XOOPS Cube Legacy base repository
Revision | 80e6fae26d37c1814d0a0e4e67678a3bd68def41 (tree) |
Time | 2011-12-24 13:23:14 |
Author | xoopserver <xoopserver@704c...> |
Commiter | xoopserver |
altsys language french
git-svn-id: https://xoopscube.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xoopscube/Package_Legacy/trunk@1099 704cf05f-ae62-4b0e-a484-234ee0250e75
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | ||
4 | + | |
5 | + | |
6 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MD_A_AINTHEME_FMT_PUBLICTOP' , 'Public Top de %s' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MD_A_AINTHEME_FMT_ADMINTOP' , 'Admin Top de %s' ) ; | |
5 | + | |
6 | + | |
7 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +// definitions for editing blocks | |
4 | +define("_MB_ALTSYS_OPENCLOSE","Ouvrir/Fermer"); | |
5 | +define("_MB_ALTSYS_THISTEMPLATE","Template du bloc"); | |
6 | + | |
7 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +if( defined( 'FOR_XOOPS_LANG_CHECKER' ) ) $mydirname = 'd3forum' ; | |
4 | +$constpref = '_MB_' . strtoupper( $mydirname ) ; | |
5 | + | |
6 | +if( defined( 'FOR_XOOPS_LANG_CHECKER' ) || ! defined( $constpref.'_LOADED' ) ) { | |
7 | + | |
8 | +define( $constpref.'_LOADED' , 1 ) ; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +// definitions for displaying blocks | |
11 | +// Since altsys is a singleton moudle, this file has non-sense. | |
12 | + | |
13 | +} | |
14 | + | |
15 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_FMT_MSG_ENCLOSEBYCOMMENT' , '%d template caches have been enclosed by tplsadmin comments' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_ENCLOSEBYCOMMENT' , 'Implant comments' ) ; | |
5 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_ENCLOSEBYCOMMENT' , 'Two HTML comments will be implanted in the begging/ending point of each templates. Since this rarely breaks its design, it is recommended to professionals can read HTML itself' ) ; | |
6 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_CNF_ENCLOSEBYCOMMENT' , 'Compiled template caches will be enclosed by tplsadmin comments. Are you OK?' ) ; | |
7 | + | |
8 | + | |
9 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_FMT_MSG_ENCLOSEBYBORDEREDDIV' , '%d template caches have been enclosed by div tags' ) ; | |
10 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_ENCLOSEBYBORDEREDDIV' , 'Implant div tags' ) ; | |
11 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_ENCLOSEBYBORDEREDDIV' , 'Each templates will be enclosed by black-bordered div tags. A link for editing controller of tplsadmin will be implanted into each templates. Though this often cause destructions in designing, you can edit each templates the most instictively and easily.' ) ; | |
12 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_CNF_ENCLOSEBYBORDEREDDIV' , 'Compiled template caches will be enclosed by div tags. Are you OK?' ) ; | |
13 | + | |
14 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_FMT_MSG_HOOKSAVEVARS' , '%d template caches have been implanted hooking logics to collect template varibles' ) ; | |
15 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_HOOKSAVEVARS' , 'Implant logics to collect template variables' ) ; | |
16 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_HOOKSAVEVARS' , 'The first step of getting the informations of template variables in your site. The template vars infos will be collected when public sides of your site is displayed. If all templates you want to edit are displayed, get template vars info by underlying buttons.' ) ; | |
17 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_CNF_HOOKSAVEVARS' , 'Compiled template caches will be implanted the logics to collect template variables. Are you OK?' ) ; | |
18 | + | |
19 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_FMT_MSG_REMOVEHOOKS' , '%d template caches have been normalized' ) ; | |
20 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_REMOVEHOOKS' , 'Normalize compiled template caches' ) ; | |
21 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_REMOVEHOOKS' , 'This removes comments/div tags/logics implanted by upper operations from each compiled template caches.' ) ; | |
22 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_CNF_REMOVEHOOKS' , 'Are you OK for normlizing?' ) ; | |
23 | + | |
24 | + | |
25 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_MSG_CLEARCACHE' , 'Template caches are removed' ) ; | |
26 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_MSG_CREATECOMPILECACHEFIRST' , 'There are no compiled template caches. Create complied template caches by displaying public sides of your site, first' ) ; | |
27 | + | |
28 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_CNF_DELETEOK' , 'Delete OK?' ) ; | |
29 | + | |
30 | + | |
31 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_GETTPLSVARSINFO_DW' , 'Get info of template variables as DreamWeaver Extensions' ) ; | |
