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Project Description

Onzen is a graphical front end for the CVS, SVN, HG and Git revision control systems. It represents the files managed by the RCS in a tree view with detailed information and offers functions to update, commit, add, remove, rename, revert, diff, view files, and many more functions.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-08 16:22

Support for sending email with JavaMail was added. Patches are stored with summary and message, and the patch number was fixed. In CVS, revert was fixed and sticky-tag is avoided for HEAD. The MIME type dialog was improved with an "add new command" checkbox. A SWT synchronization problem with some widgets was fixed. Some dialogs were made non-modal, a support review board was added, and some find fields were added. The revision tree now shows the selected revision. An action dialog was added to annotations.

2011-03-07 10:17

Initial release of Onzen with Java SWT.

Project Resources