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varius official platform source code.

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Rev.TimeAuthorMessage RSS
48e991892023-04-03 20:30:45NknightAfirst
012df3962023-04-03 17:10:57NknightAthis branch final update
fad800112023-04-03 15:01:56NknightAconfigulation server files.
81f212022023-04-02 23:39:15NknightAstart develop for android app
8b2c33a02023-04-02 23:27:28NknightAstart develop for android app
08e840362023-04-02 22:59:30NknightAglobal update
380bdd9f2023-04-02 20:57:44NknightAremove modules
06c35baa2023-04-02 20:56:27NknightAMerge branch 'master' of git.osdn.net:/gitroot/projectv/s...
34d689fc2023-04-02 20:49:19NknightAfix
61fb1ea12023-04-02 17:55:24NknightAudpate


Create an App

# with npx
$ npx create-nextron-app my-app --example with-tailwindcss

# with yarn
$ yarn create nextron-app my-app --example with-tailwindcss

# with pnpx
$ pnpx create-nextron-app my-app --example with-tailwindcss

Install Dependencies

$ cd my-app

# using yarn or npm
$ yarn (or `npm install`)

# using pnpm
$ pnpm install --shamefully-hoist

Use it

# development mode
$ yarn dev (or `npm run dev` or `pnpm run dev`)

# production build
$ yarn build (or `npm run build` or `pnpm run build`)

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