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Modbus Test

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Modbus TCP comunication test

Read discrete and analogs from a modbus tcp server. And write discrete or analog to the modbus tcp server

Leer discretos y analogos desde un servidor modbus tcp. Y escribir discreto o analogo hacia el servidor modbus tcp

Release Files

FilenameSizeTimeDownload count
_LEEME_.pdf116.74 k2020-05-11 04:57:5238
ModbusTest.png55.28 k2020-05-11 03:42:4849
ModbusTest2.exe8.07 M2020-04-29 10:42:17171
Modbus_Test2 (copia 1).py25.56 k2020-04-29 10:41:0162
config.txt2712020-04-29 10:40:5242
Modbus_Test2.py25.56 k2020-04-29 10:40:3657

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