Project Description

Project Essentionals contains functions required to start working on a project immediately. Working example code is included, with proper comments for each function. It can currently: select a record from database and output it as an array; insert a record into a database and return a new row id; update a record in a database and return a response code; delete a record from a database and return a response code; get language-related settings from a project language folder (SQL for this table is included), and do the same for importing application-related settings; generate CAPTCHA on the fly; send email; generate an ExtJS Grid; export any URL to a PDF file; maintain history for all records inserted and updated in a database; set/get sessions messages; and maintain buffers. It also supports mini session management, and error reporting. Other utility functions include replaceaccents, cleanforurl, vrxmlencode, xmlencodecharref, parsedate, unstripslashes writehiddenvar, writehiddenidvar, includejs, includecss, simpleredirect, html2specials, specials2html, getipaddress, and escape_string.

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