Follow-up to #44035; required for #44038. To be able to emulate alltemperate and singlepole requirements, we need latitude requirements at World range. This also means introducing MaxLatitude requirements, since simply negating a MinLatitude requirement at larger ranges doesn't produce the desired effect. This is also the best opportunity to expand latitude requirements to Adjacent and CAdjacent ranges.
To avoid redundancy, negated MinLatitude and MaxLatitude requirements at Tile range should not be allowed, since they can be emulated by the respective other requirement type.
Follow-up to #44035; required for #44038. To be able to emulate alltemperate and singlepole requirements, we need latitude requirements at World range. This also means introducing MaxLatitude requirements, since simply negating a MinLatitude requirement at larger ranges doesn't produce the desired effect. This is also the best opportunity to expand latitude requirements to Adjacent and CAdjacent ranges.
To avoid redundancy, negated MinLatitude and MaxLatitude requirements at Tile range should not be allowed, since they can be emulated by the respective other requirement type.