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Project Description

amun is a social content managment system written in based on the psx framework. The code is written in clean PHP 5 OOP, and the backend is based on ExtJS. amun is a "social" content managment system because its also an OpenSocial API container, and has other social technologies implemented like OAuth and OpenID. amun has an extensive plugin system with which you can add a lot of functionality to your Website (news, forums, etc.) so you can build a Website that has a corporate design. It produces great markup so that you can read a Website in a screen reader without Javascript or CSS. amun also helps to bootstrap social technologies by acting as a reference. You can see how you could implement an opensocial container, OAuth service provider, or OpenID consumer in a PHP Web application.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-05-18 07:12

This version includes changes to the application design and many bugfixes and overall improvements. The underlying psx framework was updated and the backend library was rewritten. The CMS was renamed from "psx cms" to "amun". The plugin system was extended and the gadget rendering was improved.
Tags: Beta

2010-04-01 01:14

Search (based on Google Web search service) and gallery plugins were added. The default template was redesigned, and new template models (3 column bottom, 2 column left) were added. The gadget system was extended, so you can now set userprefs in the backend. Several bugs were fixed.
Tags: Beta

2010-03-03 05:34

Native OpenID support to login has been added. psx cms is now an opensocial API server and uses OAuth to protect the API. A native friendship function so that a relation between users can be created has been added. User profiles have been fixed to be editable by the user. Some unnecessary plugins were removed and many bugs were fixed. The underlying psx framework was updated to the current version.
Tags: Beta

2009-10-26 01:15
0.1.5 beta

The underlying psx framework was updated to version 0.2.0. A few classes were added to the library to simplify "CRUD" tasks. Plugins can offer an API by using the psx cms API interface. Common Javascript classes were added to make it easier for plugins to create an admin panel and to offer an consistent UI. The plugin "sitemap" was added to generate an XML sitemap from your Web site. Several bugs were fixed.
Tags: Beta

2009-09-14 01:10

An auto-logout function for the frontend and backend (you can set the expire time in the system vars) was implemented. The plugin newsletter was added. Gadgets have the option to be cached. The default template was redesigned, and some bugs were fixed.
Tags: Beta

Project Resources