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Project Description

Logwatch analyzes and reports on system logs. It is a customizable and pluggable log-monitoring system and will go through the logs for a given period of time and make a customizable report. It should work right out of the package on most systems.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-04-07 10:25

Numerous improvements and bugfixes were made.

2005-05-17 18:33

Lots of incremental improvements and clean-ups and
bugfixes were made. Significant improvements were
made to the --range option (run --range help for
info). New services were added: audit, sonicwall,
and zz-network (which must be enabled in
logwatch.conf to make it active). The --numeric
option was added to inhibit certain DNS lookups.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2005-03-10 06:05

Just about every filter has been improved.
Numerous filters have been added. HTML email
messages are now available. Multi-platform support
was improved, so Logwatch now works to some degree
on most Unix/Linux platforms.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2004-06-23 17:23

Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2004-06-22 16:35

A few cosmetic issues that appeared in 5.2 were
Tags: Minor bugfixes

Project Resources