Ticket #23857


Open Date: 2010-12-08 09:22 Last Update: 2011-04-03 04:39

5 - Medium
5 - Medium
Score: 0
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Add Minimum velocity value for all pads to control crosstalk.

Ticket History (3/16 Histories)

2010-12-08 09:22 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "VelocityMin" created
2010-12-09 00:34 Updated by: yyagi

Though implementing minimum velocity feature for all pads is very easy, I'd like you to ask that...

Many E-Drums already have the feature to avoid crosstalk. (e.g. "canceling crosstalk" (Roland), "rejection" (YAMAHA)...)

Please let me know what E-Drum do you use? Your E-drums doesn't have the feature, right?

2010-12-12 05:55 Updated by: None

Yoki dd908 brain will only adjust so much.

2010-12-30 12:23 Updated by: yyagi
  • Owner Update from (None) to yyagi

I made a test implementation for VelocityMin. Would you test it?


Please start this DTXMania and close it. Then you can use VelocityMin in Config.ini.

2011-01-07 22:26 Updated by: billkwando

Reply To yyagi

I made a test implementation for VelocityMin. Would you test it? tp://yyagi.com/DTXMania086_Test_VelocityMin.zip Please start this DTXMania and close it. Then you can use VelocityMin in Config.ini.

I just found out about this yesterday, sorry. I will try to test it today and get back to you.

2011-01-07 23:43 Updated by: yyagi

Billkwando; Thanks for your testing. I'm looking foward to see your good news.

2011-01-08 06:58 Updated by: billkwando

Reply To yyagi

Billkwando; Thanks for your testing. I'm looking foward to see your good news.

I haven't been able to test it yet cos I get a DTX Runtime Error in Japanese when I start it that says something about d3d9_43.dll and Direct Regist and DXSETUP.exe and DirectX

2011-01-08 07:39 Updated by: billkwando

It won't let me post an image, and says "Rejected, your post seems a spam". LOL

2011-01-08 10:27 Updated by: yyagi

Please install the LATEST DirectX runtime (June 2010 or later).

(Ok, I'll prepare both English and Japanese error messages in DTXMania soon)

2011-01-10 01:46 Updated by: billkwando

Reply To yyagi

Please install the LATEST DirectX runtime (June 2010 or later). (Ok, I'll prepare both English and Japanese error messages in DTXMania soon)

Thanks! Maokejackson explained it to me and gave me the link to the runtime. I can open the program now, and I will test it today. :)

2011-01-12 12:11 Updated by: billkwando

I tried it and it worked GREAT! Used to be when I played Unmei no Mukou (運命の向こう) my mid tom would hit for no reason every 3rd or 4th time I kicked the bass drum. This fixed it completely, as far as I can tell. It's 100 times better than it was before (my ride still randomly goes off occasionally), and I have a feeling that with a little more tweaking (between VelocityMin and my brain) that I could get it perfect. Right now I have the pad setting at 20, and the hihat setting at 5 (which seems to work fine).

Thanks SO MUCH! I haven't played drums in over a year (but kept making simfiles...yes, I'm odd) until TODAY, partly because I was so frustrated with the crosstalk in DTXMania, and this got me back behind the kit and playing again! That's partly why it took me so long (sorry!). I had to get my kit all configured again with a different computer and install the midi cable drivers and test everything before I could try it in DTXM. I have at LEAST 5 simfiles that I made since I quit, but have never actually played before, that I'll get to try out now! Kaze ni Kienaide and White Feathers, here I come! LOL

Thangs again!!!!

2011-01-13 01:01 Updated by: yyagi
  • Resolution Update from None to Fixed

Thanks for testing. It seems no probrem. I am relieved to hear that.

This VelocityMin feeature has included in next release of DTXMania(087). It will be coming soon.

About 088, from your comment, You may need individual VelocityMin into all lanes (e.g. RDVelocityMin, SDVelocityMin,...). If you strongly want it, please let me know again.

I will close this ticket after releasing 087. Thx.

2011-01-13 03:06 Updated by: billkwando

I think having one for each pad would be a great idea, if it's not too hard for you to implement. Maybe have a general setting like you have now, and a "by pad" one for those who need it?

2011-01-14 01:40 Updated by: yyagi

I see. Maybe "by pad" VelocityMin will be inplemented in 088 or later.

2011-01-15 10:26 Updated by: yyagi
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Ticket Close date is changed to 2011-01-15 10:26

087 is released. The ticket closed.

2011-04-03 04:39 Updated by: yyagi
  • Type Update from Feature Requests to 新規機能リクエスト
  • Component Update from (None) to DTXMania

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