#46069: Clean up AI defense building code Open Date: 2022-11-15 19:38 Last Update: 2022-12-13 14:26 URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net//projects/freeciv/ticket/46069 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=12505&tid=46069 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket: 2022-12-13 14:26 Updated by: ihnatus Comment: Reply To cazfi Has city_got_defense_effect() changed to do the checking with "Certain"? Has it ever been different? It uses, underlyingly, get_target_bonus_effects() that evaluates to RPT_CERTAIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket Status: Reporter: ihnatus Owner: (None) Type: Bugs Status: Open Priority: 5 - Medium MileStone: (None) Component: AI Severity: 5 - Medium Resolution: None --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket details: More a meta-task related to HRM923112 and #45592, maybe I have missed some more tickets. Just some code location2s seem totally unworking. In autogames, I see whole continents conquered by a handful of barbarians because tbe cities are too busy building libraries or too failed to upkeep a lame warrior. Now, one of places that I'm almost sure does not work, dai_process_defender_want in daimilitary.c: bool walls = city_got_defense_effect(pcity, NULL); Since defense effects are mostly unit class related, we get FALSE here. int limit_cost = pcity->shield_stock + 40; //... && limit_cost <= pcity->shield_stock + 40 This variable is not modified, some redundant check. Also, I have already noticed some stange treatment of UTYF_BADCITYDEFENDER across the code. -- Ticket information of Freeciv project Freeciv Project is hosted on OSDN Project URL: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ OSDN: https://osdn.net URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ticket/46069 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=12505&tid=46069