32 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_GETTPLSVARSINFO_DW' , 'Open Macromedia Extension Manager, first.<br />Extract the download archive.<br />Execute the files which extensions are .mxi and you will meet installing dialogs.<br />The snippets for template variables of your site will be usable after restarting Dream Weaver.' ) ; | |
33 | + | |
34 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_GETTEMPLATES' , 'Download templates' ) ; | |
35 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_GETTEMPLATES' , 'Select a set before pushing either button' ) ; | |
36 | + | |
37 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_FMT_MSG_PUTTEMPLATES' , '%d templates are imported.' ) ; | |
38 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DT_PUTTEMPLATES' , 'Upload templates' ) ; | |
39 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_DD_PUTTEMPLATES' , 'Select a set you want to upload/overwrite before uploading zip/tgz archive including template files (.html). You need not to check depths of the paths in the archive.' ) ; | |
40 | + | |
41 | + | |
42 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_ERR_NOTUPLOADED' , 'No files are uploaded.' ) ; | |
43 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_ERR_EXTENSION' , 'This extension cannot be recognized.' ) ; | |
44 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDARCHIVE' , 'The archive is not extractable.' ) ; | |
45 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDTPLSET' , 'Invalid set name has been specified.' ) ; | |
46 | + | |
47 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_ERR_NOTPLSVARSINFO' , 'There are no template vars info files.' ) ; | |
48 | + | |
49 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_NUMCAP_COMPILEDCACHES' , 'Compiled template caches' ) ; | |
50 | +define( '_TPLSADMIN_NUMCAP_TPLSVARS' , 'Template vars info files' ) ; | |
51 | + | |
52 | + | |
53 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MODULENAME' , 'ALTSYS' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MODULEDESC' , 'Gestion simplifi馥 du syst鑪e' ) ; | |
5 | + | |
6 | +// menus | |
7 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_CUSTOMBLOCKS' , 'Blocs personnalis駸' ) ; | |
8 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_NEWCUSTOMBLOCK' , 'Cr馥r un Nouveau Bloc' ) ; | |
9 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYBLOCKSADMIN' , 'Blocs des Modules' ) ; | |
10 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYTPLSADMIN' , 'Templates' ) ; | |
11 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_COMPILEHOOKADMIN' , 'Templates Advanc駸' ) ; | |
12 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYLANGADMIN' , 'Langages' ) ; | |
13 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_ADVANCEDLANGADMIN' , 'Langages Advanc駸' ) ; | |
14 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYAVATAR' , 'Avatars' ) ; | |
15 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYSMILEY' , 'Emoticones' ) ; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +// blocks | |
18 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_BNAME_ADMIN_MENU' , 'Menu Admin' ) ; | |
19 | + | |
20 | +// configs | |
21 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_HFT' , 'Rewrite admin menu' ) ; | |
22 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_HFTDSC' , 'If your admin menu is broken, remove cache/adminmenu.php. This feature works only with XOOPS 2.0.x' ) ; | |
23 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_AMHFT_OPT_2COL' , 'Two columns of module icons' ) ; | |
24 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_AMHFT_OPT_NOIMG' , 'IMG to TEXT' ) ; | |
25 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_AMHFT_OPT_XCSTY' , 'Like XoopsCube Legacy 2.1' ) ; | |
26 | + | |
27 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_IM' , 'Copy mymenu links into admin menu' ) ; | |
28 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_IMDSC' , 'If your admin menu is broken, remove cache/adminmenu.php. This feature works only with XOOPS 2.0.x' ) ; | |
29 | + | |
30 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ADMIN_IN_THEME' , 'Theme set for admin' ) ; | |
31 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ADMIN_IN_THEMEDSC' , 'Set the name of the theme displaying admin area. Insert a line just after including common.php in mainfile.php<br />include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.\'/libs/altsys/include/admin_in_theme.inc.php\';<br /> to enable this. This feature works only with XOOPS 2.0.x' ) ; | |
32 | + | |
33 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ENABLEFORCECLONE' , 'Forcer tous les blocs CLONABLE' ) ; | |
34 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_ENABLEFORCECLONEDSC' , 'Vous devriez savoir que l\'utilisation de multiples instances d\'un bloc sur une m麥e page peut provoquer des erreurs d\'affichage' ) ; | |
35 | + | |
36 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_IMAGES_DIR','R駱ertoire pour les fichiers image'); | |
37 | +define( '_MI_ALTSYS_IMAGES_DIRDSC','chemin relatif dans le r駱ertoire du module. par d馭aut: images'); | |
