Ticket #47636

civ2civ3 Help for Barracks needs some tweaking

Open Date: 2023-03-22 03:50 Last Update: 2023-04-08 22:08

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


From https://www.hostedredmine.com/issues/857352 reported by chippo :

The help currently reads:

"With a Barracks, each new land unit built in a city will automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and defense strengths are increased by 50%. Also, damaged land units which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely restored."

But that's not true for ALL land units.

Ticket History (3/16 Histories)

2023-03-22 03:50 Updated by: cazfi
  • New Ticket "civ2civ3 Help for Barracks needs some tweaking" created
2023-03-22 04:46 Updated by: bard

I think the confusing part in civ2civ3 is that land in this case includes "Land" and "Big Land" classes, but not "Small Land".

My suggestion would be to include them all, so "Small Land" units do are fully restored by barracks, and the helptext could be changed to:

helptext = _("\
With a Barracks, each new MILITARY land unit built in a city will\
automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
defense strengths are increased by 50%.\
"), _("\
Also, damaged land units which stay in town for one full turn\
without moving are completely restored.\
(Edited, 2023-03-22 04:51 Updated by: bard)
2023-03-22 23:40 Updated by: cazfi
2023-04-01 23:32 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To bard

I think the confusing part in civ2civ3 is that land in this case includes "Land" and "Big Land" classes, but not "Small Land". My suggestion would be to include them all, so "Small Land" units do are fully restored by barracks

And similar change for Sun Tzu? I'm making a patch on that assumption at the moment.

2023-04-01 23:58 Updated by: cazfi
  • Owner Update from (None) to cazfi
  • Resolution Update from None to Accepted

Would these do?

2023-04-02 00:14 Updated by: cazfi

Porting "Barracks" UnitClassFlag part also to S3_0 -> #47738

2023-04-02 11:31 Updated by: bard
(This comment has been deleted)
2023-04-02 11:41 Updated by: bard

There are a couple of issue I'm going to check first:

- I forgot that Merchant class (Caravans) are also Land units that should recover HP from barracks

- Sun Tzu should not create experienced workers/engineers. I'm not sure if this patch would allow it

2023-04-02 11:52 Updated by: bard

Reply To bard

- Sun Tzu should not create experienced workers/engineers. I'm not sure if this patch would allow it

Sun Tzu seems ok, because nonmil flag prevents it from happening.

- I forgot that Merchant class (Caravans) are also Land units that should recover HP from barracks

If you give the flag "Barracks" to Merchant class too, I think the patch will be more complete (including all land units).

Sorry me that I'm not doing this kind of patches. I'm afraid I can not work on freeciv the way I'd like to.

2023-04-02 15:56 Updated by: cazfi
  • Resolution Update from Accepted to None
2023-04-03 12:05 Updated by: cazfi
  • Resolution Update from None to Accepted

Reply To bard

If you give the flag "Barracks" to Merchant class too, I think the patch will be more complete (including all land units).

Done in a new version.

2023-04-08 22:08 Updated by: cazfi
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Resolution Update from Accepted to Fixed


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