyCoord:Loc.", "chunkAge:Age", "temp:Temp.", "YMax:Y Max", "fert:Fert.", "forestDens:Forest", "rain:Rain", "shrubDens:Shrub", "airBlocks:Air", "nonAirBlocks:Non-Air"].map(t => t.split(":")).forEach(s => {
72- const i = s[0],
73- n = s[1],
74- h = document.createElement("tr"),
75- o = document.createElement("th");
76- o.innerText = n;
77- const r = document.createElement("td");
78- r.innerText = "0", e.set(i, r), h.append(o, r), t.append(h)
79- })
80- }, ViewFrame.prototype.screenToChunk = function(t, e) {
81- return [(t - this.width / 2) / this.zoom, (e - this.height / 2) / this.zoom]
82- }, ViewFrame.prototype.chunkToScreen = function(t, e) {
83- return [(t - this.west) * this.zoom, (e - this.south) * this.zoom]
84- }, ViewFrame.prototype.updateEdges = function() {
85- if (!this.dirty) return;
86- const t = Math.ceil(this.width / this.zoom),
87- e = Math.ceil(this.height / this.zoom);
88- this.east = this.x + t / 2, this.eastChunk = Math.ceil(this.east), this.west = this.x - t / 2, this.westChunk = Math.floor(this.west), this.north = this.y + e / 2, this.northChunk = Math.ceil(this.north), this.south = this.y - e / 2, this.southChunk =
89- Math.floor(this.south), this.dirty = !1
90- }, ViewFrame.prototype.moveCenter = function(t, e) {
91- let [s, i] = this.screenToChunk(t, e);
92- this.x += s, this.y += i, this.dirty = !0
93- }, ViewFrame.prototype.clear = function() {
94- this.loadedChunksByName.clear(), this.loadedChunksByCoords.clear(), this.chunkScript && this.chunkScript.remove(), delete this.chunkScript, delete ViewFrame.chunks, this.map.innerHTML = ""
95- }, Object.defineProperties(ViewFrame.prototype, {
96- width: {
97- get() {
98- return this.map.clientWidth
99- }
100- },
101- height: {
102- get() {
103- return this.map.clientHeight
104- }
105- },
106- zoom: {
107- get() {
108- return this._zoom
109- },
110- set(t) {
111- this._zoom = t, this.dirty = !0
112- }
113- }
162+ this.loadedChunksByName.set(name, img);
163+ this.loadedChunksByCoords.set(round.value, img);
164+ } else {
165+ clearInterval(ViewFrame.intervalRef);
166+ this.rendering = false;
167+ }
168+ }, 4);
171+ViewFrame.prototype.place = function (img, x, y) {
172+ x -= this.x;
173+ y -= this.y;
174+ x *= this.zoom;
175+ y *= this.zoom;
176+ x += this.width / 2;
177+ y += this.height / 2;
179+ this.map.drawImage(img, Math.floor(x), Math.floor(y), this.zoom, this.zoom);
182+ViewFrame.prototype.updateInfobox = function (chunkName) {
183+ const chunkMeta = this.availableChunks.get(chunkName);
184+ this.infoboxSlots.forEach((l, k) => {
185+ l.innerText = chunkMeta ? chunkMeta[k] : '0';
186+ });
188+ <script type="text/javascript">ViewFrame.initInfobox = function (ibox, iboxSlots) {
190+ ViewFrame.chunks
191+ .chunkMetadataNames.forEach((item, i) => {
192+ const slot = document.createElement('tr');
193+ const head = document.createElement('th');
194+ head.innerText = item;
195+ const row = document.createElement('td');
196+ row.innerText = '0';
197+ iboxSlots[i] = row;
198+ slot.append(head, row);
199+ ibox.append(slot);
114200 });
115- const vf = new ViewFrame;
116- vf.reloadChunkList(),
117- function() {
118- var t;
119- window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
120- clearTimeout(t), vf.clear(), t = setTimeout(() => {
121- vf.updateEdges(), vf.render()
122- }, 500)
123- })
124- }(), vf.map.addEventListener("mousedown", t => {
125- vf.moveCenter(t.x, t.y), setTimeout(() => {
126- vf.render()
127- }, 250)
128- }),
129- function() {
130- var t;
131- vf.map.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {
132- e.target instanceof HTMLImageElement && t !== e.target && (t = e.target, vf.updateInfobox(e.target.alt))
