Recent Changes


Latest File Release

AIR GEAR (1.0.4)2009-12-31 01:10
AmaterasERD (1.0.9)2012-06-13 15:15
AmaterasERD Extension (1.0.0)2011-02-11 17:27
AmaterasIDEInstaller (2.0.6)2009-05-11 01:47
AmaterasUML (1.3.4)2012-07-16 23:52
BootJava (1.2)2004-08-30 09:13
csv-lib (1.2)2004-04-24 18:01
EclipseHTMLEditor (2.2.0)2012-12-28 03:18
epcb-csv (1.1.1)2005-04-29 23:30
ExcelPettyCashBook (1.2.0)2005-04-29 23:28
ExcelPettyCashBook-all (20050429)2005-04-29 23:32
ExcelPettyCashBook-src (20050429)2005-04-29 23:34
FacesIDE (2.0.6)2008-09-06 22:46
FuzzyXML (1.0.0)2007-07-17 17:04
IPMsg (1.6)2004-07-12 15:00
JavaCVS (1.4)2005-05-01 06:21
JavadocSearch (0.0.3)2003-12-18 11:14
Java Standard EL Functions (1.1.2)2011-01-19 08:14
Mirage (1.1.5)2012-04-15 18:46
rdiff-backup-browser (1.0.0)2010-11-18 01:12
SAStrutsPlugin (1.0.1)2009-04-16 01:14
sns (3.12)2006-12-05 13:04
StepCounter (3.0.2)2013-06-15 12:10
StrutsIDE (2.0.7)2010-07-05 01:22
Translations (m2eclipse0.0.10)2007-05-18 06:23
XLSBeans (1.2.1)2011-07-05 14:54

Wiki Guide

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Contribute AmaterasERD to Eclipse DTP project

DTP Integration

First step:

  • Reverse engineering using DTP profile instead of AmaterasERD JDBC configuration.
    • Also it might be possible to make real time synchronization between ERD and database schema in the future.
  • Direct database creation through DTP profile from ERD.

Second step:

At first, we aim to join DTP incubator project.


  • IDEF1x diagram view.
  • Customizable generic data-type support.
  • Move up and down columns in the table editing dialog.
  • The outline view should show outline tree of ERD models.
  • Oracle support.