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Commit MetaInfo

Revision78946eebd430f8866e5a45965d6cb68dc313c842 (tree)
Time2019-02-03 19:38:26
Authortakemasa <suikan@user...>

Log Message

Added doxygen comment

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/NUCLEO-F746ZG.xml
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/NUCLEO-F746ZG.xml
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
1212 <targetDefinitions>
1313 <board id="nucleo-f746zg">
1414 <name>NUCLEO-F746ZG</name>
15- <dbgIF>SWD</dbgIF>
1615 <dbgIF>JTAG</dbgIF>
16+ <dbgIF>SWD</dbgIF>
1717 <dbgDEV>ST-Link</dbgDEV>
1818 <mcuId>stm32f746zgtx</mcuId>
1919 </board>
--- a/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/task.hpp
+++ b/stm32_development/murasaki/murasaki/task.hpp
@@ -18,19 +18,39 @@ namespace murasaki {
1818 * This class is handy class to encapsulate the task creation without inheriting.
1919 * A task can be created easy like :
2020 * @code
21+ * // For demonstration of FreeRTOS task.
22+ * murasaki::platform.task1 = new murasaki::Task(
23+ * "Master",
24+ * 256,
25+ * (( configMAX_PRIORITIES > 1) ? 1 : 0),
26+ * nullptr,
27+ * &TaskBodyFunction
28+ * );
29+ * @endcode
30+ *
31+ * Then, task you can call Start() member function to run.
2132 *
33+ * @code
34+ * murasaki::platform.task1->Start();
2235 * @endcode
2336 *
2437 */
2538 class Task : public murasaki::AbstractTask {
2639 public:
2740 /**
41+ * @brief Ease to use task class.
42+ * @param task_name A name of task. This is relevant to the FreeRTOS's API manner.
43+ * @param stack_depth Task stack size by byte.
44+ * @param task_priority The task priority. Max priority is defined by configMAX_PRIOIRTIES in FreeRTOSConfig.h
45+ * @param task_parameter A pointer to the parameter passed to task.
46+ * @param task_body_func A pointer to the task body function.
47+ * @details
48+ * Create an task object. Given parameters are stored internally. And then passed to the
49+ * FreeRTOS API when task is started by Start() member function.
50+ *
51+ * A task parameter can be passed to task through the task_parameter. This pointer is simply passed
52+ * to the task body function without modification.
2853 *
29- * @param task_name
30- * @param stack_depth
31- * @param task_priority
32- * @param task_parameter
33- * @param task_body_func
3454 */
3555 Task(
3656 const char * task_name,
@@ -41,15 +61,18 @@ class Task : public murasaki::AbstractTask {
4262 protected:
4363 /**
44- *
45- * @param ptr
64+ * @brief Task member function.
65+ * @param ptr The task_parameter parameter of the constructor is passed to this parameter.
66+ * @details
67+ * This member function runs as task. In this function, the function passed thorough task_body_func parameter
68+ * is invoked as actual task body.
4669 */
4770 virtual void TaskBody(const void * ptr);
4972 private:
5073 /**
5174 *
52- * @param
75+ * @brief A storage for the pointer to the task body function.
5376 */
5477 void (*task_body_func_)(const void *);
5578 };