38 | + | |
39 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERMUPDATED' , 'Permissions updated successfully' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BLOCKADMIN' , 'Blocks administration' ) ; | |
5 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NAME' , 'Name' ) ; | |
6 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_TITLE' , 'Title' ) ; | |
7 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_SIDE' , 'Side' ) ; | |
8 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_SBLEFT' , 'o --- - Gauche' ) ; | |
9 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_SBRIGHT' , '- --- o Droite' ) ; | |
10 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CBLEFT' , '- o-- - CENTRE-GAUCHE' ) ; | |
11 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CBRIGHT' , '- --o - CENTRE-DROIT' ) ; | |
12 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CBCENTER' , '- -o- - CENTRE' ) ; | |
13 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_VISIBLE' , 'Visible' ) ; | |
14 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_WEIGHT' , 'Ordre' ) ; | |
15 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_VISIBLEIN' , 'Visible sur' ) ; | |
16 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CONTENT' , 'Contenu' ) ; | |
17 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CAPT_USABLETAGS' , 'Tags Utilisables' ) ; | |
18 | ||
19 | ||
20 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_EDITTPL' , 'Editer le template' ) ; | |
21 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_OPTIONS' , 'Option du Bloc' ) ; | |
22 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BCACHETIME' , 'Temps du Cache' ) ; | |
23 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_ACTION' , 'Action' ) ; | |
24 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_DESCRIPTION' , 'Description' ) ; | |
25 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_TOPPAGE' , 'Top Page' ) ; | |
26 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_ALLPAGES' , 'Toutes les Pages' ) ; | |
27 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERMFORM' , 'Permissions' ) ; | |
28 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERM_MADMIN' , 'Admin module' ) ; | |
29 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERM_MREAD' , 'Acc鑚 module' ) ; | |
30 | ||
31 | ||
32 | + | |
33 | + | |
34 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CLONEFORM' , 'Cloner le bloc' ) ; | |
35 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NEWFORM' , 'Cr馥r un bloc' ) ; | |
36 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_EDITFORM' , 'Editer un bloc' ) ; | |
37 | + | |
38 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_LINK_FORCECLONE' , 'Forcer clonage' ) ; | |
39 | + | |
40 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_CLONE' , 'Cloner' ) ; | |
41 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_NEW' , 'Cr馥r' ) ; | |
42 | ||
43 | + | |
44 | ||
45 | ||
46 | ||
47 | ||
48 | + | |
49 | +define( '_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NOTICE4COMMONFCK' , 'Si vous voulez utiliser l\'馘iteur WYSIWYG, installez common / FCKeditor' ) ; | |
50 | + | |
51 | + | |
52 | +// Group permission phrases | |
53 | +define('_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERMADDNG', 'Impossible d\'ajouter %s permissions de %s pour le groupe %s'); | |
54 | ||
55 | +define('_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERMRESETNG','impossible de supprimer permissions de groupe pour le module %s'); | |
56 | +define('_MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_PERMADDNGP', 'Tous les articles de la cat馮orie parent doivent 黎re s駘ectionn駸.'); | |
57 | + | |
58 | + | |
59 | +?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_H3_MODULE' , 'Module cible' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_CACHEUPDATED' , 'Le fichier de cache a 騁 mis jour' ) ; | |
5 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_BTN_UPDATE' , 'Mise jour' ) ; | |
6 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_BTN_RESET' , 'r駟nitialiser' ) ; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_TH_CONSTANTNAME' , 'Nom de la Constante' ) ; | |
9 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_TH_DEFAULTVALUE' , 'Valeur par d馭aut' ) ; | |
10 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_TH_USERVALUE' , 'Valeur de Utilisateur' ) ; | |
11 | + | |
12 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_NOTE_ADDEDBYMYLANG' , '(constante ajout馥 par utilisateur)' ) ; | |
13 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_DT_MYLANGFILENAME' , 'Re馗riture partielle du nom de fichier' ) ; | |
14 | + | |
15 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_DT_CACHEFILENAME' , 'Nom du fichier en Cache' ) ; | |
16 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_DT_CACHESTATUS' , 'Mise en Cache du statut' ) ; | |
17 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_CREATED' , 'Cr鳬' ) ; | |
