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  • 17:33: [PF/Files] Information for openframeworks_osx_make-alpha_v1.1.tar.gz has been updated

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OpenFrameworks Mac OS X用のプロジェクト

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Mac OS Xのmake環境でOpenFrameworksプロジェクト作成できるように整備したもの


リリースファイル (Release Files)

FilenameSizeTimeDownload count
openframeworks_osx_make-alpha_v1.1.tar.gz41.76 M2013-11-23 11:15:1741
openframeworks_osx_make-alpha_v1.0.tar.gz23.4 M2013-09-29 20:39:0728

最近のコミット (Recent Commits)

Rev.TimeAuthorMessage RSS
ccb58a8c2013-11-24 15:51:55Osamu Sambuichiadd apps/stkExample
505da3782013-11-24 15:49:00Osamu Sambuichiupdate ofxStk interface
15bfec4d2013-11-23 12:51:21Osamu Sambuichiupdate README
3d6803cf2013-11-23 12:38:56osamu sambuichicrea create makefiles directory. move common Makefiles to...
613ed7292013-11-22 17:24:53osamu sambuichiupdate Makefile for graphicExample, audioExample
a1d2f7842013-11-22 17:18:15osamu sambuichiremove libs folder use addons/stk
a364f1c42013-11-22 17:08:40osamu sambuichiupdate Makefile
582a202c2013-11-22 16:52:24osamu sambuichiupdate README
6f8eb9c42013-11-22 16:50:09osamu sambuichiremove unused files
211075322013-11-22 16:46:22osamu sambuichiadd addons/ofxStk add apps/stkExample

OpenFrameworks Makefile project for OSX
It's based on of_v0.8.0_osx_release

./of_v0.8.0_osx_release is Of lib & headers.
./apps is project folder.
./makefiles is common Makefile included by apps/xxx/Makefile

[how to use]
* use existing
$ cd apps/graphicsExample
$ make
$ ./graphicsExample
or Double Click graphicsExample.app in Finder

* ready your new app
$ cd apps/
$ cp -r graphicsExample myOfSketch
$ cd myOfSketch/
$ vi Makefile
Edit PROGRAM, APPNAME in Makefile.
PROGRAM       = myOfSketch
APPNAME       = myOfSketch.app
$ vi Info.plist
Edit string of key CFBundleExecutable.
$ make
myOfSketch, myOfSketch.app will be created.

最近更新されたチケット (Latest updated Tickets)

TitlePriorityMilestoneTagsCreated atLast Update
stkExampleにキーボード操作追加Middle機能追加2013-11-24 16:09:282013-11-24 16:09:28
ture type fontを使おうとすると実行時エラーMiddle2013-09-29 21:00:432013-09-29 21:00:43


openframeworks_osx_make/apps/graphicsExampleなどの、各appsディレクトリ以下でmakeコマンド使ってビルドする Openframeworksのライブラリなどはopenframeworks_osx_make/apps/Makefile-of.mkから参照している