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Project Description

4Suite is a Python-based toolkit for XML and RDF application development. It features a library of integrated tools for XML processing, implementing open technologies such as DOM, RDF, XSLT, XInclude, XPointer, XLink, XPath, XUpdate, RELAX NG, and XML/SGML Catalogs. Layered upon this is an XML and RDF data repository and server, which supports multiple methods of data access, query, indexing, transformation, rich linking, and rule processing, and provides the data infrastructure of a full database system, including transactions, concurrency, access control, and management tools. It also supports HTTP, RPC, SOAP, and FTP, plus APIs in Python and XSLT.

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2004-11-20 11:04 Back to release list

Python 2.2.1 is now the oldest supported version. Numerous enhancements were made, including the ability in domlettes to control the encoding for parsing, the ability to parse from general entities, and a .xpath() convenience method on nodes. In the repository a MySQL driver was included, the Flat File driver is no longer flat, the API restructured, and an ftss URI scheme is used throughout. Scoping functions were included for Versa. The XPath and XSLT extensions were pruned for consistency with EXSLT. Minor API changes were made. There were also bugfixes and other improvements.
Tags: Development, Major feature enhancements

Project Resources