Forums: ユーザフォーラム (Thread #44933)

HH Pedal notes (2021-12-18 13:51 by Meow #88418)

Thank you for adding HH pedal note support (lane code 1B). Is there a way in DTXMania to make it look different to the normal HH note. They look the same and it is confusing when playing.

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Re: HH Pedal notes (2021-12-19 12:49 by yyagi #88419)

Hi Meow, about this topic, would you move to the ticket #43419?

# At Forum, I can't attach images to the thread, At Ticket, I can.

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Re: HH Pedal notes (2022-03-26 12:16 by Meow #89165)

Reply To Message #88419

Hi Meow, about this topic, would you move to the ticket #43419? # At Forum, I can't attach images to the thread, At Ticket, I can.

Hi yyagi, Will there be an update for the HH pedal notes? Thanks

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