Unit-related requirements at Tile range
I consider this blocked by #43682, given that we should clean up current behavior before expanding it.
Part of this (UnitFlag requirements) is being implemented in RM #369.
UnitType requirement is handled in https://redmine.freeciv.org/issues/347
These leave UnitClass and UnitClassFlag requirements.
Reply To cazfi
UnitType requirement is handled in https://redmine.freeciv.org/issues/347 These leave UnitClass and UnitClassFlag requirements.
Split UnitClassFlag part to https://redmine.freeciv.org/issues/401
UnitClass remains in this ticket.
Split from / follow-up to HRM#695469.
With the new Tile range removing ambiguity, any requirements relating to units can be given meanings of "for any unit on this tile", and correspondingly for CAdjacent and Adjacent.