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Project Description

Spring Crypto Utils aims to provide a wrapper around Java's native cryptography API so that configuration of key stores, public and private keys, signers, message digesters, and symmetric and asymmetric cipherers can be easily done via the Spring context configuration.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-08-28 07:00

This release introduces the provider attribute on most elements to easily select JCA providers (think BouncyCastle). It has a new Web site with extensive documentation and usability improvements.
Tags: Stable, Major

2012-01-30 09:15

This release adds support for mac (message authentication codes) and fixes issues 5 (a non-existant alias name should throw an error) and 3 (adding a crypt:secretKey element).
Tags: Stable

2012-01-26 07:57

This release adds support for configuring a keystone using the conventional Java system
properties "" and "".
Tags: Stable, Minor

2011-09-16 02:47

This is the first officially stable release. It includes lots of code quality fixes and dependency version bumps.
Tags: Stable

2010-02-15 07:17

This release is feature and documentation complete.
Tags: Unstable, Major

Project Resources