133- })
134- }();
135- (function() {
136- setInterval(() => {
137- vf.reloadChunkList();
138- }, 6000);
139- }());
140- </script>
203+ViewFrame.prototype.updateEdges = function () {
204+ if (this.width != window.innerWidth || this.height != window.innerHeight) {
205+ this.width = window.innerWidth;
206+ this.map.canvas.width = this.width;
207+ this.height = window.innerHeight;
208+ this.map.canvas.height = this.height;
209+ this.map.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
210+ }
211+ const chunksWide = Math.ceil(this.width / this.zoom);
212+ const chunksHigh = Math.ceil(this.height / this.zoom);
214+ this.east = this.x + chunksWide / 2; // this is fractional and is used to keep track of the edges of the window
215+ this.eastChunk = Math.ceil(this.east); // this is not and is used to track the chunks that need to load
216+ this.west = this.x - chunksWide / 2;
217+ this.westChunk = Math.floor(this.west);
218+ this.north = this.y + chunksHigh / 2;
219+ this.northChunk = Math.ceil(this.north);
220+ this.south = this.y - chunksHigh / 2;
221+ this.southChunk = Math.floor(this.south);
224+ViewFrame.prototype.moveCenter = function (dx, dy) {
225+ // to pan when we click on the map!
226+ this.x += (dx - this.width / 2) / this.zoom;
227+ this.y += (dy - this.height / 2) / this.zoom;
229+ViewFrame.prototype.setCenter = function (x, y) {
230+ this.x = x;
231+ this.y = y;
234+ViewFrame.prototype.clear = function () {
235+ this.loadedChunksByName.clear();
236+ this.loadedChunksByCoords.clear();
237+ if (this.chunkScript) this.chunkScript.remove();
238+ delete this.chunkScript;
239+ delete ViewFrame.chunks;
240+ this.map.clearRect(0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
243+function decode(img, cb) {
244+ img.decode()
245+ .then(() => {
246+ cb(img);
247+ })
248+ .catch(() => {}); // so images arent added on error
250+ <div class="infobox">
251+ <h1>Chunk Info</h1>
252+ <table class="infoboxTable">
253+ </table>
254+ </div>
255+ <script type="text/javascript">const vf = new ViewFrame();
258+// the event handlers are in iifes so they dont make unneeded globals.
259+// resize, delay re-render to reduce lag.
260+(function () {
261+ var id;
262+ window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
263+ clearTimeout(id);
264+ id = setTimeout(() => {
265+ vf.render();
266+ }, 500);
267+ });
270+// panning
271+(function () {
272+ var id;
273+ vf.map.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', event => {
274+ clearTimeout(id);
275+ vf.moveCenter(event.pageX, event.pageY);
276+ id = setTimeout(() => {
277+ vf.render();
278+ }, 250);
279+ });
283+// #### CONTROLS ####
284+// hovering
285+(function () {
286+ var lastX = 0;
287+ var lastY = 0;
288+ vf.map.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', event => {
289+ // only count if the mouse moved more than a chunk
290+ let x = Math.floor(vf.x +
291+ (event.clientX - vf.width / 2) / vf.zoom);
292+ let y = Math.floor(vf.y +
293+ (event.clientY - vf.height / 2) / vf.zoom);
294+ if (x == lastX && y == lastY) return;
295+ lastX = x;
296+ lastY = y;
297+ vf.updateInfobox(x + '_' + y);
298+ });
301+// scroll/zoom
302+(function () {
303+ var id;
304+ vf.map.canvas.addEventListener('wheel', event => {
305+ clearTimeout(id);
306+ vf.zoom += -Math.sign(event.deltaY)*2;
307+ id = setTimeout(() => {
308+ vf.render();
309+ }, 250);
310+ });
313+// reload the chunk list every six seconds
314+var devBlockReload = false; // disable via command line
315+(function () {
316+ setInterval(() => {
317+ if (devBlockReload) return;
318+ vf.reloadChunkList();
319+ }, 6000);
141322 </body>
143324 </html>
\ No newline at end of file