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Project Description

Needle is a light-weight dependency injection (aka "inversion of control") container for Ruby. It supports type 2 and type 3 injection, interceptors, hierarchical namespaces, easy configuration (in Ruby), and a flexible integrated logging subsystem.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-11-18 19:50

This release supports parameterized and multi-ton services. Also added were Container#use and #use! for specifying default options when registering services. Also, the :log_for service was added, a parameterized version of :logs. Various other minor features were added and bugfixes made.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2004-11-11 20:39

Certain internal pieces of Needle may be customized by registering services to override default implementations. These internals include the implementing class of namespaces, interceptor definitions, and definition contexts. Also, Needle::Registry now accepts a name and a parent.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2004-11-04 15:56

Logging levels may be defined more flexibly and
robustly. Container#require was added to support
service libraries. The FAQ and Users Manual are
complete (as a first draft). API stabilization and
freeze was put into effect.
Tags: Documentation

2004-10-28 19:57

This release renames Registry#new! to Registry#define!, and adds Registry#define as a class method (in addition to being an instance method). Also, "full names" are handled in a more sane manner.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2004-10-21 19:19

Container#register! was renamed, and replaced with Container#define! and Container#define. The interface for Container#namespace (and friends) was changed. The service model implementation was radically changed to use an instantiation pipeline. Many new service models have been added. Benchmarks were also added.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

Project Resources