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Project Description

GNU Source-highlight produces a document with syntax highlighting when given a source file. It handles many languages, e.g., Java, C/C++, Prolog, Perl, PHP3, Python, Flex, HTML, and other formats, e.g., ChangeLog and log files, as source languages and HTML, XHTML, DocBook, ANSI color escapes, LaTeX, and Texinfo as output formats. Input and output formats can be specified with a regular expression-oriented syntax.

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2009-12-24 06:16 Back to release list

Language for files starting with <? and <!doctype is now inferred. Some language definitions were added: manifest files, asm, applescript, vbscript, awk, bat, clipper, cobol, D, Erlang, and compiler output errors. A style for label and path was added. Label elements are recognized in C/C++. A qmake-based build system is available. Search for home directory also works on Windows. logtalk.lang was improved. Email regular expression in url.lang was improved.

Project Resources