18 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_NOTCREATED' , 'N\'a pas 騁 cr鳬 pour l\'instant' ) ; | |
19 | + | |
20 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODNOLANGUAGE' , 'Le module s駘ectionn n\'a pas de dossier de la langue' ) ; | |
21 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODLANGINCOMPATIBLE' , 'Le module s駘ectionn a une structure incompatible' ) ; | |
22 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODEMPTYLANGDIR' , 'Le module s駘ectionn n\'a pas de fichier langue de re馗riture' ) ; | |
23 | + | |
24 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_MSG_D3LANGMANENABLED' , 'Le syst鑪e de re馗riture est activ d鑚 maintenant.' ) ; | |
25 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_FMT_HOWTOENABLED3LANGMAN4XCL' , 'Le syst鑪e de re馗riture est d駸ormais d駸activ? Pour l\'activer, copiez "%s" dans "%s"' ) ; | |
26 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_MSG_HOWTOENABLED3LANGMAN4X2' , 'Le syst鑪e de re馗riture ne peut pas fonctionner avec ce noyau de XOOPS, sauf quelques modules D3. Si vous souhaitez l\'activer avec ce noyau, essayez de modifier comme ceci:' ) ; | |
27 | +define( '_MYLANGADMIN_MSG_NOTICE4ALREADYREAD' , 'Puisque ce fichier a d駛 騁 lu par le syst鑪e, cette colonne repr駸ente la valeur actuelle' ) ; | |
28 | + | |
29 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MD_A_MYPREFERENCES_FORMTITLE' , 'Pr馭駻ences Modules' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MD_A_MYPREFERENCES_UPDATED' , 'Mise jour avec succ鑚 des pr馭駻ences' ) ; | |
5 | + | |
6 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CREATE_NEW_TPLSET' , 'Cr馥r une nouvelle s駻ie' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CAPTION_BASE' , 'Base' ) ; | |
5 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CAPTION_SETNAME' , 'nom' ) ; | |
6 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_OPT_BLANKSET' , '(vide)' ) ; | |
7 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CAPTION_COPYTO' , '? ) ; | |
8 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_BTN_COPY' , 'COPIER' ) ; | |
9 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_TITLE_CHECKALL' , 'Activer / d駸activer toutes les cases de cette ligne' ) ; | |
10 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CNF_DELETE_SELECTED_TEMPLATES' , 'Tous les templates s駘ectionn駸 dans l\'ensemble (ligne) seront supprim駸. Voulez-vous confirmer?' ) ; | |
11 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CNF_COPY_SELECTED_TEMPLATES' , 'Tous les templates s駘ectionn駸 dans l\'ensemble (ligne) seront copi駸/馗ras dans l\'ensemble s駘ectionn? Voulez-vous confirmer?' ) ; | |
12 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_TH_NAME' , 'Nom template name' ) ; | |
13 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_TH_TYPE' , 'type' ) ; | |
14 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_TH_FILE' , 'fichier source' ) ; | |
15 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_NOTPLFILE' , "Aucun template s駘ectionn?" ) ; | |
16 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDTPLSET' , "L\'ensemble de destination est le m麥e que la source, ou aucun ensemble de templates n\'a 騁 sp馗ifi?" ) ; | |
17 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_CANTREMOVEDEFAULT' , "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer l'ensemble 'default'." ) ; | |
18 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_DUPLICATEDSETNAME' , "Ce nom d'ensemble de templates existe d駛?" ) ; | |
19 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_ERR_INVALIDSETNAME' , "un mauvais nom d'ensemble de templates a 騁 sp馗ifi?" ) ; | |
20 | + | |
21 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_H3_MODULE' , 'Module' ) ; | |
22 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_BTN_NEWTPLSET' , 'cr馥r' ) ; | |
23 | + | |
24 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_DBUPDATED' , 'Mise jour avec succ鑚 des Templates' ) ; | |
25 | + | |
26 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CUSTOMTEMPLATE' , 'Template personnalis? ) ; | |
27 | +define( '_MYTPLSADMIN_CREATENEWCUSTOMTEMPLATE' , 'Cr馥r un nouveau template personnalis? ) ; | |
28 | + | |
29 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ | ||
1 | +<?php | |
2 | + | |
3 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_TPLSADMIN' , 'Templates' ) ; | |
4 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_EDIT' , 'Edition du template' ) ; | |
5 | ||
6 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_CREATED' , 'Template cr鳬 avec succ鑚' ) ; | |
7 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_LABEL_TPLFILE' , 'Nom du Template' ) ; | |
8 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_BTN_MODIFYCONT' , 'Renvoyer' ) ; | |
9 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_BTN_MODIFYEND' , 'Sauvegarder et Terminer' ) ; | |
10 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_BTN_CREATE' , 'Cr馥r' ) ; | |
11 | +define( '_MD_A_MYTPLSFORM_BTN_RESET' , 'Annuler' ) ; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +?> | |
\ No newline at end of file |