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Project Description

Geeklog is the weblog software that concentrates on performance, privacy, and security. It features Web-based administration, surveys (polls), user-customizable boxes, a friendly administration GUI with a topic manager, an option to edit or delete stories, an option to delete comments, a search engine, backend/headlines generation (RSS/Atom format), calendaring, and much more.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-07-31 04:56 Back to release list

This release addresses two security issues, an XSS in the forms used to
email a user and to email a story to a friend, and a problem with the
"Mail Story to a Friend" function not checking story permissions, so
that it was possible to email a story even if you didn't have permission
to view it on the site. Other fixes have been added for a SQL error when
submitting a story when the story submission queue is off, and for calls
to the nonexistent function COM_outputMessageAndAbort.
Tags: Security

Project Resources