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Project Description

iBookshelf is an application for cataloging your book collection and designing bookshelves based on this data. It supports ISBN entry using a CueCat, a standard barcode scanner, or manual entry. Book data is automatically fetched from Amazon Web services. Manual book entry is possible for non-catalogued books. Bookshelf design is done graphically with the Cairo drawing library, and is based on the most efficient book order.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-04-08 09:58

This new version makes available new data points for pages,
weight, volume, and density. ISBN numbers are now visible
as well. Columns are reorderable, and a new View menu
allows the user to choose which columns to display. Minor
bugfixes were also made here and there.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2005-03-16 16:09

The user can now set design parameters by using
design settings dialog. Preferences are now
persistent across sessions. In other words, the
program saves your settings. Book images may now
be refreshed with a right click. The Cuecat
decryption class has been greatly improved and may
now be used as an external library. Minor bugfixes
were made.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2005-03-12 23:41

A new eye-friendly layout was added. Better
key-bindings were implemented. All data columns
are now sortable. Major bugs were fixed, including
a crashing bug which occurred when searching on a
bad ISBN. The shelf design code was rewritten for
more efficient sorting and to eliminate the
problem with lost books. Designs may now be saved.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources